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Great short-lived shows

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--- Quote from: SamJ93 on August 08, 2024, 11:59:41 AM ---
--- Quote from: carlisle96 on August 07, 2024, 08:54:23 PM ---I don't know if this has been brought up before, gang, but what do you nominate as a great show that bombed in the ratings or was yanked after 13 or 26 weeks for other reasons? My nomination is the Bill Cullen "Pass the Buck" with Trebek's "Double Dare" as a runner-up.

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It's been noted many times before, but PtB's major flaw was that it relied on categories whose answers were subjectively judged. If they had just stuck to objective trivia lists and/or surveys with pre-defined answers a là Hot Potato, it would've been far more enjoyable, though probably not any more long-lived.

As for DD '76, co-sign.

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You may be right, but Bob Stewart didn't seem too partial to Q&A type shows. A trivia contest may have dragged things down. This was a "think fast" game ... just keep throwing out answers and you'll hit the right ones, as long as you don't get flustered. The "name something" categories gave the contestants the chance to be a bit creative and it also gave Bill Cullen the chance to do what he does best: be Bill Cullen.


--- Quote from: carlisle96 on August 08, 2024, 12:24:22 PM ---Bob Stewart didn't seem too partial to Q&A type shows. A trivia contest may have dragged things down. This was a "think fast" game ... just keep throwing out answers and you'll hit the right ones, as long as you don't get flustered. The "name something" categories gave the contestants the chance to be a bit creative and it also gave Bill Cullen the chance to do what he does best: be Bill Cullen.

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This is my co-sign. Naturally, it was better with the more inventive categories, but to fill 13 weeks of shows, you need material of all stripes. There are ways to mitigate the subjectivity -- having more than one judge, and making a meal out of that fact, would soften the blow of a "wrong" answer. But if just one person is the arbiter and decides, "nope, you don't bring beer to a picnic," you're bound to make somebody at home mad.


You're in the Picture

Musical Chairs, once they added the end game.  Ambitious and entertaining.  Never had a chance as a sporadically scheduled island

Having watched the pilot, I'll add Blackout. Maybe it needed a little more streamlining because Wolpert and maybe not inherit the time slot of a show like Pyramid, but there was a decent show in there somewhere.


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