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GSN to revive Split Second

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And we have an episode.

Honestly, I liked it. I thought the waiting for answers to be read would slow it down, but the trivia was compelling enough that I didn't notice it.

I enjoyed it as well. The difficulty is somewhere between Kennedy’s and Hall’s and JMH has really grown as a host. The only gripe I have is the contestants should be allowed to buzz in as soon as the answers appear. One interesting thing I noticed: are contestants required to recite the entire clue before answering? Some of the clues were a mouthful.

EDIT: two gripes. I try not to write off GSN shows as all looking the same, but their inability to offer ANY breathing room between the bonus round’s conclusion and the start of the credits blows my mind. Contestant gives the winning answer, cue the bells, roll credits. You could trim down the contestant interviews and give JMH and the winner a little more time to celebrate. /endrant

Other than that, fun show. I could see myself recording it and watching later.

/Work plus J! at 7:30
//As it should be

I notice a problem here.

When one of the players gives an incorrect answer, the right answer is provided by the host immediately. So if you buzz in third, and the two players ahead of you get their questions wrong, you still have no choice but whichever of the three options remains.

Joe Mello:
Of all the shows to have excessive chyrons explaining the scoring, you would think Split Second would be the ones that need it the most.

My other observation is there is no way in hell holding a giant tablet the way John does can be comfortable.


--- Quote from: Joe Mello on April 14, 2023, 11:13:38 PM ---Of all the shows to have excessive chyrons explaining the scoring, you would think Split Second would be the ones that need it the most.

--- End quote ---
I knew it was something I forgot. In addition to JMH’s lectern being so small, I immediately noticed the missing scoring configuration.


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