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Today’s Learned League mini-quiz: Game Shows 2

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--- Quote from: Jeremy Nelson on August 16, 2024, 12:23:25 PM ---I have a lot to say today.
--- End quote ---
The phrase that pays is "I have some thoughts.”

I know we can't bar people from playing, and you can post a ModKos rating and a blurb that goes through what is to be expected but I look at all of those players at the bottom of the championship spreadsheet and recall a bit of dialogue from that great work of sci-fi The Long Walk

"What did you think you were doing [redacted]? Playing gin rummy?"

I think game shows each as their own are great fodder for a one-day and several of them have been quite fun  I think this needed a narrowing of the material space, either fictional game shows, big winners, Personnel...who knows. There are too many questions where you can just rely on chestnuts, but there were more than a few questions where I thought "that is very tenuous."

Part of what I loathe about one-days (yet I'm still a glutton for punishment) is that I may as well roll a d12 to choose my moneys.  There's no way that I can reasonably guess what will play well, and certainly cannot peg everything to "it's easy if I know it."

Matt S: if you do sign up I believe you can review previous questions in either match days, one days or leagues and at least see how well you would play.

Yeah, this was a tough mini-league for me this time around. I don't do many and maybe I should try more, but I was placed in a group with two very strong opponents, including a J! ToC champ, and in the end I ended up with four ties, three of them against other perfect scores, and no losses, which left outside looking in on the championship (which I still played, it just wasn't for final placing).

I didn't mind the tangential questions. I looked at the mini-league as a introspective on game shows rather than just a straight up quiz all about them. Which meant, I didn't mind some focus on game shows effect on pop culture as a whole. That said, I did feel some questions lost the plot and there were definitely some better, more focused questions that could've been asked. Echoing what many of you have said.

I went 12-0-0 during the main Match Days and then ended up in 86th for the Championship, despite beering* that day too. Apparently, I'm as hopeless at moneying as EberleT.

*beer (v.): to get every question right on a Match Day -- since there are usually six questions, getting them all can be described as a "six-pack". Extends to One-Day format as a "12-pack".

Kevin Prather:
I finished first in my group with 9-2-0, and came in 194th in the Championship, tying Jeopardy champ Jason Zuffranieri among others.


--- Quote from: nowhammies10 on August 21, 2024, 04:51:07 PM ---I went 12-0-0 during the main Match Days and then ended up in 86th for the Championship, despite beering* that day too. Apparently, I'm as hopeless at moneying as EberleT.
--- End quote ---
I put the TLE in teetoTaLEr so I call it an A&W, but mazel tov! It's always a good feeling.

For a one day, my thought is I need to get eleven out of twelve or I'm just not going to bother. I know other people do lots more, and that's fine. As to how to assign your moneyballs, [shrug]. When assigning defense I usually look at just the batting average for each category and maybe where the victim lives.

I don't think there's a great answer about the pairings and groups when there were in excess of 250, and the unsatisfying one is stick to the regular season, mid-classic and one days.


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