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Author Topic: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024  (Read 12909 times)


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Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« on: February 21, 2024, 07:12:15 PM »
From the creator of The Floor comes The Quiz with Balls. Per Deadline:

The network teases contestants must work together while standing on a high platform over a pool as they face a multiple-choice quiz where each answer is allocated to a spot with a giant ball positioned up behind it. If the correct answer is chosen, the ball rolls down and stops just before colliding with the player. But if the answer is wrong, the ball will rapidly descend and mercilessly whack them into the pool below.

The more players each team loses, the harder the questions get. The longer they last, the more money they bank, until one “dry” family member plays the final round that could lead to the $100k grand prize.

The premiere is set for this summer.
"They're both Norman Jewison movies, Troy, but we did think of one Jew more famous than Tevye."

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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2024, 09:38:35 PM »
Fox AF.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2024, 07:25:46 PM »
Because your game show should be hosted by someone who's only talent is doing impressions.
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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2024, 09:36:01 PM »
But it was fine when Fred Travalena did it?


Matt Ottinger

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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2024, 10:19:42 PM »
But it was fine when Fred Travalena did it?

Well, no, not really...
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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2024, 01:38:49 PM »
Because your game show should be hosted by someone who's only talent is doing impressions.

He's also a comedian and how many comedians hosted game shows?


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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2024, 03:11:17 PM »
Because your game show should be hosted by someone who's only talent is doing impressions.

He's also a comedian and how many comedians hosted game shows?

And how many of them have been truly good at it? And I don't mean good *for a comedian,* I mean truly, naturally good at the craft. I suggest with a fair amount of confidence you won't get to your other hand.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2024, 07:32:46 PM »
Are most of you literally Todd Newton’s publicists?

I actually worked with Pharoah on a Hulu series and we talked about how much he actually wanted to get a chance to host a game show.  Gee—imagine that—desire.

I assume he watched tapes of the foreign version.  Imagine that—studying one’s craft like an actor.

He likely auditioned.  Probably some of testing too.  Fox remains one of the few places that still does that.

And yet—sight unseen—so many immediately reject even the thought of him.
I’m not getting a soapbox specifically for Jay, but I’m so damn sick on old farts who think anyone who didn’t have the background of Bob Barker is unfit to even have a chance to host.

Maybe y’all should actually do an eye test once in a while rather than make snap judgements?  Or shall I say for the Uber geeks—password ‘68s??


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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2024, 07:45:17 PM »
Not a comment on Jay specifically, but I think you have to give the people on this board in particular credit that they're not looking for Pat Finn to be on the set tomorrow. That's a through line more befitting YouTube comments, etc. I think the views we see in this thread start with a skepticism about being able to present a TV show. For instance, I think a lot of the athletes who are now TV analysts could be good picks, because they have experience in the studio, with a teleprompter, etc. I don't think the pushback on any modern host is strictly because they haven't been behind a podium asking questions before.

And skepticism is just that. We're a discussion board, and it's something to discuss. It can be just as foolhardy to suggest every new idea is great because it's new, and every old idea is bad because it's old.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2024, 07:54:41 PM »
FWIW, this is actually not Jay Pharoah's first game show hosting job - he hosted the 2020 Nickelodeon kids game show "Unfiltered". I didn't think he was a particularly good host, but that show (which was produced remotely at the height of COVID) was probably unsalvageable anyway.

As for "The Quiz With Balls" in general, I'll repeat what I said in a previous thread about this show a few weeks ago:

I get the feeling I should be happy Fox is doing a new game show that isn't music identification.

Want to place bets as to which country it will be taped in?


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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2024, 07:55:13 PM »
I admit I’m rooting for Jay because he went to my high school and I graduated with his sister (a super chill woman and talented singer in her own regard), but I get the skepticism. For every Richard Dawson or Howie Mandel, you get a few Louie Andersons: great comics but ill-at-ease behind a podium. That said, I never understood the backlash comedian hosts get, given some of the most legendary emcees were comedians and actors. Imagine if this forum exists in 1982 when we learn Sue Ann Nivens is hosting a game show and would win an Emmy.

And for the reasons Jason mentioned that athletes do well as analysts, I’m surprised more comics actually aren’t better given the level of improv most comedians master.

/Todd Newton does deserve more hosting work
//Modern-day Jim Peck?
"They're both Norman Jewison movies, Troy, but we did think of one Jew more famous than Tevye."

Now celebrating his 22nd season on GSF!


