I don't recall where I read this, but Pictionary '98 seemed to go for celebrity partners that were off-the-wall choices, or ones that weren't frequently called upon.
There was one week of Pictionary 97-98 where the celebs were all creators of famous comic strips. Jim Davis (Garfield) and Russell Myers (Broom Hilda) were two of the celebrity players. I would doubt any of them appeared as a celebrity player on other shows.
Back to "Just Men" for a second. Looking at its episode guide, for a show that last 13 weeks and used ~85 different celebs, it definitely had a high percentage of celebrity player "one-and-doners" (if IMDB and my memory are accurate) ...
George Brett, David Mason (unsure who this is -- don't believe it's the singer), Fernando Allende, Jon-Erik Hexum, Michael Warren, Ted McGinley, Sam J. Jones, Randy Hamilton, Taurean Blacque, Darrow Igus, Charlie Zimmer, Martin Hewitt, Tom Sullivan, Dusty Baker, Steve Day, Timothy Patrick Murphy, Mike Adamle, Bill H. Myers, Leon Isaac Kennedy, Reggie Theus, Mike Post, Eric Brown, Paul Linke, Robert Shields.