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Author Topic: Ray Combs  (Read 21117 times)


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Ray Combs
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2004, 08:18:10 PM »
[quote name=\'combsisthebest\' date=\'May 10 2004, 02:32 PM\'] This is just a partial quote from an email I received from Toni Combs (Ray's sister).... [/quote]
 Wonderful. Now we stirred the sh*tpot to the extent where a relative had to relive the grief again to satisfy outrageously random conjecture. Re-read my earlier post, please. Especially the parts and the about a public person's right to a private life, and crossing the thin line into being disrespectful.

But now I sure know who to contact for bowling tips.

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Ray Combs
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2004, 09:04:53 PM »
I saw that one coming down Fifth Avenue, which is why I was appalled (but utterly unsurprised) when Adam brought the subject up in the first place.

COMPLETE bad taste. But you know, it has something to do with Feud, so Adam's gonna spew about it.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Don Howard

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Ray Combs
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2004, 09:25:13 PM »
[quote name=\'combsisthebest\' date=\'May 10 2004, 05:32 PM\'] This is just a partial quote from an email I received from Toni Combs (Ray's sister).
"That's not true he was never diagnosed with bipoler. who knows if he was or not we will never know. that has nothing to do with his death. we will never know ourselves until we see him again on the other iside." [/quote]
 What did you do....get his sister on the 'net and say, "Was your dead brother bipolar? I have a wager going with my buds at the bowling alley". May I suggest locking this topic up, please.


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Ray Combs
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2004, 09:28:05 PM »
Look I am sorry, that this turned out the way it did. I didn't intend for it to turn out this way. I posted this because I found it interesting, and that you guys might wanna know about it. I was just going by what was said to me. I had been told he was professionally diagnosed with this. Apparently, that was incorrect. I guess it just goes to show that you shouldn't believe everything you hear. Again my apologies.


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Ray Combs
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2004, 09:33:58 PM »
[quote name=\'adamjk\' date=\'May 10 2004, 09:28 PM\'] Look I am sorry, that this turned out the way it did. I didn't intend for it to turn out this way. I posted this because I found it interesting, and that you guys might wanna know about it. I was just going by what was said to me. I had been told he was professionally diagnosed with this. Apparently, that was incorrect. I guess it just goes to show that you shouldn't believe everything you hear. Again my apologies. [/quote]
You didn't know not to believe everything you hear until your bowling idiot -- er, I mean friend fed you a load of crap?

Here's a hint, Adam... just because it has to do with Feud, doesn't mean that it's true or that it's worth telling everyone.  You should have learned that after your "fan fiction"... but since you didn't, consider this a refresher course in "why I should think before I post."
« Last Edit: May 10, 2004, 09:34:26 PM by dzinkin »


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Ray Combs
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2004, 09:38:45 PM »
You didn't know not to believe everything you hear until your bowling idiot -- er, I mean friend fed you a load of crap?

Well, as I said before he did say he had been professionally diagnosed.


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Ray Combs
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2004, 09:46:09 PM »
[quote name=\'adamjk\' date=\'May 10 2004, 09:38 PM\']
You didn't know not to believe everything you hear until your bowling idiot -- er, I mean friend fed you a load of crap?

Well, as I said before he did say he had been professionally diagnosed. [/quote]
 Your friend was professionally diagnosed, or Ray was?

Either way, it doesn't matter, because your friend was in no position to know what Ray was diagnosed with.  Nor did he have any business knowing, unless your friend is a relative of Ray's -- and if he is, God help him because you're probably driving him up the wall about it.


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Ray Combs
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2004, 09:49:44 PM »
He said that Ray was.


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Ray Combs
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2004, 09:54:00 PM »
[quote name=\'adamjk\' date=\'May 10 2004, 09:49 PM\'] He said that Ray was. [/quote]
 Again, doesn't matter, because your friend had no way to know.  I could say that you've been professionally diagnosed with craniorectal inversion, but my claim of a "diagnosis" is meaningless unless we have a reputable source.  (Or firsthand evidence.)

I'm certain that you didn't intend to stir up what you did.  Unfortunately, I'm just as certain that you really don't care and that you'd do it again given half a chance.


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Ray Combs
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2004, 10:10:21 PM »
Knowing what I know now, if I could turn back the clock, I wouldn't do it again.


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Ray Combs
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2004, 11:06:21 PM »
Enough's enough.


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Ray Combs
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2004, 12:47:37 AM »
Thank you for unlocking this thread so I could post my response to these people who truly did not really know my brother. First of all let me say No, my brother was never diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and No, he never tried to overdose the day he crossed over and left this earth. The only thing in his body that day was an antidepressant that Glendale adventist Hospital had given him when he was addmited  6 hours earlier and yes, he had serum of epatat or however it is spelled but even so you would have had trace minerals of any other drugs in your system when they ran the toxicology report. If any of you question this please feel free in checking the autopsy report from glendale california. There were very weird things surrounding my brother's death and a simple antidepresant to him could affect him as a hit of heroin would someone else. My brother was a devout mormon and always treated his body as a temple and didn't even drink dark soda because of the caffeine. He always said if he drank a coca cola he might as well do some cocaine because it would have the same effect on him. So forgive me for trying to defend his honor. I think possibly he was looking for some help in that hospital, that medicine made his mind fuzzy and no he never was addicted to pain killers like i had read earlier in the thread. Quite differently he refused to take unnecessary medicine. Ibuprofen was his extent of pain medicine or alka-seltzer for heartburn and boy did howard felsher cause alot of that. hahahahahaha. IF ANYONE HAS ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE FEEL FREE IN EMAILINg ME I WILL ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS HOWEVER PERSONAL YOU MAY THINK THEY ARE. THEY ARE MY LIFE. THEY ARE MY BROTHER AND IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME AND MY FAMILY AND HIS CHILDREN.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2004, 11:48:19 PM by chris319 »