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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2024, 10:11:34 PM »
Not a comment on Jay specifically, but I think you have to give the people on this board in particular credit that they're not looking for Pat Finn to be on the set tomorrow. That's a through line more befitting YouTube comments, etc. I think the views we see in this thread start with a skepticism about being able to present a TV show. For instance, I think a lot of the athletes who are now TV analysts could be good picks, because they have experience in the studio, with a teleprompter, etc. I don't think the pushback on any modern host is strictly because they haven't been behind a podium asking questions before.

And skepticism is just that. We're a discussion board, and it's something to discuss. It can be just as foolhardy to suggest every new idea is great because it's new, and every old idea is bad because it's old.
In a setting like this I want the host to be an avatar for me or the other viewers. When I heard that Fear Factor would be hosted by Joe Rogan I was pleased because I was familiar with his work at least from NewsRadio and so that bridged the gap for me more than might with a previous unkonwn.

Going along with Jason's remarks, this isn't a straight quiz show so I don't want a quiz show host. I do want someone who can guide viewers through the format and be additive. I hope Jay works in that role.
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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2024, 10:34:38 PM »
I’m not getting a soapbox specifically for Jay, but I’m so damn sick on old farts who think anyone who didn’t have the background of Bob Barker is unfit to even have a chance to host.

As Chris mentioned, the track record for comedians being "truly good" game show hosts isn't very good, whereas those who've had a career in broadcasting have proven much better at having the skills that make for a good game show host.  There's an art form to being a MC and putting the spotlight on your contestants, which is something most comedians-as-game-show-hosts seem not to get: That it's not about them.

This is the part where I'm interested to see what Seacrest will do with Wheel given his background, if he will employ some of that good old-school rote of bringing out the best in the contestants by listing to and interacting with them, rather than using them as setups for their jokes.

And may I put in a good word here for Mark L. Walberg, the man who really should be hosting The Price Is Right today.  I watched about half an episode of Russian Roulette not too long ago.  I was struck by how he not only did good interviews with the contestants but also paid attention and remembered what they said to further exemplify their personalities as the game progressed.  Sure hope his Price audition tape gets out onto the Internet someday.  I'd love to see what could have been.

/At what age does one qualify as "old farts"?  Double the eligibility for the Seniors team on Trivia Trap?
It was a golden age of daytime network television... Game Shows... Hosted by people who actually knew that the game was the star... And I wish it was still that way - both that game shows were on all morning and that they were hosted by actual game show hosts. - Bob Purse, Inches Per Second


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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2024, 09:42:34 AM »
I would contend old farts is a state of mind, not a specific age. By all statistical accounts, I should be eating dinner at Norm's at 4 pm and spending extra time in the medical supplies department at Rite-Aid.  But I digresss...

My observation is not specific to anything other than the absolute obsession so many have to pass any judgement at all sight unseen.  I learned that lesson myself from producers who would come in with salespeople to pitch their shows and my bosses would encourage me to use ratings books correlations to poke holes in their pitch--e.g. the last time our client tried a word game head-to-head with WHEEL it was a disaster, so therefore your word game can't be any good.  Rightfully, the producer would rear up in anger and ask "Do you even WATCH TV??  You're paid to advise stations what their VIEWERS might want to watch and you're drawing a conclusion before you even see a second of what my staff worked several YEARS to fine-tune, test out among staffers, focus groups and yes, even our friends and families and you're basing that on how a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT program fared among a few hundred diary keepers who didn't think a one dollar bill was enough incentive to be fully accurate??"

If you think that sounds ludicrous, you should have seen the look on the salesperson's face who would now have to deal with bruised egos that would be taken out on them on a unrelated manner. 

My point:  Until we actually SEE someone do a job, any expectation, good or bad, is indefensible.  If Jay sucks, you're right, he'll be in the majority of those that have failed.  But at least wait until the show premieres to see if the Batsignal should go out for Pat Finn.

PS:  I saw the Mark L. tape.  Under the strict rules of the then-outgoing Price regime, he was relatively stiff.   Personally, I thought Dave Price was the best of that crop.  But since none of us have the surname Moonves, that really doesn't matter, does it?

That Don Guy

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Re: Jay Pharoah to host "The Quiz with Balls" for Fox, summer 2024
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2024, 02:33:53 PM »
As for "The Quiz With Balls" in general, I'll repeat what I said in a previous thread about this show a few weeks ago:

I get the feeling I should be happy Fox is doing a new game show that isn't music identification.

Want to place bets as to which country it will be taped in?

Knowing Fox, it will be taped in the same country where the Dutch one was taped. It's easier to have one set for all of the versions.