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Author Topic: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?  (Read 8528 times)


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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2023, 10:56:27 PM »
I gotta ask, since I don’t think this has ever been answered (at least I haven’t seen it, and pardon me otherwise):

Let’s say, for instance, you win a whole crapton of stuff on TPIR. And a lot of it, like you say, is a massive tax burden, but in spite of that there’s at least one or two things you really wouldn’t mind keeping.

When you come to the point where you have to decide what you want to do with your prizes, can you pick and choose what you wanna keep, or is it all or nothing?
I suppose you can still learn stuff on TLC, though it would be more in the Goofus & Gallant sense, that is (don't do what these parents did)"- Travis Eberle, 2012

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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2023, 11:37:50 PM »
I can’t speak specifically for Price but on LMAD I was able to forfeit one of my prizes and keep the other two.


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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2023, 11:47:58 PM »
I wonder what percent of boat winners decline it because they aren't near water, but also the general cost of boat ownership.

A boat's a boat, but the mystery box can be anything! It could even be a boat! We'll take the box!
Phil 4:13

Adam Nedeff

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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2023, 01:42:11 AM »
When you come to the point where you have to decide what you want to do with your prizes, can you pick and choose what you wanna keep, or is it all or nothing?
You can pick and choose.


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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2023, 02:07:20 AM »
certificates of forfeiture's what they call them, right? the reciept they have you sign saying you don't wanna?

Kevin Prather

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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2023, 05:13:17 AM »
I can't remember if I've asked this before, but are prizes transferrable? Am I allowed to pull a "Richard Osman's House Of Games" move and say "Please give my refrigerator to Mabel who didn't get out of Contestant's Row"?


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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2023, 08:50:18 AM »
I would quite literally rather have the zonk than the tax burden kitchen set or the pain in the ass of selling (which will almost never go for face value) THEN paying taxes.

I've seen this thought process from many others (most of whom have never actually been presented with the situation), and I never understand the theory.  While I fully understand that not every prize is suitable for every person, it's still an asset.  With the lone exception of a trip - which is specifically assigned to the winner in most cases - sure, there could be a burden of selling/offloading the unwanted prize; but at the end of the day, even selling something at well-below retail and paying the taxes would still net you a profit.

This would be like saying you will turn down the $700M Powerball if you win tonight, because you'll have to pay $196M to the government.

Side note: I still cannot play my electric guitar.


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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2023, 09:46:21 AM »
I can't remember if I've asked this before, but are prizes transferrable? Am I allowed to pull a "Richard Osman's House Of Games" move and say "Please give my refrigerator to Mabel who didn't get out of Contestant's Row"?
"Mabel, I'd like to give you one of my prizes.  Because you one-dollared me on the 3rd One Bid, I'm giving you a custom $20,000 wine cellar.

What do you mean you don't drink and you live in a one-bedroom apartment?  Enjoy your tax burden, you old coot."


Clay Zambo

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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2023, 10:01:53 AM »
When you come to the point where you have to decide what you want to do with your prizes, can you pick and choose what you wanna keep, or is it all or nothing?

As Adam said, you can choose which to accept, but (at least in my experience of the show) all prizes to be delivered have to be sent to the same address—e.g., you can’t have the sweet flat-screen TV sent to your city apartment and the hot tub to your parents’ country house.

Chelsea Thrasher

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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2023, 01:05:49 PM »
I would quite literally rather have the zonk than the tax burden kitchen set or the pain in the ass of selling (which will almost never go for face value) THEN paying taxes.

I've seen this thought process from many others (most of whom have never actually been presented with the situation), and I never understand the theory.  While I fully understand that not every prize is suitable for every person, it's still an asset.  With the lone exception of a trip - which is specifically assigned to the winner in most cases - sure, there could be a burden of selling/offloading the unwanted prize; but at the end of the day, even selling something at well-below retail and paying the taxes would still net you a profit.

This would be like saying you will turn down the $700M Powerball if you win tonight, because you'll have to pay $196M to the government.

