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Author Topic: Alternate Daytime Emmys  (Read 27651 times)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« on: May 01, 2004, 02:53:12 PM »
A few years ago, there was a book called Alternate Oscars. In it, the author compares the actual Oscar-winning films and actors to who he feels should have won the honor. So I thought that in the days leading up to this year's Daytime Emmy Awards on May 21, I'm going to take a cue from this book and do something here called Alternate Daytime Emmys; of course, I will just do the two major game show categories. As usual, comments are welcome. Now, let's start at the beginning, to the first Daytime Emmy ceremony:

1974.....the year of the first ceremony:

Their choice: Password
My choice: Match Game '74 (Runners-up: The Hollywood Squares, Jackpot, The Price is Right, The $10,000 Pyramid)
Comments: This was definiely the season of MG '74. The combination of wacky panelists, hilarious host, and slightly naughty questions should've made this show a winner at the Emmys, but they went with a slowly-fading word game that would go to its 'all-star' format a few months later, and change its format once more before throwing in the towel the next year.

Their choice: Peter Marshall (THSQ)
My choice: Wink Martindale (Gambit)
(Runners-up: Dick Clark ($10kP), Art James (The Who, What or Where Game), Tom Kennedy (Split Second), Gene Rayburn (MG '74)
Comments: Not to take anything away from the 'Square-Master,' but Heatter-Quigley's TV version of blackjack put the Winkster over the top as a game show host, just as Pyramid did for Clark. Art James would've been a 'sentimental favorite' seeing how the 3Ws was evicted from NBC earlier in the year. Kennedy and Geno each had one of their best gigs so far.

1975.....the year of the boom:

Their choice: The Hollywood Squares
My choice: Gambit (Runners-up: The Big Showdown, Match Game '75, Tattletales, The $10,000 Pyramid)
Comments: Sorry MG '75 fans, but too many Euell Gibbons jokes (questions) cost this already dominant show the Emmy this year. Meanwhile, the TV blackjack game had its best season at this period. During this time, they had one of their most memorable couples, Karen & Phil Livingston, as big winners. (As evidenced by the lone episode on the trading circuit.)

Their choice: Peter Marshall (THSQ)
My choice: (tie) Wink Martindale (Gambit) & Gene Rayburn (MG '75)
(Runners-up: Dick Clark ($10kP), Jack Narz (Now You See It), Jim Peck (TBS)
Comments: While Narz was the 'sentimental fave' and Peck was the 'underdog,' you might say it was a 'dead heat' between the Winkster and His Gene-ious. Both men gave their best hosting performances during this time.

1976.....the year of the gong:

Their choice: The $20,000 Pyramid
My choice: The $20,000 Pyramid (Runners-up: Match Game '76, The Price is Right, Tattletales, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: For the first time, I agree with the TV Academy on $20kP for the honor. I mean, how can you argue?

Their choice: Allen Ludden (Password)
My choice: Jim Peck (The Big Showdown)
(Runners-up: Dick Clark ($20kP), Wink Martindale (Gambit), Adam Wade (Musical Chairs), Chuck Woolery (WoF)
Comments: This year the Academy chose Ludden as a 'sentimental fave' because his show got axed the year before; but Peck's debut show also went 'bye-bye' at the same time. I feel that Jim really gave his all during this period; I mean, what other host would survive a 'not-so-grand' staircase entrance one time and still pull off a good hosting job? And why did I select Wade as one of the nominees? Hey, I thought he did a FAB job as host of Musical Chairs!

Next time, 1977.

Tammy Warner--the 'Loretta Swit of the Big Board!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2004, 07:32:40 PM by Winkfan »
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2004, 05:58:58 PM »
Before I continue with my on-going series, may I say that I was surprised there hasn't been any replies to this. I guess you're waiting until I get to the later years. Oh well, shall we carry on then?

