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Author Topic: Sore losers caught on camera  (Read 12014 times)


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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2022, 04:09:29 PM »
Can we count celebrities?  Because the easy answer is Captain Kirk himself and his chair. 

I've always found that a riot, and it's cool that a celebrity would care that much. It's pretty obvious he was acting (as it was in most of Bill's work.)


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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2022, 04:14:05 PM »
She was close to tears as Monty playfully tells her she should be smiling, and sings "Laugh Clown Laugh."

I've often found Monty condescending, and I wince how I imagine this, so it's cool of him to go back.

aaron sica

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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2022, 05:01:28 PM »
Can we count celebrities?  Because the easy answer is Captain Kirk himself and his chair. 

Nothing to do with the game, but George Peppard too.

I can’t imagine why not. In that case, Tony Danza definitely qualifies.

Kevin Prather

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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2022, 07:32:32 PM »
One from Weakest Link.


And I can't find it right now, but there's an episode of UK Weakest Link where the losing contestant says in the post-game interview that he planned on suing Anne Robinson for defamation.

Ian Wallis

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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2022, 10:07:34 PM »
There's an episode of Match Game that GSN ran within the past year - so it's either '75 or '76 - where a male contestant won two games but blew the Super Match each time.  When he was being carouselled off, he said something like "I hate all of you".

Not something I'd be comfortable with.  A lot of people want to be on these shows, so if they pick you over many of the others, you should at least show appreciation for the opportunity - especially since he wasn't wronged in any way that I could see.
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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2022, 11:56:07 PM »
Similarly, there was a clown contestant on The All New LMAD. The lady was playing against someone else in a simple game where there was a special deck of cards, and she could either take the cash represented by the card or go for a door. Since it was $500 cash, she figured the door would be better... it was a zonk. [...] At the end of the show, Monty goes back to the clown and offers her a chance at $300 by asking the lady a simple question about the materials the 3 pigs used in the story.
If I'm not mistaken, the Zonk she ended up with was three pigs and Monty started the end-of-show quick deals by asking if anyone on the trading floor had three pigs.
Sort of... Monty simply acknowledged "And everybody's happy... everyone except this lady..." and that's when he went into asking the lady the question about the materials the 3 pigs used to build their houses. That was the only time I've seen Monty offer something else to a zonked contestant at the end. This lady would've gotten some nice prize in exchange for the pigs anyway, but I wouldn't know what they would offer.
Here's the poor sport clown:

Here's the second zonkee with three little pigs:
« Last Edit: January 07, 2025, 05:59:25 PM by Dbacksfan12 »
Phil 4:13


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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2022, 12:27:28 PM »
I don’t know if TANLMAD did anything but the standard GS consolation prizes (see the many episodes that aired on Buzzr)…$300 was probably going to be much better than her other option.


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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2022, 01:23:11 PM »
There's an Art James-hosted "It's Academic" out there where a contestant buzzes in and gives the answer but his light doesn't come on. Art recognizes the team whose light does come on. They give the answer and get the points and the first team is visibly pissed.


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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2022, 03:46:42 PM »
There's an Art James-hosted "It's Academic" out there where a contestant buzzes in and gives the answer but his light doesn't come on. Art recognizes the team whose light does come on. They give the answer and get the points and the first team is visibly pissed.

Episode is right here, moment starts at 21:37. The light did go on and the buzz-in noise sounded, but somehow it turned off and allowed the other team to buzz in instead. Even worse, that moment directly affects the outcome; the team that got screwed over loses by 20 points...the exact value of the question...to the team that got it instead. Really bad TV there.

Otm Shank

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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2022, 09:11:27 PM »
It would appear that there was a brief discussion at the scorer's table, as Art started the next question before the lockout cleared, and the score updated a few seconds later. Probably a quick deliberation, but someone definitely had an itchy trigger finger on the reset.

Not sure of the rules, but since they counted the a subsequent answer Regis quickly corrected, that's technically a 40-point swing there. (I'll grant they were still probably frazzled by the mix-up.) The other question is whether the winning team hit their lockout before time expired, or if by rule they just finish out the last question no matter what.


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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2022, 04:41:51 PM »
It looks like Art had to accede to whatever the off-screen judges decided and didn't see any reason to acknowledge the losing team's anger.

Jeremy Nelson

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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2022, 06:38:34 PM »
Closing segment, Emile and Geoff reveal which box has the money and she RUNS back onstage and screams "I wanted that one! I meant to pick that one!"

Reminds me of some of my players at the casino.

"I meant to double down on that eleven!"
"Yeah, and I meant to finish college. What's your point?"
When they say "Place $500,000 on Lucky Dan" and you misunderstand what Place means....

Millionaire: A woman during Meredith's run got extremely frazzled during the second tier set of questions, burning lifelines earlier than she clearly expected. Mid-stack, with only her ATA lifeline left, she makes a remark like"I don't know if I can trust this audience", to audible groans. She uses the lifeline, then right before locking in the most popular answer, demands that the audience writes apology letters if they're wrong. They are wrong, and she glumly walks offstage with her $1,000.

Get the Picture: Scores were close after Round 1, then the Orange team went on an absolute tear in Round 2, rendering the "Time's Up" puzzle reveal unnecessary. The Orange team gets the speed up puzzle, and while still on a shot of the contestant podiums, you can see one of the contestants on the Yellow team rolling his eyes and making a siren gesture with his hand, as if he's tired of that sound not being played in favor of his team.

Jeopardy: Arthur Chu messing up the pronunciation of Frances McDormand on a DD, then choosing to meticulously sound out syllables for the next couple of clues as if he were solving a puzzle on Wheel

There was a contestant on PYL who dropped f and s-bombs after whammying on his last spin.

Admittedly, he got hosed, having received the passed spin from the contestant in 3rd.
I always thought Jim Hess got a bad rap for swearing when, in all honesty, he had every right to do so considering that whole game. Came into R2 with three whammies, got rid of two of them, only to get screwed by two contestants who had it out for him for some reason.
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.


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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2022, 01:00:51 AM »
Password All-Stars: Mike Evans stormed off the set after losing. He was too angry to hang around for the closing credits.

Now You See It '74: One contestant spent the vast majority of the round with her back to the game board because her partner was slow on the buzzer. When it came time to change places, she snatched her partner's chair before had a chance to get up.

The Weakest Link 2002: The episode with children contestants (a really stupid idea, IMHO) one young lady was not mentally prepared to lose. She was in tears before leaving her place on the set. Her walk of shame was cut away from quickly.
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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2022, 01:45:02 AM »
Understandably they're children, but a few of the losing contestants on the Young People's Weeks on Card Sharks were visibly upset they hadn't won.


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Re: Sore losers caught on camera
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2022, 10:27:13 AM »
If memory serves, the losing kids on Card Sharks still got very nice prizes anyway.

I also remember a lady contestant on LMAD 90 with Bob Hilton hosting. When she lost out on a trip to Paris, she could be seen visibly crying.

Not sure this counts as a sore loser moment, but there was a contestant on Scrabble that lost to the word DEVIL, and the consolation prize, a RED DEVIL vacuum! Chuck was quick to point out the coincidence and quipped that they seemed to be rubbing it in!