As a regular viewer of LMAD, I really like the Zonks on the show.
What are your favorite Zonks on the show?
For some reason, I love the zonks in the '80s eps.. where Brian (and later Dean) were in the zonks and talked.. but more preferably when Brian was announcer..
Some of my favorites with him include:
-The one where he was on that kiddy car, looking for his sister, who was "all gone!", then Monty tells him not to fall off.. then Brian goes "I wanna!"
(saw the ep a few days ago too checking out my tape archives.)
-When he and one of the models had that horse and buggy(or was it a buckboard?), wanting to buy the Chevy Crapette(that's what I call the Chevette) that a player had just won.
There are so many I like I can't list them all.. but it's part of the reason I prefer the 80s zonks than the 70s ones.
Of course, I do like some of the zonks in the 70s version too.. but Jay Stewart isn't as funny unfortunately.
Anyway, what are your favorite zonks anyway?(70s and 80s versions.)