1977.....the year of the Feud:

Their choice: Family Feud
My choice: Family Feud (Runners-up: The Hollywood Squares, Match Game '77, The $20,000 Pyramid, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: For the second year in a row, the TV Academy and moi are in agreement on this one.

Their choice: Bert Convy (Tattletales)
My choice: Tom Kennedy (Break the Bank '76)
[Runners-up: Dick Clark ($20kP), Bert Convy (Tattletales), Richard Dawson (FF), Gene Rayburn (MG '77)]
Comments: Dawson seemed like an odds-on choice because his show was the breakout hit this season. However, Kennedy gets my pick not only as a 'sentimental fave' but I also feel he turned in his best hosting job on BtB '76.

1978.....the 2nd year of the Feud:

Their choice: The Hollywood Squares
My choice: Family Feud (Runners-up: The Hollywood Squares, Match Game '78, The Price is Right, The $20,000 Pyramid)
Comments: Let's face it, HSQ was starting to stand on its last legs. But FF was really into high gear; being the top-rated game show and all.

Their choice: Richard Dawson (FF)
My choice: Richard Dawson (FF)
[Runners-up: Bob Barker (TPiR), Dick Clark ($20kP), Peter Marshall (THSQ), Gene Rayburn (MG '78)]
Comments: OK, so I had to inlcude Barker among the other nominees this year, but this year Dawson was definitely at his very best.

1979.....the year of the WHEW:

Their choice: The Hollywood Squares
My choice: Family Feud (Runners-up: Card Sharks, The Hollywood Squares, Tic Tac Dough, The $20,000 Pyramid)
Comments: Talk about history repeating itself! Otherwise, two of the other nominees would be gone within a year, while the other two were each hitting their stride.

Their choice: Dick Clark ($20kP)
My choice: Gene Rayburn (MG '79)
[Runners-up: Dick Clark ($20kP), Richard Dawson (FF), Art Fleming (Jeopardy!), Wink Martindale (TTD)]
Comments: Both Fleming and Rayburn would've been this season's 'sentimental faves;' one because his show came and went this season, while the other's show lost its network slot a few months afterward. However, I feel Geno gets the nod this time, moreso for trying to squeeze in some more of that schtick of his even as MG '79 was slowly becoming a shell of the show it was in its first few years.

Next time, Welcome to the 80s!

Tammy Warner--the 'Jane Nelson of the Big Board!

P.S. This marks my 200th post!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2004, 07:40:01 PM by Winkfan »
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2004, 05:22:35 PM »
The Daytime Emmys enter a new decade.....

1980.....the year of the McKee

Their choice: (tie) The Hollywood Squares & The $20,000 Pyramid
My choice: The Joker's Wild (Runners-up: Chain Reaction, Family Feud, Password Plus, The $20,000 Pyramid)
Comments: I chose TJW because this was one of their best seasons so far; mainly due to their '$250,000 Tournament of Champions' that year.

Their choice: Peter Marshall (The Hollywood Squares)
My choice: Allen Ludden (Password Plus)
[Runners-up: Jack Barry (TJW), Dick Clark ($20kP), Richard Dawson (FF), Monty Hall (Beat the Clock)]
Comments: Boy, five veterans for me to have chosen from. But I went with 'Mr Password' because he helped add a new twist to an old fave. Also, he managed to maintain his enthuiasm even right up until his departure later this year.

1981.....the year of not much

Their choice: The $20,000 Pyramid
My choice: Card Sharks (Runners-up: Blockbusters, Family Feud, Password Plus, Tic Tac Dough)
Comments: Four Goodson-Todman shows plus one Barry-Enright show; but I felt that CS was definitely at its peak this time. And why not? They had that unforgettable game show hosts' tournament this season.

Their choice: Peter Marshall (The Hollywood Squares)
My choice: Bill Cullen (Blockbusters)
[Runners-up: Jack Barry (TJW), Peter Marshall (THSQ), Wink Martindale (Las Vegas Gambit & TTD), Jim Perry (CS)]
Comments: True, Peter was this year's 'sentimental fave,' and the other three nominees were at their peak, but if you've been following BB on GSN, you've definitely seen Cullen at his very best. He truly should've gotten the Emmy for this gig, which is why he's my choice for this season.

