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Author Topic: Best of the Worst and Why  (Read 19488 times)


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Best of the Worst and Why
« on: July 02, 2003, 02:46:39 PM »
The Edd Byrnes WOF pilot discussion in another thread made me think that it might be fun to compile a \"Best of the Worst and Why\" list.

What are the worst: theme songs, hosts, format changes, end games, etc. and why?

My choices:

THEME SONG:  \"Pyramid\".  This theme, if you can even call it that, does not in any way shape or form fit a word game like \"Pyramid\".

HOST: Patrick (you wiiiiiinnnnn!) Wayne.  Had Byrnes made it to actually host WOF, he might have the best of the worst in the hosts category, but since Wayne actually hosted a series, I'll let him keep the crown.  Wayne is a classic example of how a good format could not survive a bad host.  From what I remember, his question reading abilities were OK, but the man had the warmth and charisma of a lawn dart.  His plastic enthusiasm was painful to watch.

FORMAT CHANGE:  Again, TTD90 gets some recognition.  The rappin' dragon was just so stupid.  I'm not sure if this qualifies as a format change per say, but I didn't know how else to categorize it.

SHOW:  Yahtzee...I don't remember much about this show other than thinking that it was really bad.



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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2003, 03:13:42 PM »
MUSIC: Pyramid '02

HOST: It sounds weird to pick a sub host, but Jm J Bullock really blew.

FORMAT CHANGE: The revolving door endgame on $otC.

SHOW: Big Deal!


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2003, 03:29:10 PM »
Host: Lew Schnider (Make The Grade) this guy couldn't even read the questions without major stumbles, most of the time extra time was added to the bonus game to make up for his stumbles.

Bonus Game: The first end-game of Think Fast, \"the time-bomb\" will go off, if it does we'll take 10 seconds off the time that your partner has to play....

Format Change: Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiago to Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiago

That's all I can think of right now...
-Joe Kavanagh


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2003, 04:29:29 PM »
Music: Osmond Pyramid. No question.

Host: To name a substitute is unfair, I think. The reason Jm was a substitute host was because he was not a REAL host. Rolf Benirshke, however, does not have that excuse.

(While we're on the subject: Jm J. Bullock and Keith Olbermann without the mustache: separated at birth?)

Format change: $otC switching from the Winner's Board to the Winner's Big Money Game. (Note that I didn't mind the Winner's Board, and further note that I'm not nominating the WBMG for Worst Endgame.)

Worst Endgame: Double Play, Narz Concentration. Two rebuses in 10 seconds. Yawn.  Just very little excitement or buildup from start to finish. One of the few advantages of the computer-generated board on CC was the ability to make a matching endgame. That would have been awfully tough to do with the trilons.

Honorable Mention, Worst Endgame: History IQ Timeline, First Season: Again, not a bad idea for a game, but any game that can be played in complete silence by the player does not make for good TV. Summer's play-by-play couldn't even save this, and most of the time the contestant didn't even really have a grasp on how the game worked. The second season improved the game a little teeny bit to make it actually, you know, winnable, but still wasn't much to write home about.

(Now, why not the WBMG? Well, in and of itself it's not a bad endgame! It was just attached to the wrong show.)

And now the big one, Worst Show. And before I get to this, let me say that there ARE NO WINNERS here tonight, so get over yerselves, you were just lucky not to suck enough to lose. With that, the envelope, please...

Show: FREE-4-ALL. Name for me ONE REDEEMING QUALITY this show had. Name for me ONE NEW CONCEPT this program brought to the genre. Give me ONE REASON for ANYBODY at USA Networks to give this drivel the green light. There's NOTHING here, folks. NOTHING, NADA, ZERO. Nothing fresh, nothing original, nothing made it stand out. Walberg didn't blow as the host, but he didn't excel, either, simply because he had bupkus to work with. Utter crappe.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2003, 05:05:25 PM »
Worst host: It has to be Mike Rielly. The man had the personally of a computer game. The man blabbed so much and so fast, I'd always wonder if the man needed a oxygen mask after taping Monopoly. (Thats why it should of been a hour-long game, but thats another thread)

Believe it or not, Rolf actually improved and was even a little funny by his last show but it was just too late*

Honorable Mention: Pat Finn. First Defintion... Last Definition... First Definition... Last Definition... you get the idea.

