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Accidentally aired pilots

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That Don Guy:
I'm pretty sure ABC aired the pilot for You Deserve It in its run. There were two rules differences in the pilot; the rounds were 10-25-50-75-100K instead of 10-25-50-100-250K, and if you didn't get one right, the next round was worth the same amount rather than always increasing (which would explain one problem with the rest of the episodes: if you use all ten clues in a round, the puzzle prize becomes zero, so why bother even having a tenth clue?).

Sorry if this is going off-track, but did Russian Roulette have an unaired pilot? There's a press photo online of Mark and 4 contestants, but the audience chairs are empty. My theory is it's either a pilot or they at least just did a photo shoot with people who were available.

Jeremy Nelson:
Kinda technical, but several years back when Netflix had Jeopardy reruns, they uploaded a playlist which contained every season premiere up to that point. However, instead of the Season 1 premiere, they (accidentally?) uploaded the '84 pilot.

Really wish they'd do that again.

In 1978 G-T did a pilot called "Spellbinders" for NBC. It didn't sell and the pilot never aired. Same with "Puzzlers" in 1980. This is how pilots generally worked.

Password Plus, Mindreaders and Blockbusters had already been greenlit when we started to tape the first shows. However, in those cases the first show taped never aired as it was designated the "pilot". This was a little confusing and we figured the network did so for accounting reasons. IIRC in those days the networks budgeted for three game-show pilots per quarter (I could be off on that).


--- Quote from: Jeremy Nelson on July 11, 2024, 01:57:23 PM ---Kinda technical, but several years back when Netflix had Jeopardy reruns, they uploaded a playlist which contained every season premiere up to that point. However, instead of the Season 1 premiere, they (accidentally?) uploaded the '84 pilot.

Really wish they'd do that again.

--- End quote ---

It happened again when J! reruns premiered on Pluto TV, but I believe the glitch was fixed in future airings.



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