1982.....the year of the next GS boom

Their choice: Password Plus
My choice: (tie) Blockbusters & Tic Tac Dough
(Runners-up: Family Feud, The Joker's Wild, Password Plus)
Comments: The Academy's choice this season lost the man who guided it to success last year, so I could've agreed with the Academy. Instead, I chose two shows to share the honor. Both had a good 'play-along' factor which is important to any good game show.

Their choice: Bob Barker (The Price is Right)
My choice: Jack Barry (TJW)
[Runners-up: Bill Cullen (BB), Richard Dawson (FF), Wink Martindale (TTD), Jim Perry (Card Sharks)]
Comments: Oh sure, everyone felt that Sir Bore-ker 'was way overdue for the honor.' But if you ask me, the 1981-82 season of TJW was the best one JB had as host. Mainly because there were two great 'tournaments' that season; one with college students and another with newlywed couples. Which is why Jack should've gotten the award in my book.

Next time.....1983.

Tammy Warner--the 'Jane Nelson of the Big Board!'
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2004, 05:26:55 PM »
Now, where were we? OOOOHHHHH YEEEAAAHHH!

1983.....the year of the 'upset'

Their choice: The $25,000 Pyramid
My choice: The $25,000 Pyramid
(Runners-up: Family Feud, The Price is Right, Tattletales, Tic Tac Dough)
Comments: The Academy and I are in agreement once again. 'Nuff said.

Their choice: Betty White (Just Men!)
My choice: Pat Sajak (Wheel of Fortune)
[Runners-up: Dick Clark ($25kP), Bert Convy (Tattletales), Richard Dawson (FF), Wink Martindale (TTD)]
Comments: Too bad the Daytime Emmys weren't televised that year, because we missed HISTORY being made! The ceremony's biggest upset! On the other hand, I felt that Sajak was really hitting his stirde this season; something the Academy would finally notice ten years later, but I'm getting ahead of myself here. (Note to a certain poster: Betty DID win! She must have done SOMETHING RIGHT! IT HAPPENED! DEAL WITH IT! PUT UP OR BUTTON YOUR LIP! And next time someone tries to put you in your place, STAY THERE!)

1984.....the year of the 'WHAMMY'

Their choice: The $25,000 Pyramid
My choice: The $25,000 Pyramid
(Runners-up: Dream House, Press Your Luck, Sale Of the Century, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: The competition would've been pretty tight in my book, what with four of the nominees, including the same show the Academy and I agree on again, going on to become fave shows duirng most of the '80s.

Their choice: Bob Barker (The Price is Right)
My choice: Jim Perry (SOtC)
[Runners-up: Dick Clark ($25kP), Geoff Edwards (Starcade), Bob Eubanks (DH), Alex Trebek (The New Battlestars)]
Comments: There would've been some tight competition here as well; including three 'dark horses:' Geoff, mainly because the show he was doing at the time was on once a week; Eubanks, who was never nominated for asking 'whoopee' questions; and Perry. I went with the latter.

1985.....the year of Vanna

Their choice: The $25,000 Pyramid
My choice: Press Your Luck
(Runners-up: Sale Of the Century, Super Password, The $25.000 Pyramid, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: Another tight competition, but PYL would've been the one to beat. Mainly because of Michael Larsen 'beating the system' to give us one of the show's most memorable moments.

Their choice: Dick Clark ($25kP)
My choice: tie: Bert Convy (SP) & Peter Tomarken (PYL)
[Runners-up: Dick Clark ($25kP), Jim Lange ($100,000 Name That Tune), Chuck Woolery (Scrabble)]
Comments: Another tie, you ask? Here's why: Convy because he was a great choice to follow in the footsteps of Allen Ludden and Tom Kennedy; and Tomarken because, well, just because! (Note, other than the tie for 'Best Host,' you might say PYL could've swept the awards.)

