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“Cool a new game show!” but it’s not a game show

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Not exactly an example, but when reading TV Guide at 5 years old, for some reason it didn't gel with me that "To Be Announced" wasn't the name of an actual show. I was always left curious as to what a show named that would be like.


--- Quote from: SuperMatch93 on April 24, 2024, 08:15:59 PM ---Not exactly an example, but when reading TV Guide at 5 years old, for some reason it didn't gel with me that "To Be Announced" wasn't the name of an actual show. I was always left curious as to what a show named that would be like.

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This actually happened to me as well…I might’ve been about 7.

I vaguely recall seeing that “That Girl” under the USA listing and thinking it was along the lines of what Matt described. Didn’t find out for a few years that it was Marlo Thomas’s sitcom.

Clay Zambo:

--- Quote from: Matt Ottinger on April 24, 2024, 06:20:53 PM ---In seventies daytime television, it seemed like there were either game shows or soap operas, so whenever a show like The Girl In My Life popped up that clearly wasn't going to be a soap opera, I would go in assuming it was going to be a game show, only to be disappointed.

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And yet in the case of that particular show, they gave away prizes and had a really catchy Score Productions music package, so it's at least game-adjacent.

(I was disappointed, too--except for the music.)

I'll second "The Girl in My Life."  Also, the promos for "That's My Line," hosted by Barker and done in 33, made it hard to believe it wouldn't be a game show.

But the one that stands out to me (although not quite on topic) was the old game show that turned out to be a new one.  When what was then CBN began airing "Jackpot!" in the afternoons, TV Guide used the same description used in 1974 when the show premiered (including the reference to $50,000), so I was elated that I'd finally get to see the show, as the Atlanta affiliate didn't carry the show back then.  Imagine my disappointment when that was not the case.

aaron sica:
Could be the Mandela effect again, but speaking of "Jackpot!", I remember seeing promos for it leading up to the premiere, and they used footage of the old version in the promos, complete with Solari. I also was disappointed when the version turned out to be new, and not the old one.


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