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Author Topic: Shows you fell out of love with  (Read 11584 times)


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Shows you fell out of love with
« on: August 04, 2024, 01:06:36 PM »
Are there any shows you loved watching when you were younger, but your tastes have changed to the point where you no longer enjoy those same episodes?

When I was younger I loved watching Eubanks CS in reruns on GSN, but nowadays I'm not a huge fan (mainly because Bob's hosting style has soured on me) and am less inclined to watch it.

For the purposes of this question I'm not talking about shows that you felt have gone downhill over their run, I mean that the same episodes of that show don't entertain you as much as they used to.
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Eric Paddon

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2024, 05:02:14 PM »
I have to say mostly the Barry-Enright shows like TJW and TTD because today the questions strike me as so ridiculously unchallenging that I don't derive much enjoyment from them.    And more so with TJW but Jack's hosting style hasn't worn well with me either with the bad scripted jokes for him in contestant intros and also the old "can you come back tomorrow?" bit of silliness.    I think "Break The Bank" has proved to be the one Barry-Enright show I've watched most because with Kennedy hosting and celebs it just doesn't seem like the typical B-E show.


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2024, 06:13:35 PM »
MG. I’ll watch it if it’s on, but I watched it so much on GSN that I’m kinda over it now. But my attention span in general has kinda waned over the years, unless it’s a rare pilot or something obscure that we didn’t know existed. LMAD80 and Pitfall come to mind for the latter.
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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2024, 06:47:40 PM »
For me, it's also the B-E shows.  And I think aside from the very wordy but generally simple questions, the faux tension building gets on my nerves, especially the question is asked but before the contestant gives the answer.  The shows are, however, visually interesting to watch, so I will watch them when they pop up, but I can't really watch more than 1 or 2 in a row, where I can binge watch the Price is Right Barker channel.


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2024, 07:47:28 PM »
For me, it would be Dawson Feud. The kissing (on the lips), the showboating, arguing with Howard Felscher's  judging decisions just got old. Plus his ever-growing ego and how he treated some of the staff off camera. I rarely watch it now.


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2024, 07:53:34 PM »
Much as I adore the 1970s and the CBS version of Match Game, it's gotten a tad bit old and tired for me.  For the record I was never a huge fan of the syndicated version from 1979-82.  Say what you may about Richard Dawson but after he left the show was never the same to me.

Super Password I was never really in love with to begin with but liked it well enough I suppose in the 1980s but as time has gone by, I have cooled toward Bert Convy's hosting of that show.  He was terrific for Tattletales but thought he clowned around a bit too much and gave away passwords and puzzle answers far too often for my liking on Super Password.  That's not to say Allen Ludden and Tom Kennedy never did so with Password Plus, but it was definitely not to the frequency that Bert did so.


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2024, 07:53:53 PM »
Go was a phase.  Not sure what it was about it that used to appeal to me so much, but the idea of two people building clues one word at a time for a third person seems pretty tawdry to me now for a game show.  The broken scoring format that rendered the third round useless most of the time didn't help either.  I wish Kevin O'Connell had hosted another game show that sold so I could watch him host another game show, as I found him to be a pretty affable host and one that I wish did rise to more prominence.
It was a golden age of daytime network television... Game Shows... Hosted by people who actually knew that the game was the star... And I wish it was still that way - both that game shows were on all morning and that they were hosted by actual game show hosts. - Bob Purse, Inches Per Second


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2024, 08:00:45 PM »
Go is certainly something I'm glad exists for reasons, but one show is largely as good as the next, and I don't feel like I need to watch anything but the Jackpot Round.
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Eric Paddon

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2024, 08:52:59 PM »
I think "Go!" lost its status as a cult favorite once we got the entire run during the "Dark Period" and now we had a chance to see it unfold and see its shortcomings up close that aren't as obvious when you have just a few episodes to sample.   


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2024, 09:40:30 PM »
I've cooled off a bit in general with the whole genre, and can just call myself a "casual fan" at the moment.

