Amy Schneider got robbed at gunpoint not long after her J! appearance. By your logic, she must've had it coming. Maybe I need sleep but your comment comes across as saying contestants deserve what potential fate may come their way. A game show contestant still deserves some level of privacy just like any movie or TV star.
I admit I was unaware of that incident, but allow me to be clear that is not what I was saying. Yes, personal privacy is not waived by a television appearance. I would say anonymity is, to a certain degree. If the concern is people are crazy (and indeed they are), perhaps we should be looking at why that is so much more in society now. Perhaps publishing all of your life for the world to see on social media is not such a good thing after all.
And I don't know how they do in Canada, but many states grant you anonymity when you hit the lottery, at least after you win a certain amount. Mainly because, well y'know...people are crazy.
They do not do that in Canada, though it would certainly have merit.
The one aspect you keep harping on is last names... who the heck really cares?
I do, but that's an opinion I am allowed to have, and I wouldn't say I've been harping on it when I've only ever discussed it in this thread.
I propose that all users on this board be forced to share their last names, starting with Nick.
I like how it's a testament to the age of this board that usernames are used here, as there was a time and place where it was understood that publishing your personal information, such as your full name, for all to see on the Web was unadvisable. I wonder why people gave up on that one...