Next time.....1986.

Tammy Warner--[color=\"aqua\"]the 'Jane Nelson of the Big Board!'[/color]
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 05:39:33 PM by Winkfan »
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2004, 07:43:51 PM »
And the comparisions just keep on coming!

1986.....the year of the 'Physical Challenge'

Their choice: The $25,000 Pyramid
My choice: The $25,000 Pyramid
(Runners-up: Jeopardy, Press Your Luck, The Price Is Right, Scrabble)
Comments: Well, it looks like I'm in agreement with the academy yet again.

Their choice: Dick Clark ($25kP)
My choice: Dick Clark ($25kP) [Runners-up: Peter Marshall (All-Star Blitz), Pat Sajak (Wheel of Fortune), Peter Tomarken (PYL), Alex Trebek (J!)]
Comments: Other than what should have been the 'Battle of the Peters' in this category, I also agree with the Academy on this matter. Dick was definitely at his best this season; and having a '$100,000' version in syndie didn't hurt either!

1987.....the year of 'The Canadian Invasion'

Their choice: The $25,000 Pyramid
My choice: Card Sharks '86 (Runners-up: Jeopardy, Scrabble, The $25,000 Pyramid, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: The CBS remake of CS proved to be just as good as the 1978-81 NBC version. I felt this honor would have made CS the first game show to have two different versions win the award.

Their choice: Bob Barker (The Price is Right)
My choice: tie: Dick Clark ($25kP) & Bob Eubanks (CS) [Runners-up: Pat Sajak (WoF), Alex Trebek (J!), Chuck Woolery (Scrabble)]
Comments: I felt that Eubanks was way overdue for the honor this season. Other than The Newlywed Game, CS was his best hosting gig ever! It would have been a CS sweep had it not been for Eubanks' tying with the 'World's Oldest Teen,' who I also thought had another winning year.

1988.....the year of the 'Snack Break'

Their choice: The Price is Right
My choice: Jeopardy! (Runners-up: Card Sharks, Sale of the Century, The $25,000 Pyramid, Win, Lose or Draw)
Comments: On the one hand, you had $25kP as a 'sentimental fave,' seeing how it got cancelled earllier this year. However, the 1987-88 season was the best so far for J! I mean, who could forget 'Tournament of Champions' winner Bob Verini's imitation of Julia Child?

Their choice: Bob Barker (The Price is Right)
My choice: Vicki Lawrence-Schultz (WLoD) [Runners-up: Bob Eubanks (CS), Wink Martindale (High Rollers), Marc Summers (Double Dare), Alex Trebek (J!)]
Comments: Of the three who hosted WLoD, I believe that 'Mama Harper' was the best. I'm still mad at GSN for never showing Vicki's stint hosting this show; we fans could have once again seen why she should gotten the honor this year! (On the other hand, Marc could've caused another 'upset' and taken home the award himself!)

Next time.....1989.

Tammy Warner--[color=\"aqua\"]the 'Jane Nelson of the Big Board!'[/color]
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 06:06:58 PM by Winkfan »
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2004, 06:01:14 PM »
As Mr. Convy would say, "Moving right along....."

1989.....the year of the Rolf

Their choice: The $25,000 Pyramid
My choice: Jeopardy! (Runners-up: Card Sharks, Family Feud, Wheel of Fortune, Win, Lose or Draw)
Comments: Even though the Academy chose a different game show for this honor, my choice is the same as last year.

Their choice: Alex Trebek (J!)
My choice: Alex Trebek (J!) [Runners-up: Ray Combs (FF), Vicki Lawrence-Schultz (WLoD), Marc Summers (Double Dare), Peter Tomarken (Wipeout)]
Comments: Marc might have had a second chance to be the 'spolier' this season. Instead, I'm in agreement with the Academy in choosing Alex.)

