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Author Topic: Shows you fell out of love with  (Read 11464 times)


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2024, 11:39:50 AM »
I was a champion of Brady-era LMaD for a while (and got ribbed for it here a few times), but eventually it just got to be annoyingly repetitive and boring. The way Wayne opens every...single...segment by shouting "WHO WANTS TO MAKE A DEAL???",  asking every single contestant to show how "unique" they are by doing a stupid dance or singing a song, the drawn-out "comedy" bits between Wayne and Jonathan that make it seem more like Whose Deal Is It Anyway? than a proper game show...<sigh>

I get that they can't do LMaD exactly the way Monty did it in this day and age, nor are there very many (if any) people out there who could do the gig as well as he could. But it's still a disappointment.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 12:12:01 PM by SamJ93 »
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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2024, 11:44:24 AM »
I was a champion of Brady-era LMaD for a while (and got ribbed for it here a few times), but eventually it just got to be annoyingly repetitive and boring. The way Wayne opens every...single...segment by shouting "WHO WANTS TO MAKE A DEAL???",  asking every single contestant to showboat by doing a stupid dance or singing a song, the drawn-out "comedy" bits between Wayne and Jonathan that make it seem more like Whose Deal Is It Anyway? than a proper game show...<sigh>

I get that they can't do LMaD exactly the way Monty did it in this day and age, nor are there very many (if any) people out there who could do the gig as well as he could. But it's still a disappointment.

I never minded it too much, but until recently it aired at 9am here in Chicago, which I felt was too early for a show that bombastic anyway. It now airs at 3pm but the second half is up against J!, which I'd pick over it any day.
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Mr. Brown

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2024, 11:51:30 AM »
There are two sides to the coin; trips to Space Camp or Cancun aren't cheap, but also if nine out of ten teams retrieve and return the artifact the challenge would be too light. I recall the win rate was between one and four and one in three, and that feels right for a show where you can sign up to play early in the morning and be done as the park closes that day.

I totally understand not wanting the win rate to be astronomical but at the same time, I watched an episode where Kirk Fogg asked the team if they were going to take the high entrance or low entrance - the team said "high" and LO AND BEHOLD THERE'S A F'ING TEMPLE GUARD AT THE ENTRANCE.

Like, come on man!
Mr. Brown, Esq.
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Kevin Prather

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2024, 12:28:40 PM »
I totally understand not wanting the win rate to be astronomical but at the same time, I watched an episode where Kirk Fogg asked the team if they were going to take the high entrance or low entrance - the team said "high" and LO AND BEHOLD THERE'S A F'ING TEMPLE GUARD AT THE ENTRANCE.

Like, come on man!

What's the difference between a temple guard in the first room and one in the fifth room? It still takes two to take the first player out.


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2024, 01:08:46 PM »
For me, it was "Jackpot" when it dropped the target number $50,000 multiplier and went from riddles to trivia questions. That's why the subsequent revivals didn't excite me. 


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2024, 01:13:29 PM »
There are two sides to the coin; trips to Space Camp or Cancun aren't cheap, but also if nine out of ten teams retrieve and return the artifact the challenge would be too light. I recall the win rate was between one and four and one in three, and that feels right for a show where you can sign up to play early in the morning and be done as the park closes that day.

I totally understand not wanting the win rate to be astronomical but at the same time, I watched an episode where Kirk Fogg asked the team if they were going to take the high entrance or low entrance - the team said "high" and LO AND BEHOLD THERE'S A F'ING TEMPLE GUARD AT THE ENTRANCE.
I think Kirk was just trying to make conversation.  IIRC, that question disappeared after the first season, perhaps for optics.  But I would think the temple guards and layout would have to be set before the episode started.

WRT the original topic, I lean towards the B&E series, but specifically Tic Tac Dough.  As a youngster, I understood the concept and found the dragon amusing.  I could even answer some of the questions!  I now find the questions insipid and the bonus game uncreative.

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2024, 02:02:44 PM »
There are two sides to the coin; trips to Space Camp or Cancun aren't cheap, but also if nine out of ten teams retrieve and return the artifact the challenge would be too light. I recall the win rate was between one and four and one in three, and that feels right for a show where you can sign up to play early in the morning and be done as the park closes that day.