Classics......well, if it's been on Buzzr or on GSN 2001-on, I've largely lost interest. It is a shame, though, that I haven't watched too much "Classic Concentration" since Buzzr picked it up (just casually tuned in once in a while), and I'd probably watch "Talk About", "Whew!", or Narz "Concentration" if they happen to come around. I guess it's just that I'm more interested in stuff I haven't seen in a while. (but isn't that what the YouTube is for?) But then, perhaps 20-to-25 year old me would not have been able to be pulled away from Buzzr.

First-run....."Jeopardy!"'s been my main jam for a while now. I cooled off on TPIR long ago, and the new season of PYL hasn't caught my attention as much as past seasons. I do hope "Pyramid" comes back for another season, but I also feel they jumped the shark a little (I guess with the move from NYC to LA).
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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2024, 11:02:24 PM »
For me, it's Tomarken's "Wipeout" and then "The Joker's Wild", both versions with Barry/Cullen and with Finn.

With "Wipeout", as a kid, I enjoyed watching it because, well, it was a game show, and I loved Peter Tomarken.  I also liked the running bonus round for some reason!  But, I've watched a few episodes from the GameTV run a few years ago, and, while I haven't soured on Tomarken as a good host, I'm also not surprised at all that the show didn't last.  It felt like so little game in an episode, but otherwise, if you didn't have much knowledge of a subject, you may as well have been picking numbers.

"The Joker's Wild" was a show I grew up with, specifically Finn's version, and I always liked it when I was younger.  The weird dollar amounts on the wheels, tons of trivia questions, and frenetic pace scratched some kind of itch for me.  I used to ask my mom to tape it for me when it aired at like 1 AM in first-run; that's how much I liked it.  And, I liked it again when it was on USA in reruns.  But, my god; watching it on YouTube many years later makes me think someone decided to take three separate game shows and mash them together in some sort of Franken-game that no one would stick with for more than an episode or two.  That said, I don't think Finn was a bad host; he was just greatly constrained by the format.

Honorable mention:  I loved the state lottery game shows when I was growing up ("Hoosier Millionaire", "Illinois Instant Riches", and "Megabucks Giveaway") and used to watch them every Saturday night, but feel they are so dull now when watching them in reruns on YouTube that I'm not surprised most of them have disappeared.

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2024, 07:32:28 AM »
For me, it's Classic Concentration. Loved it as a kid, but it's pretty obvious now that they never really found a groove for that show, with it's constant tinkering of the format, throwing every decoration they could on the set, and Alex's style waffling between detached and bored at times.

With "Wipeout", as a kid, I enjoyed watching it because, well, it was a game show, and I loved Peter Tomarken.  I also liked the running bonus round for some reason!  But, I've watched a few episodes from the GameTV run a few years ago, and, while I haven't soured on Tomarken as a good host, I'm also not surprised at all that the show didn't last.  It felt like so little game in an episode, but otherwise, if you didn't have much knowledge of a subject, you may as well have been picking numbers.

Looking back, Wipeout was a low budget game wrapped up in a bunch of chrome to make it look more presentable. It's still pretty fun to play, but there's a reason why the format's been a segment of several other shows but never been revived on its own.

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2024, 08:26:52 AM »
Get the Picture (1991 Nickelodeon game show) gets my vote. Repetitive gameplay, hyper hosting by Mike O'Malley (who was much better hosting GUTS/Global GUTS), and sometimes dull Power Surges has gotten boring to me.

Mr. Brown

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2024, 10:36:30 AM »
A lot of Nickelodeon game shows, but in particular Nick Arcade and Legends of the Hidden Temple. Both are just frustrating exercises to watch, especially Legends - watching it now makes it seem like the production company rigged the hell out of the temple.
Mr. Brown, Esq.
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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2024, 11:01:12 AM »
A lot of Nickelodeon game shows, but in particular Nick Arcade and Legends of the Hidden Temple. Both are just frustrating exercises to watch, especially Legends - watching it now makes it seem like the production company rigged the hell out of the temple.
There are two sides to the coin; trips to Space Camp or Cancun aren't cheap, but also if nine out of ten teams retrieve and return the artifact the challenge would be too light. I recall the win rate was between one and four and one in three, and that feels right for a show where you can sign up to play early in the morning and be done as the park closes that day.
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