1990.....the year of the 'Big Sweep'

Their choice: Jeopardy!
My choice: Jeopardy! (Runners-up: Classic Concentration, Family Feud, Talkabout, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: I may have been tempted to choose Talkabout as the winner this season, but I agreed with the Academy in choosing J! to take the honor.

Their choice: tie: Bob Barker (The Price is Right) & Alex Trebek (J!)
My choice: Ray Combs (FF) [Runners-up: Wayne Cox (Talkabout), Louise DuArt (Rodeo Drive), Al DuBois (Bumper Stumpers), Chuck Henry (Now You See It)]
Comments: A stand-up comic who hosted one remake, two Canadian personalities, a woman impressionist, and a newscaster who hosted another remake; this would've been a 'wide-open' field this season had the Academy agreed with me. But I chose Combs because he was already in his groove with FF.

1991.....the year of the STUDS

Their choice: Jeopardy!
My choice: Supermarket Sweep (Runners-up: Family Feud, Jeopardy, Match Game '90, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: SS had become such a success on Lifetime; I felt it deserved the honor this season.

Their choice: Bob Barker (The Price is Right)
My choice: Ross Shafer (MG '90) [Runners-up: Ray Combs (FF), Bob Goen (WoF), David Ruprecht (SS), Alex Trebek (J!)]
Comments: I admit I was mad when I read about the Academy's game show nominees that year and found Ross' name not on the list. If you ask me, he was one of the best reasons for MG '90; and the reason he gets MY vote for this season!

Next time.....1992.

Tammy Warner--the 'Mary Ann Mobley of the Big Board!'
« Last Edit: May 11, 2004, 06:36:51 PM by Winkfan »
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2004, 06:15:31 PM »
And so, we carry on.....

1992.....the year of GUTS

Their choice: Jeopardy!
My choice: Jeopardy (Runners-up: The Price is Right, The $100,000 Pyramid, Supermarket Sweep, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: What more can I say, my friends?

Their choice: Bob Barker (The Price is Right)
My choice: David Ruprecht (SS) [Runners-up: Bob Barker (TPiR), Ray Combs (FF), (WoF), Pat Sajak (WoF), Alex Trebek (J!)]
Comments: By now, the awards for this category were getting redundant; at least as far as the Academy was concerned. Other than Dom DeLuise getting a nomination for hosting Candid Camera, it was the same old 'same old.' But yet they ignore David's duties on SS. Well, not me! I feel he should've gotten it this year!

1993.....the year of 'Cos' as Groucho?

Their choice: Jeopardy!
My choice: Jeopardy (Runners-up: The Price is Right, Nickelodeon GUTS, NICK Arcade, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: Except for the two NICK shows getting nominations in my book, I found this to be another 'hands-down' win for Alex & Co.

Their choice: Pat Sajak (WoF)
My choice: Alex Trebek (J!) [Runners-up: Bob Barker (TPiR), Dick Clark (Scattergories), Mike O'Malley (GUTS), Pat Sajak (WoF)]
Comments: While the Academy finally chose the host of one Griffin show for this honor (after five nominations), I chose the host of the OTHER Griffin show. Why? Well, because!

1994.....the year of Dawson's return

Their choice: Jeopardy!
My choice: Jeopardy (Runners-up: The Price is Right, Nickelodeon GUTS, Supermarket Sweep, Trivial Pursuit)
Comments:This is the third time J! has been a winner with both the Academy and yours truly.

Their choice: Bob Barker (TPiR)
My choice: David Ruprecht (SS) [Runners-up: Dick Clark (Scattergories), Bob Eubanks (Family Secrets), Mike O'Malley (GUTS), Ahmad Rashad (Caesar's Challenge)]
Comments: Either O'Malley or Rashad could've pulled another 'upset,' But I still think Dave had another good season.

Next time.....1995.

Tammy Warner--the 'Mary Ann Mobley of the Big Board!'
« Last Edit: May 15, 2004, 07:09:48 PM by Winkfan »
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2004, 07:41:32 PM »
1995.....the year of--Oh Never Mind!

