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Quiz Show Expo in Burbank

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--- Quote from: Blanquepage on May 30, 2024, 08:35:24 AM ---And so, not going after all. I've contracted COVID, and I don't want to be the fan that accidentally sickened Bob Eubanks et al.  :'(
Oh well.

--- End quote ---

Ack! Feel better soon!

Bummer man. So Covid is not in the rear view mirror yet. Well, there's next year for the expo.

What a shame.  L’shana ha b’a bin Burbank.

For those who DID make it to Burbank, how was the turnout and was it worth the trip?

I know the organizers are still mulling everything over and it will likely be a while before they announce whether or not a 2nd Annual Expo will be planned.

Am I correct that the website said they opened up the doors to the non-paying public for the final event Saturday Night?  That doesn't sound too promising for the future.

Bob Zager:
I don't know how many knew about it before this post was first placed, but I didn't!

It makes me think about David Letterman's only complaint about the Late Show (w/David Letterman), in its first few months--"Not enough hype!"


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