I meant to say 8 inch, not 18. But the difference with the ones that are sold now, the 1988 one has a door opening that would better be described as a food slot; the height of the product was not maximized for the efficiency of the product, it was just shorter and compromised the functional space.
Around that time we had the undercabinet TV/radio, and I remember the neighbors had this clunky undercabinet can opener. That seemed to be the fad of the time, to clear the counter of bulky appliances with hanging, less-but-still-bulky appliances. (In fact, our microwave took up so much room, my dad cut a hole and inserted it in the wall over the stove, so it actually was in the garage, which smelled lovely when we cooked bacon.)
Would that have caused a stop-tape if the contestant had picked that card?
Knowing Bob's penchant to roll forward and not stop tape unless something was disadvantageous to the contestant or incredibly awkward, I'm sure they would have just left it that way, but Bob would still offer the $2,500. If the contestant then played for the car, I could see Bob jokingly offering the $2,000 without flipping over a card.