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Author Topic: A couple of questions Re: Dick Clark  (Read 3475 times)

Bob Zager

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A couple of questions Re: Dick Clark
« on: February 18, 2023, 11:10:38 AM »
For years I've been a loyal fan of the late Dick Clark.  A couple of interesting finds while web-surfing led me to ask a couple of questions:

1.  The site Rotten Tomatoes mentions, and IMDB seems to confirm, that in 1976, he and his widow Kari, were on Tattletales, which I don't ever recall.  Has GSN or Buzzr ever rerun such episodes (Apparently 10 episodes, according to IMDB).  If Rotten Tomatoes is correct, it's apparent that the episodes aired in 1976, which means Clarks were not married at the time. (They were wed on 07/07/77).

2.  Dick Clark had a guest role on Ben Casey in 1965 or 1966.   I've got that series' first season on DVD, but It seems CBS DVD Videos has only released that set, and I'd like to see the other seasons on DVD as well.  Anyone know how to, or is willing to help start a campaign to get those other seasons released.  BTW, I saw this promo photo from the episode I'm referring to:


That Don Guy

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Re: A couple of questions Re: Dick Clark
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2023, 12:52:29 PM »
2.  Dick Clark had a guest role on Ben Casey in 1965 or 1966.   I've got that series' first season on DVD, but It seems CBS DVD Videos has only released that set, and I'd like to see the other seasons on DVD as well.  Anyone know how to, or is willing to help start a campaign to get those other seasons released.  BTW, I saw this promo photo from the episode I'm referring to:


Getting additional seasons of a show on DVD is hard to do. Fox stopped releasing The Simpsons after Season 19 (although it did release a "bare bones" Season 20 set right after that season aired), despite a definite fanbase willing to buy it. There could also be extenuating circumstances; for example, Warner would not release any seasons of Murphy Brown after the first one because the sales of the first one did not justify what it would have had to pay for the rights to all of the Motown music the show used in later seasons (and I assume they learned from what happened with WKRP in Cincinnati what happens when you replace the "iconic" music on a show). It appears that Paramount Home Video owns the rights; you can try contacting them.

You can, however, get his appearance as "Click Dark" on Nickelodeon's The Angry Beavers on DVD...


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Re: A couple of questions Re: Dick Clark
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2023, 02:10:36 PM »
2.  Dick Clark had a guest role on Ben Casey in 1965 or 1966.   I've got that series' first season on DVD, but It seems CBS DVD Videos has only released that set, and I'd like to see the other seasons on DVD as well.  Anyone know how to, or is willing to help start a campaign to get those other seasons released.  BTW, I saw this promo photo from the episode I'm referring to:


Getting additional seasons of a show on DVD is hard to do. Fox stopped releasing The Simpsons after Season 19 (although it did release a "bare bones" Season 20 set right after that season aired), despite a definite fanbase willing to buy it. There could also be extenuating circumstances; for example, Warner would not release any seasons of Murphy Brown after the first one because the sales of the first one did not justify what it would have had to pay for the rights to all of the Motown music the show used in later seasons (and I assume they learned from what happened with WKRP in Cincinnati what happens when you replace the "iconic" music on a show). It appears that Paramount Home Video owns the rights; you can try contacting them.

You can, however, get his appearance as "Click Dark" on Nickelodeon's The Angry Beavers on DVD...

Uh-oh, Paramount (later CBS DVD) is infamous for bowing to music rights issues. 
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.

Jimmy Owen

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Re: A couple of questions Re: Dick Clark
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2023, 03:47:52 PM »
I know he was on HSSS, but could you pinpoint a date for Tattletales? I could look it up in TV Guide.
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Re: A couple of questions Re: Dick Clark
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2023, 04:16:06 PM »
2.  Dick Clark had a guest role on Ben Casey in 1965 or 1966.   I've got that series' first season on DVD, but It seems CBS DVD Videos has only released that set, and I'd like to see the other seasons on DVD as well.  Anyone know how to, or is willing to help start a campaign to get those other seasons released.  BTW, I saw this promo photo from the episode I'm referring to:


Getting additional seasons of a show on DVD is hard to do. Fox stopped releasing The Simpsons after Season 19 (although it did release a "bare bones" Season 20 set right after that season aired), despite a definite fanbase willing to buy it. There could also be extenuating circumstances; for example, Warner would not release any seasons of Murphy Brown after the first one because the sales of the first one did not justify what it would have had to pay for the rights to all of the Motown music the show used in later seasons (and I assume they learned from what happened with WKRP in Cincinnati what happens when you replace the "iconic" music on a show). It appears that Paramount Home Video owns the rights; you can try contacting them.

It also, in the case of Ben Casey specifically, may be relevant that that was a series that started off with a strong popular following and then dropped fairly rapidly in the ratings- and, if they aren't reaching whatever sales they want for a time when the show had an audience, it's questionable how much value they can get releasing further episodes from a period when even the contemporary audience was indifferent.


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Re: A couple of questions Re: Dick Clark
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2023, 10:32:50 AM »
I'm pretty confident that Dick never did Tattletales and that the only Clark that appeared in the 70s was John Clark. I also strongly doubt ABC would've even let it happen.
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Re: A couple of questions Re: Dick Clark
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2023, 11:39:39 AM »
I'm pretty confident that Dick never did Tattletales and that the only Clark that appeared in the 70s was John Clark. I also strongly doubt ABC would've even let it happen.

I agree. For those wondering, John Clark was Lynn Redgrave's hubby and manager.

Bob Zager

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Re: A couple of questions Re: Dick Clark
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2023, 12:45:41 PM »
For the record, the Rotten Tomatoes site lists the airdate as being January 19,1976 (assuming the week beginning), with  guests being Dick and Pat VanPatten, Dick Clark and Kari Wigton, plus Gary and Janet Burghoff.

As for ABC not permitting that to happen, I can see that; but thinking of how Allen Ludden and Bill Cullen (for example) appeared on TT at times while hosting shows on non-CBS networks, I could see it happen in Clark's case.  I'd sometimes hear Bert Convy mention the hosts shows, but not the networks, and later on not mention the shows at all.  I DO recall Jody Donovan and Richard Dawson appear while he was hosting FF, but Convy would introduce Dawson as "from Match Game."

UPDATE:  I checked the webpage markgoodson.fandom.com and found the VanPattens and the Burghoffs, but Liz Torres and Peter Locke instead of the future Mr. and Mrs. Clark listed.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2023, 01:05:41 PM by Bob Zager »