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Author Topic: GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)  (Read 14437 times)

Don Howard

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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2004, 04:17:19 AM »
[quote name=\'dzinkin\' date=\'Mar 10 2004, 08:41 PM\'] [quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Mar 10 2004, 08:38 PM\'] [quote name=\'dzinkin\' date=\'Mar 10 2004, 02:40 PM\'] [quote name=\'gameshowguy2000\' date=\'Mar 10 2004, 04:27 PM\'] [quote name=\'davemackey\' date=\'Mar 10 2004, 03:11 PM\'] [quote name=\'gameshowguy2000\' date=\'Mar 10 2004, 11:40 AM\'] At least picking up Dog Eat Dog reruns are better than picking up Fear Factor reruns. [/quote]
Don't give GSN any ideas, now... [/quote]
That wasn't an idea. That was an opinion. [/quote]
Do you go out of your way to miss the point, or does it just happen naturally? [/quote]
He's a troll. Every time you respond to him, he gets that much more excited. [/quote]
Mea culpa... sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between trolls and morons.

Now, where's the TTD90 room? :-) [/quote]
 Now we send people to the NEW!! GSN room. TTD '90 is now for lesser sins.


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2004, 08:30:41 AM »
Sorry if I seem like I'm talking down to anybody. FWIW, two can play at the paranoia game. I sometimes feel as if people are talking down at me. But I get over it and keep posting. <wink>

In fact, the debate I imagined is already starting over Dog Eat Dog, both here and on the GSN boards. The debate should only intensify when the show actually debuts on GSN.

And what's wrong with that? Why shouldn't game show traditionalists hash out their differences with fans of the new non-traditional shows GSN is trying? It IS fun to watch such debates and participate in them. That's why we have Internet discussion boards in the first place. I don't even know why this should be a controversial statement.

By the way, the "late spring" that GSN is talking about as the debut date for Dog Eat Dog and Average Joe is probably a euphemism for "when Kenny vs. Spenny and Spy TV flop." Those shows bring little if any existing fan base to GSN, and I can't see them pulling good or even passable numbers.

Dog Eat Dog and Average Joe, on the other hand, are much better-known shows with many fans who might like to see them again.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2004, 09:21:07 AM by CaseyAbell »


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2004, 03:58:28 PM »
[quote name=\'Dsmith\' date=\'Mar 11 2004, 04:14 AM\'] [quote name=\'PeterMarshallFan\' date=\'Mar 10 2004, 04:58 PM\']
Evil moi posted the news on the GSN boards. I anticipate much weeping and wailing. Gotta wonder, though, what happens if and when fans of these shows - and Dog Eat Dog and Average Joe both had sizeable followings - start running into the traditionalists on the GSN boards?

Could be Fan Eat Fan. Or It Hits The Fan.

EDIT: The traditionalists are already performing ritual barfings on the GSN boards. This COULD be fun.

Your neverending war on traditionalist game show fans is getting old and tired. [/quote]
It most certainly is.  In a sense, I feel like you're talking down to all of us; as if your thoughts are more "treasured" than ours.  However, that's just how I read your posts--others most certainly read them differently. [/quote]
 I don't think he means people like regular GSN fare, just the many weirdos that showed up on the GSN Boards the last couple of months. They deserve anything that comes to them. Many could say that people like Mr. Lemon or Mr. Ottinger or yourself like to talk to others like they don't have a brain in their head just for having a different opinion. Few have cried out against that before (surprise, surprise) but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2004, 04:36:13 PM »
Many could say that people like Mr. Lemon or Mr. Ottinger or yourself like to talk to others like they don't have a brain in their head just for having a different opinion.
Point taken. I try not to give that impression, and I worry over wording. So now I'll worry a little more.

Though when somebody tells me that my opinion is "pure and utter bull," as happened on this board today, I start feeling like I'm being talked down to. But what the hey, sticks and stones...
« Last Edit: March 11, 2004, 04:39:37 PM by CaseyAbell »


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2004, 04:42:52 PM »
[quote name=\'CaseyAbell\' date=\'Mar 11 2004, 05:36 PM\']
Many could say that people like Mr. Lemon or Mr. Ottinger or yourself like to talk to others like they don't have a brain in their head just for having a different opinion.
Point taken. I try not to give that impression, and I worry over wording. So now I'll worry a little more.

Though when somebody tells me that my opinion is "pure and utter bull," as happened on this board today, I start feeling like I'm being talked down to. But what the hey, sticks and stones... [/quote]
Don't start this. Here, you don't have Guide Angel to protect you if someone gets a bit angry towards you, you learn to play in the big boy sandbox.

"Pure and utter bull" referred to your alledging that my top 20 shows were only on there because GSN didn't air them. That is false, and if you make a false accusation towards me, I will call you on it.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2004, 04:47:32 PM by PeterMarshallFan »


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« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2004, 04:56:08 PM »
Guide Angel protects me on the GSN boards? First I've heard of it. I've gotten into quite vigorous discussions on those boards, and nobody rushed in to protect my tender little self.

I remember one thread when people started saying I was insane because I didn't like...oh, I can't remember the show right now. I strongly answered that I'm not insane...most of the time.

And I didn't make an allegation that you put shows on your list solely because GSN isn't running them right now. In all honesty, I don't care why you put those shows on your list. I just assumed you were putting together a list that was as different as possible from mine.

I did point out that most (not all) of the shows you listed weren't currently on GSN. Which is completely true.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2004, 06:19:57 PM by CaseyAbell »


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« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2004, 05:00:16 PM »
Guide Angel protects me on the GSN boards? First I've heard of it. I've gotten into quite vigorous discussion on those boards, and nobody rushed in to protect my tender little self.