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Ray Combs
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2004, 12:58:10 AM »
[quote name=\'tcombs1695\' date=\'May 11 2004, 11:47 PM\'] Chris,
Thank you for unlocking this thread so I could post my responce to these people whom truley did not really know my brother. First of all let me say No my brother was never diagnosed with Bipoler disorder and No he never tried to overdose the day he crossed over and left this earth the only thing in his body that day was an anti depressant that Glendale adventist Hospital had given him when they was addmited  6 hours earlier and yes he had serum of epatat or how ever it is spelled but even so you would have had trace minerals of any other drugs in your system when they ran the toxicoligy report if any of you question this please feel free in checking the autopsy report from glendale california. there were very weird things surrounding my brothers death and a simple anti depresant to him could effect him as if a hit of heroin would someone else. my brother was a devout mormon and always treated his body as a temple and didn;t even drink dark soda because of the caffeine. he always said if he drank a coke a cola he might as well do some cocaine because it would have the same effect on him. so forgive me for trying to defend his honor. i think possible he was looking for some help in that hospital that medicine made his mind fuzzy and no he never was addicted to pain killers like i had read earlier in the thread quite different he refused to take unnecary medicine ibuprfin was his extint of pain medicine or alkazelter for heart bearn and boy did howard feltcher cause alot of that. hahahahahaha. IF ANYONE HAS ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE FEEL FREE IN EMAILINg ME I WILL ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS HOWEVER PERSONAL YOU MAY THINK THEY ARE. THEY ARE MY LIFE. THEY ARE MY BROTHER AND IS ALL THAT MATTER TO ME AND MY FAMILY AND HIS CHILDREN.
TCOMB1695@AOL.COM [/quote]
 Wow. I applaud you for sharing what must of been very personal and painfull memory. I think its cruel for us to try to decide how Mr. Combs did what he did.

Would it be okay if we asked you something like: "What was Rays happist/fondest memory on Feud ?" ?

Again thank you, and I hope this puts all rumors to rest
-Joe R.
-Joe Raygor

Card Shark

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Ray Combs
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2004, 07:13:23 AM »
[quote name=\'adamjk\' date=\'May 10 2004, 09:38 PM\']
You didn't know not to believe everything you hear until your bowling idiot -- er, I mean friend fed you a load of crap?

Well, as I said before he did say he had been professionally diagnosed. [/quote]
Since when is your bowling buddy an authority on such matters? For those of you still reading, my name is  Adam Strom. Please, never confuse me with the original author of this post. And furthermore, I can't believe things went as far as having Ray's sister come on and drudge up painful memories to settle something your bowling buddy came up with between beers and frames. She should not have had to do that!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2004, 07:17:11 AM by Card Shark »
Adam Strom


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Ray Combs
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2004, 08:15:10 AM »
[quote name=\'tcombs1695\' date=\'May 11 2004, 11:47 PM\'] Chris,
Thank you for unlocking this thread so I could post my responce to these people whom truley did not really know my brother. First of all let me say No my brother was never diagnosed with Bipoler disorder and No he never tried to overdose the day he crossed over and left this earth the only thing in his body that day was an anti depressant that Glendale adventist Hospital had given him when they was addmited  6 hours earlier and yes he had serum of epatat or how ever it is spelled but even so you would have had trace minerals of any other drugs in your system when they ran the toxicoligy report if any of you question this please feel free in checking the autopsy report from glendale california. there were very weird things surrounding my brothers death and a simple anti depresant to him could effect him as if a hit of heroin would someone else. my brother was a devout mormon and always treated his body as a temple and didn;t even drink dark soda because of the caffeine. he always said if he drank a coke a cola he might as well do some cocaine because it would have the same effect on him. so forgive me for trying to defend his honor. i think possible he was looking for some help in that hospital that medicine made his mind fuzzy and no he never was addicted to pain killers like i had read earlier in the thread quite different he refused to take unnecary medicine ibuprfin was his extint of pain medicine or alkazelter for heart bearn and boy did howard feltcher cause alot of that. hahahahahaha. IF ANYONE HAS ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE FEEL FREE IN EMAILINg ME I WILL ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS HOWEVER PERSONAL YOU MAY THINK THEY ARE. THEY ARE MY LIFE. THEY ARE MY BROTHER AND IS ALL THAT MATTER TO ME AND MY FAMILY AND HIS CHILDREN.
TCOMB1695@AOL.COM [/quote]
 Welcome to our group my dear :) Sorry that certain chuckleheads decided to bring up unproven dirt on your beloved brother.