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Hollywood Reporter interview with "The Luckiest Man..." film director

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--- Quote from: Adam Nedeff on September 06, 2024, 08:06:07 PM ---I'm going to see the movie no matter what, but that is a distractingly awful title.
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I don't know who came up with it (you could argue that it falls down at two hurdles) but I already know the story and will wait for it to hit streaming.

I had no idea who the lead actor was and was befuddled until I saw a picture in one of the stories linked here, golly it is uncanny how close Paul is to Michael looks-wise (yes I know there is makeup, effects and whatnot.)

Bob Zager:
In this review of the movie, appearing in Variety, it opens with the mention that a clip of the actual episode accompanies the end credits.

Right then.
I just got out of a screening of this movie at TIFF. It’s… decent.
I think where it falls down for me is that I know a bit too much, and I had suspected that’s where it be challenging for most of us.
I’ll keep the spoilers to a minimum but as they take dramatic license with the story they’ve taken dramatic license with the game play. For example - no second question round. I’ll leave it at that - if you want more, well, you best go see the film.
The set is well done. They haven’t licensed the theme. The board sound (to my ears) was spot on and my original guess of Dean Goss playing Rod Roddy’s voice was clearly off. 
Byl Carruthers’ son consulted on the film but that’s the only connection I could see game show industry wise. No mention of Fremantle or CBS anywhere in the credits.
Happy to answer questions without giving massive things away. The director did answer some questions at the end as best he could.
Also mods: I feel like this is okay here but if not I’m happy to move it over.


--- Quote from: TLEberle on September 06, 2024, 08:16:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Adam Nedeff on September 06, 2024, 08:06:07 PM ---I'm going to see the movie no matter what, but that is a distractingly awful title.
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I don't know who came up with it

--- End quote ---

terrible movie title, but it's also the title of a 2017 Spanish-language graphic novel about Michael Larson


--- Quote from: vtown7 on September 12, 2024, 08:21:52 PM ---...and my original guess of Dean Goss playing Rod Roddy’s voice was clearly off. 

--- End quote ---

Was it perhaps an uncredited Frank Caliendo? He did a pretty convincing impression of Rod on MadTV back in the '00s.


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