Sure. Ever notice how quick I got banned for the furor over GSN Video Games? The hypocrisy on that board is astounding.

I did point out that most (not all) of the shows you listed weren't currently on GSN. Which is completely true.

You also started up your whining about your "cynical definition of a classic" again. And because I've seen it 1000 times on the GSN boards, I know that it means "a classic is any show GSN is not airing presently." I don't care if GSN's airing them or not, I like them.


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« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2004, 05:07:04 PM »
I didn't even know you got banned from the GSN boards. Funny thing, I thought I read a post from you over there just last week.

I can't remember reading or writing much about the video games block. It came and went so fast and I hardly ever watched it. So I honestly wasn't aware that anybody got banned over it.

And yes, my cynical definition of a classic is a show that's not on GSN right now. Most of the shows on your list aren't on GSN right now, so it confirmed the definition.

That's all I meant. Honest. I didn't mean that you made out the list to include only shows that aren't on GSN. I really did assume you were trying to make a list that was as different from mine as possible, to get some discussion going. But there was still some overlap, and there were some shows that ARE on GSN now.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2004, 05:10:07 PM by CaseyAbell »


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2004, 05:42:29 PM »
[quote name=\'STYDfan\' date=\'Mar 11 2004, 01:58 PM\'] Many could say that people like Mr. Lemon or Mr. Ottinger or yourself like to talk to others like they don't have a brain in their head just for having a different opinion. [/quote]
 I find that to be an unfair characterization. If someone has a differing opinion, I tell them I disagree, I tell them why, and I present a logical argument as to why I think their opinion is invalid. If it looks like I'm talking down to them like they don't have a brain in their head, it's because I think they don't have a brain in their head, it has nothing to do with differing opinions. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2004, 05:46:51 PM »
I didn't even know you got banned from the GSN boards. Funny thing, I thought I read a post from you over there just last week.

Depends. If it came from any variation of "petermarshallfan" it was a forged post. If it didn't....you never know. :-P

I can't remember reading or writing much about the video games block. It came and went so fast and I hardly ever watched it. So I honestly wasn't aware that anybody got banned over it.

Do you remember the huge thread when it first broke? I was the originator.

And yes, my cynical definition of a classic is a show that's not on GSN right now. Most of the shows on your list aren't on GSN right now, so it confirmed the definition.

I'm beginning to think that you just don't get it.

The twenty shows I selected as my 20 favorites were taken with no regard to what GSN airs, has aired, or will air. Hardly "proves" anything.

That's all I meant. Honest. I didn't mean that you made out the list to include only shows that aren't on GSN. I really did assume you were trying to make a list that was as different from mine as possible, to get some discussion going. But there was still some overlap, and there were some shows that ARE on GSN now.

You must be quite self-absorbed if you actually think I made up a list of shows just to annoy you.


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2004, 06:15:32 PM »
I didn't think you made the list up just to "annoy" me, but I did think you wanted to get some debate going.

Which is what happened and, now that I mention it, is still happening.

As for not getting it, no, I don't get it. As I said, I really don't care why you picked the shows you did. As far as I thought about it at all, I just assumed that you wanted some discussion/argument/debate with me after I posted my own list of twenty. If that makes me self-absorbed, so be it.

Now that I look at my own list, I confirm the cynical definition myself to some extent. Some shows I listed - Cram, Scrabble, You Bet Your Life, I've Got a Secret - aren't on GSN right now, either. (Cram returns next week.)

I don't recall any long thread that you started on the GSN boards about the video games block. One of these days I might do a search on the boards, except I really don't care much about the video games block.

The only guy I can recall getting banned from the GSN boards was somebody who kept calling himself billcullenongsn or billcullen2004 or billcullentakesadump. He'd call somebody names, get banned, come back with a new billcullen moniker, call somebody else names, get banned again...

Got to be funny after a while. Can't recall seeing him lately, so I guess he got banned for good.


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« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2004, 06:31:02 PM »
I don't recall any long thread that you started on the GSN boards about the video games block. One of these days I might do a search on the boards, except I really don't care much about the video games block.

Don't waste your time. It was deleted a long time ago.

As for the rest of it, I'm bored with arguing this. Let's just let it die.


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2004, 11:42:05 PM »
Don't waste your time. It was deleted a long time ago.

PMF, wasn't it killed and deleted off the face of the earth about two days after it was started?  

I do remember that first post, though; EXTREMELY long and filled with feelings of outrage and disgust.  None of the other GSNVG's posts on that board that I've seen were filled with that much outrage toward GSN.  If I remember, both originals and classics fans were VERY upset.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2004, 12:07:52 AM by whampyl03 »


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2004, 05:26:19 PM »
[quote name=\'whampyl03\' date=\'Mar 12 2004, 12:42 AM\']
Don't waste your time. It was deleted a long time ago.

PMF, wasn't it killed and deleted off the face of the earth about two days after it was started?  

I do remember that first post, though; EXTREMELY long and filled with feelings of outrage and disgust.  None of the other GSNVG's posts on that board that I've seen were filled with that much outrage toward GSN.  If I remember, both originals and classics fans were VERY upset. [/quote]
 I think it was killed either the same night it began or the next day.


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GSN's "not exactly a deathwatch" continues :)
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2004, 07:47:50 PM »
It took me a while to warm up to "Dog Eat Dog", but I kind of like it. I'd call it a game show. Is it coming back for another summer run on NBC?

I hope so, if for no other reason than to see the lovely Brooke Burns back in action, especially considering how much her performance improved in the 2nd season.

As for GSN acquiring it, maybe they'll show Claudia Jordan's ep, which was supposed to air last summer, but never did due to "complications".

Chuck Donegan (The Illustrious "Chuckie Baby")