Worst End Game: Reagan's Lingo. Too long, too boring, and too difficult (That, and the contestants never got paid either)

Worst Format Change: The increadbly stupid board changes made on PYL. M1S to $1500 or $500. PAC: $1400, $500+, $1400...

Thats all that I can think of righ now.
-Joe R.

*- For those whose seen Rolf's last show... what in the heck did they do to his hair ?!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2003, 05:18:16 PM by JRaygor »
-Joe Raygor


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2003, 06:47:51 PM »
Worst theme song: Monopoly.  It's the only theme in my collection that I can't listen to from beginning to end.  Pyramid's theme is truly inappropriate for a game show, but you can hear it with friends in the room and not be embarrassed to be a game show fan.  Can't say that for Monopoly.

Worst host: Patrick Wayne, no doubt.  Pat Finn is a good host who has been stuck with extraordinarily bad formats.  If you're ever in California, watch him on lottery game The Big Spin to see him at his best.  Wayne was incorrigable.  Phil Moore from Nick Arcade gets a dishonorable mention, although it's kinda low to pick on the kiddie game emcees.

Worst end game: tie between Hot Potato and Split Second '86.  Neither had any drama at all.  Hot Potato's end game seemed thoughtless and tacked-on, having little to do with the front game.  Split Second's bonus was the very definition of anti-climatic, especially when coming off of a really good Countdown Round.  It was nothing but pick a number 1-5.  That's it.  Nothing else.  Very blah.

Worst format change: The Joker's Wild, from the B&E finale in 1986 to the Kline & Friends comeback in 1990.  \"As you all know, the Joker's Wild is a game of definitions.\"  \"Wha?  It's a what now?  Did you know that?  I didn't know that.\"  Card Sharks 2K1 gets a dishonorable mention, but at least Fremantle kept the most basic tenet of the game (higher or lower?) intact.

 - JAL


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2003, 07:20:22 PM »
Hmm... I'm only 16 years old, so I haven't seen many game shows, but I do know a few that just stick out.

Theme Song/Music: I'm not so sure about this one... I haven't really found a song I dont' like.

Host: Paul Reubens (You Don't Know Jack)
Comment: Eeeewww!!! I'm not even going into this.

Format Change: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego > Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego
Comment: It went more from geography to history, and even though I was a little kid back then, I would prefer running around putting lighted sticks on a map than run around in 'time portal' things answering questions while freaky dancers point you in the right direction. And the host? C'mon, that guy was scary.

Show: You Don't Know Jack
Memorable moment: Contestant answering lingerie question has eyes covered points to and says \"The black one!\", referring to the guy in the black lingerie.
Comment: Geez... I loved the computer game, but hated the show, mostly for the host, as stated above.


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2003, 03:57:32 AM »
One thing about the YDKJ game show is:

Right show, wrong network! It would've been better off on Comedy Central or Fox instead of ABC. At least you can still play the 5th Dementia online.

But the Winner's Big Money Game was very time-consuming. Who knows on when GSN will get the Reg Grundy games ($OTC, Scrabble, Scattergories) since they also fall in the hands of Fremantle; I'm betting on 2005.

Speaking of Where in Time...did you notice that they covered up the Gateway logo (when it was Gateway 2000 before they adopted their current logo and became just Gateway) whenever they showed the computer system which was the endgame prize? I liked the \"free trip to anywhere in North America\" prize; they always seem to pick California!

Jonathan Allen


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2003, 06:44:11 AM »
Worst host: I agree with the Patrick Wayne sentiments.

Worst endgame: Again, agreeing with the sentiments of TTD90 bonus game with the rapping dragon and rapping dragon-slayer.  And continuing with this theme...

Worse theme song: Pyramid's theme could be better; an updated version of \"Tuning Up\" by Ken Aldin (read: the original \"$10k/$20k/$25k* Pyramid\" theme) wouldn't hurt.  Worst theme for my money is the theme to TTD90.  Sounded too much like a kiddie show's theme.  Sure, TTD is based on the children's game \"tic tac toe\" -- but come on!  (And Henry Mancini composed this?!?!?)

Worst show: Not TTD90.  At the EZboard, I noted Shopper's Casino is the worst ever.  For those who missed that post, I'll summarize: cheap prizes, barren set, a show that appeared rushed to the air to capitalize on the home shopping craze of the '80s, it was a train wreck from start to midway.

I would say \"start to finish\" -- but I quit watching midway through one episode.  At that point in time, there was a game involving a contestant playing from home.  You'd think she'd be calling from home, right?  She sounded like an unseen announcer over a PA system -- not over the phone.

