There were 3 [Feud] pilots with Richard.
Interesting. I'd love to know more about these.
Now's as good a time as any to reiterate that doing multiple pilots was more common than not. I imagine for most shows where "the" pilot made it to the trading circuit, we're simply seeing the best one, used to shop the show. For instance, "the" pilot of Party Line that's been traded around is actually Party Line pilot #3.
My recollection of Feud is the Madvigs and Spiers played on all 3 shows. The first pilot was taped on a different day than the other two (Greg is right that the one on the circuit is #3). As opposed to "introducing..." the opening copy said "in this corner!!", which might explain how they settled on Feud's familiar answer reveal sound.
The master shot of the board in pilot 1 had the strike counter framed in it, and not the bank. After an answer flipped over, Richard would cue the adding to the bank (with the separate "ting" sound effect and normal camera shot) for every single answer, not just the first couple at the faceoff. You can see why they changed that very quickly. Other than that, save for little things like the strike graphic not having a box around it, it was mostly what you saw in the pilot that's been around. Pilot 2 was closer (if not identical) in style to pilot 3.