Their choice: Jeopardy!
My choice: NONE (Runners-up: NONE)
Comments: This wasn't a great year for game shows; not that many shows were worthy of my consideration. It was getting hard for me to tell if they were in repeats or not.

Their choice: Bob Barker (TPiR)
My choice: NONE (Runners-up: NONE)
Comments: The Academy's choices were sounding like a rerun of previous ceremonies. Like the 'Best Game Show' category, this one had no choices I considered worthy.

1996.....the year of Debt

Their choice: The Price is Right
My choice: Jeopardy! (Runners-up: Global GUTS, The Price is Right, Ready...Set...Cook, Wheel of Fortune)
Comments: This makes it a 'lucky seven' times for the 'reverse quiz.' Otherwise, two of my other nominees could've pulled an 'upset' here.

Their choice: Bob Barker (TPiR)
My choice: Alex Trebek (J!) [Runners-up: Bob Barker (TPiR), Robert G. Lee (Inspiration, Please!), Mike O'Malley (Global GUTS), Pat Sajak (WoF)]
Comments: ROBERT G. LEE?!?!? Well, HE may have the 'spoiler' in this category this year!

1997.....the year of Ben & Jimmy

Their choice: The Price is Right
My choice: Debt (Runners-up: Jeopardy, Shopping Spree, Wheel of Fortune, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?)
Comments: It looks like Alex and Co. have had their wings clipped in this match-up this season. And it took a show where players try to get out of another kind of 'jeopardy' to come out on top!

Their choice: Pat Sajak (WoF)
My choice: Wink Martindale (Debt) [Runners-up: Ron Pearson (Shopping Spree), Pat Sajak (WoF), Alex Trebek (J!), Lynne Thigpen (WiTiCS?)]
Comments: I believe the Winkster's gig on Debt was one of his best; and all the more reason for him to be my choice this season.

Next time.....1998

Tammy Warner--the 'Mary Ann Mobley of the Big Board!'
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2004, 08:07:08 PM »
We follow the Awards into the 21st Century.....

1998.....the year of 'Whoopi the Square'

Their choice: Jeopardy
My choice: Debt (Runners-up: Jeopardy, Shopping Spree, Wheel of Fortune, Win Ben Stein's Money)
Comments: Another repeat win as Lifetime's 'get out of financial straits' race comes out on top in my book!

Their choice: Pat Sajak (WoF)
My choice: Wink Martindale (Debt) [Runners-up: Dick Clark (It Takes Two) Ron Pearson (Shopping Spree), Ben Stein & Jimmy Kimmel (WBSM), Alex Trebek (J!)]
Comments: The Winkster and Alex were tied with three Emmy wins each (at least as far as I can see), but with this victory, Wink breaks the tie!

1999.....the year of the 'Final Answer'

Their choice: Win Ben Stein's Money
My choice: Jeopardy! (Runners-up: Hollywood Squares, My Generation, Wheel of Fortune, Win Ben Stein's Money)
Comments: While VH-1's 'rock & roll showdown' may have been the 'spoiler' this season, my hunch says that Merv's 'reverse quiz' resumes its winning ways in this match-up. Of course, we were all stunned at Señor Stein's upset in both the major categories that year.

Their choice: Ben Stein & Jimmy Kimmel (WBSM)
My choice: Michael Burger (Match Game '98) [Runners-up: Tom Bergeron (H2²) Jeff Probst (Rock & Roll Jeopardy!), Craig Shoemaker (My Generation), Ben Stein & Jimmy Kimmel (WBSM)]
Comments: I still don't care what some of you think, I STILL say Michael was the BEST thing about this MG remake! Maybe the Academy should learn that its not how popular (or unpopular) your show is in the ratings, it's how good a job the host does.

