First, yes, of course MANY people have suffered in the wake of Hurricane Helene, and if you were in the storm's path, directly or indirectly, I hope you and your loved ones are OK. Still, this seems somewhat noteworthy to game show fans. From his wife on Facebook:
Good afternoon my FB friends. As many of you may know, I live on Clearwater Beach. By now you’ve all seen the devastation that hurricane 🌀 Helene brought here to the west coast of Florida & the Tampa Bay area Thursday night. 😐 I wanted to let you all know Rich & I are safe, however our home was completely flooded. Basically everything inside was destroyed. It appears we took on as much as 3-4 feet of water in some areas of the house, and I’d guess 2-3 feet everywhere. We are devastated😔. It’s very traumatic event to go through. I think I’m in shock, but you kind of just go on autopilot. You just jump in & work & (attempt) to clean & salvage what you can. But I can’t even put into words how it feels to see your whole house destroyed in a matter of hours. It’s a sickening feeling of both rage & emotional pain. A fear of what’s ahead. And… a feeling of “where is home when suddenly you don’t have one”. 😔
So prayers are appreciated. God Bless you all!