I've mentioned this story before, but it bears repeating. I saw a rare instance where a team passed, and I thought it might have been a good strategy.
On a celebrity edition (Perfect 10's, I think), the question arose, "Name a female tennis player." (There were 6 answers on the board.) Tracy Austin was one of the players on the team that had control. They passed, which I thought was a good strategy, although I seem to recall that they were unable to steal. In hindsight, I think it would have been a good strategy if there were more answers on the board, because there would have been more answers remaining when it came back to them. In that situation, Tracy would have been in a good position to come up with one of the answers lower on the board.
So, I would say that one rare situation where it can be a good idea to pass is if there are likely to be a lot of answers remaining and one player on your team has lots of knowledge of the topic.