I totally understand not wanting the win rate to be astronomical but at the same time, I watched an episode where Kirk Fogg asked the team if they were going to take the high entrance or low entrance - the team said "high" and LO AND BEHOLD THERE'S A F'ING TEMPLE GUARD AT THE ENTRANCE.
I think Kirk was just trying to make conversation.  IIRC, that question disappeared after the first season, perhaps for optics.  But I would think the temple guards and layout would have to be set before the episode started.

I can 100% confirm that question was dropped in season two (when Olmec started doing all the rule explanations), so you wouldn't know until the clock starts if the contestant will go in the Crypt (high entrance) or the Ledges (low entrance) first.


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2024, 02:32:32 PM »
It's also possible that it allowed the cameras to be in position for the beginning of the run--by S2 when the contestant had to run up the steps through the gate and then choose you would always have the same establishing shot.

That may be giving them way more credit than they deserve, but it would be nice to assume that there was an actual reason for the dialog and not just filling time.
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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2024, 02:55:00 PM »
I recall the win rate was between one and four and one in three, and that feels right for a show where you can sign up to play early in the morning and be done as the park closes that day.

At the risk of sounding pedantic, the kids had to go through a bigger audition process. There's a good interview on YouTube with one of the producers, David Greenfield, where he talks about overseeing 1,000 contestants going through a range of mini stunts to test their mettle.

And you're pretty much right on the win rate -- 32 wins out of 120 shows, or 26.66%. David also said in a Reddit AMA that they aimed for 33%, and "unfortunately" got less.

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #24 on: August 05, 2024, 06:39:47 PM »
WWTBAM, but not for lack of a changing perspective, but because they've sunk my enthusiasm with relying on celebrities. As for a show I used to love but now no more, surprisingly, Bullseye. The bonus round could just drag way too long, especially if the player was going for the 10-spin win. Front game really a TJW category on a niftier set. Anyone out there know who else other than Jim Lange had a shot at the job? Anyhow, I'll always appreciate the cosmetic elements just as much as always, though  :D
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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2024, 06:58:11 PM »
Pre-school me was awed by “The $1,000,000 Chance of a Lifetime” and its screen and keyboard. (I don’t think I was aware of or would’ve cared about the top prize at that age.) Revisiting on YouTube after 20 years . . . ouch. It was just hangman writ large, with a cash prize hugely out of proportion to the game’s difficulty, and ugh, those cheesy sound effects when the Stinger was revealed. (Someone in the studio audience should’ve hoorayed it just to be contrary.)

Mr. Brown

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2024, 09:43:55 PM »
WWTBAM, but not for lack of a changing perspective, but because they've sunk my enthusiasm with relying on celebrities.

Yes, add WWTBAM to my list, too. Flooding the airwaves with it (wasn't it on like six times a week at one point?) and then the endless celebrity editions killed the show for me. Yes, other quiz shows (Jeopardy) are on five days a week, but they're fast paced - part of it was the amount of dead time in the show didn't help, which was ultimately resolved with the addition of a clock, but I had already tuned out by the time they made changes to the format.
Mr. Brown, Esq.
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Kevin Prather

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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2024, 10:34:05 PM »
I noticed when the entire Regis run returned to GSN that my viewing habits mirrored what they were back at the turn of the century. The 1999-2000 episodes were must-see, but by the time 2001 rolled around, it felt kind of like you'd seen all there is to see. I found myself fast forwarding through to the $64,000 question on every run.

I still wonder what might have been if they didn't decide to make WWTBAM a series, and stuck with the "Event TV" model.


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2024, 11:30:37 PM »
I still wonder what might have been if they didn't decide to make WWTBAM a series, and stuck with the "Event TV" model.

Me, too. The whole country fell out of love with it. Maybe if they’d kept to once a week, say, Sunday, the biggest viewership night, it may have stayed big longer. Or not.


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Re: Shows you fell out of love with
« Reply #29 on: August 06, 2024, 09:01:35 AM »
I'll add myself to the list who fell out of favor with WWTBAM.  It was during the Regis years after they had a run of 3 or 4 grand prize winners in a span of only a few months.  After that, my #1 pet peeve was the contestant on a low level question saying, "I think I know the answer but just to be safe I'll ask the audience."  Well, that guy's not making it past $64,000...what else is on?