2000.....the year of Survivor

Their choice: Who Wants to Be A Millonaire
My choice: Jeopardy! (Runners-up: Family Feud, Hollywood Squares, Who Wants to Be A Millionare, Win Ben Stein's Money)
Comments: Remember how surprised we were when a 'primetime' game show was nominated for a 'daytime' Emmy? Well, I was one of those surprised folks. But I still thought J! would come out on top;oh well.....

Their choice: tie: Bob Barker (The Price is Right) & Tom Bergeron (H2²)
My choice: Tom Bergeron (H2²) [Runners-up: Regis Philbin (WWTBaM), Jeff Probst (Rock & Roll Jeopardy!), Ben Stein & Jimmy Kimmel (WBSM), Alex Trebek (J!)]
Comments: As much as I liked Regee, I was rooting for 'Tommykins' to win that year. I'm glad the Academy and moi agreed this season. On the other hand, what was it with Barker and his continuous 'winning streak?' He seemed to attract Emmys like a magnet!

Next time.....2001

Tammy Warner--the 'Elaine Joyce of the Big Board!'
« Last Edit: May 17, 2004, 08:23:57 PM by Winkfan »
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2004, 09:08:50 PM »
On the other hand, what was it with Barker and his continuous 'winning streak?' He seemed to attract Emmys like a magnet!

Let's see, could it be his magnetic personality, the fact that an 80-year old has the admiration of college students? A show that has outlived his predecessor and COUNTLESS other shows over it's 32+year span? Face it- barker, like Tom, Chuck, Peter (both of em), Jim (Perry and Peck), Pat, alex, Allen, Bill,  and todd...is really good at what he does. He may not be the best match game panelist, or the classiest, but he's good at what he does. and even if the current TPIR is a completely different show than it was before (don't compare the two) it's still for many people in North america and enjoyable way to spend an hour.
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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2004, 05:03:23 PM »
We near the 'home stretch.....'

2001.....the year of Big Brother

Their choice: Who Wants to Be A Millonaire
My choice: Who Wants to Be A Millionaire (Runners-up: Hollywood Showdown, Hollywood Squares, Jeopardy, Win Ben Stein's Money)
Comments: See my comments in the next category.

Their choice: Regis Philbin (WWTBaM)
My choice: Regis Philbin (WWTBaM) [Runners-up: Tom Bergeron (H2²), Stephanie Miller (I've Got A Secret), Todd Newton (HoSho), John O'Hurley (To Tell the Truth)]
Comments: I must say that I was one of the millions rooting hard for 'Uncle Reege' to win this year. And I was glad he got it this season; ditto for his show.

2002.....the year of the Whammy's return

Their choice: Jeopardy!
My choice: Hollywood Showdown (Runners-up: Hollywood Squares, Jeopardy, Supermarket Sweep, Win Ben Stein's Money)
Comments: I figured it was about time a GSN show won an honor. Many agreed that 'HoSho' was one of the network's best original shows up to that time.

Their choice: Bob Barker (The Price is Right)
My choice: David Ruprecht (SS) [Runners-up: Tom Bergeron (H2²), Todd Newton (HoSho), Pat Sajak (Wof), Alex Trebek (J!)]
Comments: If you ask me, it seems that David had prevented a 'HoSho' sweep!

2003.....the year of Simon, Randy, and Paula

Their choice: Jeopardy!
My choice: Pyramid 2003 (Runners-up: Hollywood Squares, Jeopardy, Whammy! (The All-New Press Your Luck), Who Wants To Be A Millionaire)
Comments: It's too bad this Pyramid won't be back come Sept. 2004. I felt it was one of the best game shows to come along this season.

Their choice: Alex Trebek (J!)
My choice: Donny Osmond (Pyramid 2003) [Runners-up: Tom Bergeron (H2²), Todd Newton (W! TANPYL), Alex Trebek (J!) Merdith Viera (WWTBaM)]
Comments: Last year about this time, I was rooting for Donny to win; and I was disappointed at the outcome. But I feel he was one of the best newcomers of this period.

