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Author Topic: Those Were the Days  (Read 1692 times)

Mike Tennant

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Those Were the Days
« on: March 11, 2004, 10:09:23 AM »
Here's an eBay auction for a ticket to a taping of Seven Keys with Jack Narz on January 24, 1962.

The person who held this ticket presumably did not attend this taping (or else he would no longer have the ticket), but he did get to go to NBC and see Bob Barker's Truth or Consequences.  Apparently he also put in an appearance at the Moulin Rouge, where Jack Bailey held forth with Queen for a Day.  I wonder what the comment "Passed out @ Jack Bailey's Moulin Rouge" means.  Was the Seven Keys ticket passed out there, or did the person with the ticket pass out there?

Sounds like a great way to spend a day in Hollywood 42 years ago.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2004, 10:42:06 AM by Mike Tennant »


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Those Were the Days
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2004, 12:18:28 PM »
The Moulin Rouge, where the Seven Keys ticket was passed out, was on Sunset Boulevard just a few hundred yards from Vine Street. In 1962 NBC still had studios at Sunset and Vine, which explains the reference to T or C. The complimentary bus leaving 1539 N. Vine left from the location of the NBC studios. Apparently the ticketholder never got on that bus and stayed for T or C.


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Those Were the Days
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2004, 12:45:32 PM »
Right on, Chris. For those who want to trace those steps, the theater used for "Queen for a Day" (with Queer Eye's success will Bravo revive that title?) is now "Nickelodeon on Sunset". NBC was at the present site of the Washington Mutual branch. ABC Prospect (originally Biograph) is now a private facility renting stages.

Visitors call my driving tour of Hollywood "Where things USED to be"!

The story behind the voice you know and love... the voice of a generation of game shows: Johnny Olson!

Celebrate the centennial of the America's favorite announcer with "Johnny Olson: A Voice in Time."

Preview the book free: click "Johnny O Tribute" http://www.tvrandywest.com

Mike Tennant

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Those Were the Days
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2004, 01:09:02 PM »
[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' date=\'Mar 11 2004, 12:45 PM\']"Queen for a Day" (with Queer Eye's success will Bravo revive that title?)[/quote]
Looks like they'd have to talk to Phil Gurin and Lifetime about that.

Thanks for the info, by the way.  If I ever get to L.A. (and I'm still trying to get out there for a taping of TPIR before Bob retires), I may have to take you up on that tour.


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Those Were the Days
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2004, 01:34:49 PM »
[quote name=\'Mike Tennant\' date=\'Mar 11 2004, 10:09 AM\'] Looks like they'd have to talk to Phil Gurin and Lifetime about that.

Thanks for the info, by the way.  If I ever get to L.A. (and I'm still trying to get out there for a taping of TPIR before Bob retires), I may have to take you up on that tour. [/quote]
Great point. Yes, when we last spoke Phil had the rights to "Queen", "Name That Tune" and "You Asked For It". He bought the latter 2 from legendary syndicator - salesmeister Sandy Frank who rarely gave anybody else the sweet end of a deal.

The "Where things USED to be tour" (including all the sites previously mentioned) has bored dozens. You're welcome to try to stay awake!

« Last Edit: March 11, 2004, 01:35:56 PM by tvrandywest »
The story behind the voice you know and love... the voice of a generation of game shows: Johnny Olson!

Celebrate the centennial of the America's favorite announcer with "Johnny Olson: A Voice in Time."

Preview the book free: click "Johnny O Tribute" http://www.tvrandywest.com

The Ol' Guy

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Those Were the Days
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2004, 02:12:24 PM »
...hmmm...so he has the rights to "You Asked For It"? Why don't we revise that concept to fit today's reality trend. Make it a variation of "This Is Your Life". Bring a subject on, tell the story of every person the subject ever shafted in one way or another, then bring those people out and let them have a crack at the subject. After each kick, punch, pie in the face or whatever, the host can say in his smarmiest Art Baker-type tone, "and don't forget, Mr. Guest - you asked for it!" Paybacks are entertainment!

Now that I remember a Clyde Crashcup cartoon with a similar plot, I guess I can't call it original...

this diet must be robbing my brain of vital nutrients....
« Last Edit: March 11, 2004, 02:14:50 PM by The Ol' Guy »