Side note: I still cannot play my electric guitar.

A guitar? Absolutely.  (although I prefer bass)

Regarding the prizes that prompted this, though: Logistics is the main wall.  Exactly where am I supposed to put multiple large heavy kitchen appliances in my 700 square foot 2nd floor apartment while waiting for some facebook/craigslist rando to pay me for the brand new appliances that I mysteriously have in my house but will not hook up? And CA has the 2nd lowest home ownership rate in the country - 45% are renters.  There is a large segment of the audience and contestant base for whom taking delivery of prizes, trying to store/resale, or trying to use? Total nonstarter just from a logistics perspective


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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2023, 02:47:34 PM »
Just saw a woman give up a nice kitchen on LMAD

I don't know how blaze they've become, but they sure are blasé
Yes. That was the word i was thinking of. Unsure of the spelling
Sorry about that...I'm a former radio and TV news producer and copy editor and some habits are hard to break


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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #26 on: February 04, 2023, 08:23:22 PM »
When you come to the point where you have to decide what you want to do with your prizes, can you pick and choose what you wanna keep, or is it all or nothing?

As others have said, you're allowed to pick and choose. Although in the case of prizes that contain multiple smaller items, the collection as a whole is considered one "prize." For example, if the One Bid is a PS5 with a collection of games, you can't request to forfeit only the PS5 console because you already have one. If the prize is a bedroom suite, you can't request to accept only the bed while forfeiting the mirrored dresser and chest of drawers. However, the mattress is usually considered a separate prize (it's from a different company and received its own promotional plug).

I can't remember if I've asked this before, but are prizes transferrable? Am I allowed to pull a "Richard Osman's House Of Games" move and say "Please give my refrigerator to Mabel who didn't get out of Contestant's Row"?

Prizes are not transferrable via the production company. What you and Mabel arrange after you leave the studio is your own business*, but unless you forfeit it, the show is going to have that refrigerator delivered to your house along with the associated tax burden.

As Adam said, you can choose which to accept, but (at least in my experience of the show) all prizes to be delivered have to be sent to the same address—e.g., you can’t have the sweet flat-screen TV sent to your city apartment and the hot tub to your parents’ country house.

That's definitely true as of ten years ago. It may still be true, although I've heard that the department now in charge of prizes does a few things differently from the time I was there, so I can't speak for today. Multiple addresses would mean additional opportunities for mistakes to be made, so it wouldn't surprise me if one delivery address is still the rule.

*Obviously, collusion and negotiation before or during the episode is a huge no-no. I'm assuming that the premise of this question is that you defeated Mabel fair and square, went on to win more prizes than you expected to receive, and now feel sorry for one-upping poor, sweet Mabel.

Kevin Prather

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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2023, 08:40:23 PM »
*Obviously, collusion and negotiation before or during the episode is a huge no-no. I'm assuming that the premise of this question is that you defeated Mabel fair and square, went on to win more prizes than you expected to receive, and now feel sorry for one-upping poor, sweet Mabel.
That's what I was going for, yes. Mabel's got a shirt on that says "I Just Want a Refrigerator and a Ki$$ from Drew!", and I just won all four prizes in Race Game, or something like that.

Another similar situation would be I win a trip to Mexico, and Cletus wins a prize to London, and as it turns out we'd both really like each other's trips. Guess that's out of the question too.


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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2023, 09:08:26 PM »
Another similar situation would be I win a trip to Mexico, and Cletus wins a prize to London, and as it turns out we'd both really like each other's trips. Guess that's out of the question too.
Maybe each of you could take the other as guest.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.

Kevin Prather

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Re: Have people become blaze about winning stuff?
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2023, 10:42:01 PM »
Another similar situation would be I win a trip to Mexico, and Cletus wins a prize to London, and as it turns out we'd both really like each other's trips. Guess that's out of the question too.
Maybe each of you could take the other as guest.

Certainly an option, as long as Mrs. Cletus doesn't have something to say about it. 😂