Well, that about does it, my friends. Believe me, it wasn't always easy. I mean going over some of the shows that aired during their 'eligibility periods' and picking out which ones could've made it. But I did try my very best; especially with the 'comments' I gave as to why I selected the choices I made.

Tammy Warner--the 'Elaine Joyce of the Big Board!'
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 03:04:32 PM by Winkfan »
"One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know!"
   --Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers (1930 film)


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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2004, 09:17:29 PM »
[quote name=\'Winkfan\' date=\'May 7 2004, 03:26 PM\'] (Note to a certain poster: Betty DID win! She must have done SOMETHING RIGHT! IT HAPPENED! DEAL WITH IT! PUT UP OR BUTTON YOUR LIP! And next time someone tries to put you in your place, STAY THERE!) [/quote]
 I'm surprised that you didn't choose Betty in the first place!

You did give a nod to David Ruphrect for Supermarket Sweep.

If you had given an Emmy for Geoff Edwards for The New Treasure Hunt, then you would've stung me & given me


Ian Wallis

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Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2004, 09:04:58 AM »
My choice: Hollywood Showdown

Comments: I figured it was about time a GSN show won an honor. Many agreed that 'HoSho' was one of the network's best original shows up to that time.

I still think it's one of GSN's best originals.  Maybe only "Russian Roulette" comes close to it.  I was never a huge fan of "Friend or Foe", "Cram", or too many of the others, so I think "HS" and "RR" are probably GSN's best two.

My choice: tie: Bert Convy (SP) & Peter Tomarken (PYL)

Comments: Another tie, you ask? ..... and Tomarken because, well, just because! (Note, other than the tie for 'Best Host,' you might say PYL could've swept the awards.)

I agree on Tomarken.  Maybe "PYL" was kind of a silly show (and silly shows and movies usually don't win awards), but Tomarken was the perfect host for it.  Sometimes you just need a good laugh!
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Long live Jeopardy

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Re: Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2024, 09:34:14 AM »
Here's who I thought should have won the Emmys for every year starting in 2004:

2004: Show - Pyramid 2004; Host - Donny Osmond (Pyramid 2004)
2005: Show - Jeopardy; Host - Alex Trebek (Jeopardy!)
2006: Show - Deal or No Deal; Host - Howie Mandel (Deal or No Deal)
2007: Show - The Price Is Right; Host - Bob Barker (The Price Is Right)
2008: Show - The Price Is Right; Host - Drew Carey (The Price Is Right)
2009: Show - Jeopardy; Host - Alex Trebek (Jeopardy!)
2010: Show - Let's Make a Deal; Host - Wayne Brady (Let's Make a Deal)
2011: Show - Family Game Night; Host - Todd Newton (Family Game Night)
2012: Show - Family Feud; Host - Steve Harvey (Family Feud)
2013: Show - Family Feud; Host - Steve Harvey (Family Feud)
2014: Show - Hollywood Game Night; Host - Jane Lynch (Hollywood Game Night)
2015: Show - The Chase; Host - Brooke Burns (The Chase)
2016: Show - Family Feud; Host - Steve Harvey (Family Feud)
2017: Show - $100,000 Pyramid; Host - Steve Harvey (Family Feud)
2018: Show - Family Feud; Host - Steve Harvey (Family Feud)
2019: Show - Family Feud; Host - Steve Harvey (Family Feud)
2020: Show - Press Your Luck; Host - Elizabeth Banks (Press Your Luck)
2021: Show - Weakest Link; Host - Jane Lynch (Weakest Link)
2022: Show - The Chase; Host - Sara Haines (The Chase)
2023: Show - Family Feud; Host - Steve Harvey (Family Feud)


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Re: Alternate Daytime Emmys
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2024, 10:36:36 AM »
Roger, when was the last time someone bumped a thread this old?
-William https://www.donorschoose.org/classroom/cpsbermudez
"30 years from now, people won’t care what we’re doing right now." - Bob Barker on The Price is Right, 1983