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Sequel to Half Truth (coming soon)

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And to your point, I think both versions of the box art are a little more coy than they should be with using their names. Trivia fans are going to find the game no matter what, but for Target and the like, having Ken's name be as easy as possible to spot would be a benefit.

The first edition of Half Truth was a solid play for our group. It helps that everybody plays in every question. And the material is at least a notch better than other trivia titles.


A question for those who have played it:

I remember that one of the selling points made during Half Truth's introduction was that it was suitable for both trivia aficionados and casual players, and that the former would not have a game-breaking advantage over the latter.

I'm no trivia aficionado, but when I play trivia games with my family, because I watch more game shows than they do, I nearly always end up with the highest score, which is no fun for anybody at the table. So far, Wits & Wagers is the only game we've found that both levels the playing field and is enjoyable to play.

I passed over Half Truth because my initial impression was that a player who had been exposed to a lot of trivia would still likely win in a way that felt inevitable. Is that assessment correct?

Scott—a game I played at my birthday party quickly turned into a boat race, and with other trivia guys came down to the bonus points earned in the third round, and I think I eked out victory by a single point.

Unless you want to give certain players a head start it will be tough sledding.


--- Quote from: MSTieScott on July 15, 2024, 07:24:44 PM ---I passed over Half Truth because my initial impression was that a player who had been exposed to a lot of trivia would still likely win in a way that felt inevitable. Is that assessment correct?

--- End quote ---

In short, you're playing Wipeout (or an upper tier Greed question, take your pick) each time. 3 choices are right, 3 are wrong, and each player can choose to go for 1, 2 or all 3 correct answers depending on their confidence. If you play aggressively while others play conservatively, it may even out in the long run. But that's an "if" scenario. YMMV.



--- Quote from: JasonA1 on July 15, 2024, 10:54:05 PM ---In short, you're playing Wipeout (or an upper tier Greed question, take your pick) each time. 3 choices are right, 3 are wrong, and each player can choose to go for 1, 2 or all 3 correct answers depending on their confidence. If you play aggressively while others play conservatively, it may even out in the long run. But that's an "if" scenario. YMMV.
--- End quote ---

I'm lucky in that our table is generally a table of *very* strong gamers, but yeah. And the strong player is not likely to play aggressively because they know they won't need to since the points will come to them in the long run and that the weak players will need to play aggressively to keep pace; as such for them the windfalls will be offset by the risks that don't pan out.

We enjoyed the concept it but it definitely needs an even table. (Or at worst, going into it with a Who's Line mindset.) If I remember rightly we had a couple of fixes in mind to make it a little more interesting but I couldn't tell you what they were at this moment because I've erased most of the events of that year from my brain.


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