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“Cool a new game show!” but it’s not a game show

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Nope, they DID use footage from the NBC promote the Mike Darrow version. 


--- Quote from: aaron sica on April 25, 2024, 08:00:03 AM ---I also was disappointed when the version turned out to be new, and not the old one.

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I was too, but it got immediate points for using the Shoot For The Stars theme (where's my onion?), and Mike Darow grew on me in a hurry.

And I quite enjoyed the travel music employed when they swapped contestants in the '85 version

Same. Felt like a holdover from Chain Reaction.

Mike Tennant:

--- Quote from: SuperMatch93 on April 24, 2024, 08:15:59 PM ---Not exactly an example, but when reading TV Guide at 5 years old, for some reason it didn't gel with me that "To Be Announced" wasn't the name of an actual show. I was always left curious as to what a show named that would be like.

--- End quote ---
I figured it was a show where they announced local events and such. Since it sounded very boring, I never tuned in to see what it really was.


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