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Accidentally aired pilots

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--- Quote from: Steve_Bier on July 02, 2024, 10:14:17 AM ---I believe the pilot of the Mike Richards-hosted Pyramid also aired. It was the only episode to use the 1982 theme song. IIRC, Yvette Nicole Brown was one of the celebrities.

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Yes, pretty sure it was one of the last (if not THE last) new episodes aired. I believe they aired it in place of one of the disastrous Turturro episodes that they canned.

 10 years ago in Italy, a network aired a gameshow pilot... at 4:55 AM  It was neither advertised nor listed on any guide.
The series (with different gameplay) aired a few months later and was shelved after 20 episodes.  :-\

Super Sweeper is 110 per cent correct.  We actually aired the third worst of the Turturro-verse.  If you saw it, thank you and my sincere apologies.

Cram aired their pilot in the middle of the run.  It had a going-and-coming-back-from commercial that didn't exist in the regular series.


--- Quote from: mmb5 on July 03, 2024, 06:47:02 PM ---Cram aired their pilot in the middle of the run.  It had a going-and-coming-back-from commercial that didn't exist in the regular series.

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At the risk of sounding pedantic, did this episode have the same set as the series? Because the Cram pilot had an entirely different look, and gameplay elements that didn't make it to air -- namely, no "Rant" to kick off the game.

I do remember seeing at least one episode on GSN that could have been from the "we taped a couple, then retooled" pile, in which Graham himself did the buzzing during "The Rant," among other changes. Perhaps that's what this was?



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