BTW, back to TTD90.  With a better host and if the nonsense were kept to a minimum, TTD90 might have had a longer run.

*The Cullen syndie version


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2003, 07:42:59 AM »
What are the worst: theme songs, hosts, format changes, end games, etc. and why?

Theme Song-Go--repetitive and annoying; Beat the Clock-the alarm clock-esque sound gives me headaches.
Host-Skip Lackey (Think Fast)--Total nerd...and very phony.
Format Changes-Family Feud's current rules infrastructure; Family Feud raising from 200; to 300; to 400 late in the run.  Family Feud; Bullseye Round; Family Feud-Dawson comeback changes.
End Games-Hollywood Squares; Marshall & Early Bergeron--no game in it at all...; Jeopardy 78-needed to keep final j!
Phil 4:13


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2003, 11:17:17 AM »
[quote name=\'ITSBRY\' date=\'Jul 2 2003, 01:46 PM\'] The Edd Byrnes WOF pilot discussion in another thread made me think that it might be fun to compile a "Best of the Worst and Why" list.

What are the worst: theme songs, hosts, format changes, end games, etc. and why?

My choices:

THEME SONG:  "Pyramid".  This theme, if you can even call it that, does not in any way shape or form fit a word game like "Pyramid".

HOST: Patrick (you wiiiiiinnnnn!) Wayne.  Had Byrnes made it to actually host WOF, he might have the best of the worst in the hosts category, but since Wayne actually hosted a series, I'll let him keep the crown.  Wayne is a classic example of how a good format could not survive a bad host.  From what I remember, his question reading abilities were OK, but the man had the warmth and charisma of a lawn dart.  His plastic enthusiasm was painful to watch.

FORMAT CHANGE:  Again, TTD90 gets some recognition.  The rappin' dragon was just so stupid.  I'm not sure if this qualifies as a format change per say, but I didn't know how else to categorize it.

SHOW:  Yahtzee...I don't remember much about this show other than thinking that it was really bad.

itsbry@juno.com [/quote]
 Worst theme: Current Beat the Clock

Worst host: Louie Anderson

Worst format change: Card Sharks 01

Worst end game: Beat the Dragon, both TTD's...no skill
Dishonorable mention: Card Sharks '01, you mean you're gonna take MY hard-earned* $2100, then break it up into 3 levels, leaving me with a potential chance to walk out with ZILCH?! Oh hell naw.

*Some contestants won on dumb luck; their opponent losing on the final card...didn't earn a cent.
"It wasn't like this on Tic Tac Dough...Wink never gave a damn!"


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2003, 11:57:13 AM »
Worst Theme: Weakest Link...sorry, I was NEVER a fan of that theme!

Worst Host: Patrick Wayne. At least Rolf had real personality. He had no business on that set and he knew it. Patrick on the other hand....

Worst Show: How Do You Like Your Eggs? Ick.

Worst End Game:Sale of The Century's Winner's Big Money Game-didn't fit with the show.

Worst Set: Let's Make a Deal 90' Too plain.

Worst Format Change: Card Sharks 01'-need I say more?
insert signature here


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2003, 11:59:27 AM »
Speaking of Where in Time...did you notice that they covered up the Gateway logo (when it was Gateway 2000 before they adopted their current logo and became just Gateway) whenever they showed the computer system which was the endgame prize?

Well, of course they did--it's PBS!  You wouldn't hear \"It's a Gateway 2000 computer...\" unless Gateway was an underwriter of the show--and maybe not even then.

Perhaps a more ridiculous avoidment of product placement was on the UK \"SOTC\" in its early years before the regulatory authorities let them announce car makes and models on the show.  When they offered a VW Beetle as the \"star prize,\" not only did they not say what it was (despite the fact that no other car looks like a Beetle), they had the VW logo on the car covered up with masking tape!


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2003, 12:12:58 PM »
I believe one North American game show, Pitfall, also never announced the make of the low-end $5K car they sometimes offered in the bonus round.


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Best of the Worst and Why
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2003, 02:09:07 PM »
[quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Jul 3 2003, 09:12 AM\'] I believe one North American game show, Pitfall, also never announced the make of the low-end $5K car they sometimes offered in the bonus round. [/quote]
 And for the bonus game in Pitfall, a $5K car was a MAJOR PRIZE. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe