[quote name=\'DrBear\' date=\'Jul 3 2003, 10:04 AM\']In an attempt to drag this on-topic, or close to, the CBC headquarters is close to the CN tower and Skydome. Their website does include information about the
CBC Museum which is free; didn't get a chance to go there myself last year as I only had a day (and Blue Jays tickets to see Barry Bonds knock batting practice balls off the hotel in the Skydome).
Oh, and if you stop at a KFC, have some poutine. You'll thank me later.[/quote]
Oh, and if you stop at a KFC, have some poutine. You'll thank me later.
Oh, for the love of God.

If you're going to send him to a fast-food place for poutine (pron. \"poo-TEEN\"), make it Harvey's!
To be authentic, poutine must be done with thick, brown fries drowned in thick, brown gravy. Harvey's is a great substitute outside Quebec. The skinny, white fries offered at the likes of KFC and Burger King, with their thin, watery sauce, won't convey the full, artery-clogging experience.
Make it Harvey's! (Delish burgers, too!)