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Author Topic: TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:  (Read 4980 times)


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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« on: May 10, 2004, 01:51:22 AM »
If you were a contestant on Price; several games offer a "buy out" option; others string you along.  What would be your breaking point?  For example:
  • Temptation: Regardless of the 4 prizes; I would take them. $3500 for doing nothing isn't bad.
  • Pass the Buck: If I earn $3,000 or more; I'm taking the cash.  Who wants a Dodge Neon anyhow?
  • Spelling Bee: $2500 isn't quite enough to buy me out.  Would go for the car.
Anyone else?
Phil 4:13

Terry K

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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2004, 04:55:19 AM »
on the MDS recently, the prizes were over $14,000.  I'd have taken them in a heartbeat over the car.  

PTB has a different method for me:  IF I hit one lose everything then say 3,000, I'd go on.  with the odds being 1:4 of me hitting the other lose everything.  If I hit $3-5k on the first go around, I'd quit.  2:5 odds of fiding lose everything aren't good.

Let 'em Roll, I'd go for the car.  That's a no lose game, IMHO.  Either way you walk out with cash or the car.   I'd keep going for the car as long as I had rolls left.

Craig Karlberg

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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2004, 05:37:05 AM »
Here's my "break even" points(and don't hold me to them):

Punch-A-Bunch:  $1,000 is fine by me unless I have more than 2 punches left with the Second Chances lurking around.

It's In The Bag:  $8,000 works for me($4,000 is borderline).

Grand Game:  Unless I know what the last product lower than the target price is, $1,000 is fine by me.

Temptation:  It depends on what kind of gifts I recieve, however, if there's cash involved, I'll consider bailing out.

Pass The Buck:  If I get $3,000-$5,000 on the first pick or 2, I'd quit.

Spelling Bee:  Definitely go all the way except there's only $500 or $1,000 showing.

Let'em Roll:  Keep going unless I screw up on the GP part & only get 2 rolls with at least $3,000.


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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2004, 05:46:47 AM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' date=\'May 10 2004, 04:37 AM\'] It's In The Bag:  $8,000 works for me($4,000 is borderline).

Grand Game:  Unless I know what the last product lower than the target price is, $1,000 is fine by me. [/quote]
 But these two games you, as the contestant, have full control over.  I think the point is for games such as Punch A Bunch with a luck element, "when would you quit?"

Ian Wallis

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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2004, 09:10:35 AM »
Temptation: Regardless of the 4 prizes; I would take them. $3500 for doing nothing isn't bad.

For me, it all depends what the prizes were.  If they were four prizes I wasn't crazy about, I'd probably go for the car.  If they were four prizes I really wanted, then I'd think about quitting.

It's the same thing if I won the Showcase.  Contestants are allowed to "forfeit" prizes when they sign papers after the show.   If I won a trip to somewhere I wasn't overly crazy about, I'd probably forfeit it and reduce my taxes a bit.
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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2004, 11:31:12 AM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' date=\'May 10 2004, 02:37 AM\'] Grand Game:  Unless I know what the last product lower than the target price is, $1,000 is fine by me.
 Hopefully you won't mind if I save this one for the "Duh" file...
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2004, 10:14:50 PM »
Let'em Roll: Keep going unless I screw up on the GP part & only get 2 rolls with at least $3,000.

I'd be inclined to do the same with, say, $4500 or more...$3K can easily be made in just one roll, depending on the outcome.

Chuck Donegan (The Illustrious "Chuckie Baby")

Craig Karlberg

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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2004, 05:32:10 AM »
There was one other game that dealt with taking the money instead that I may have overlooked.

Time Is Money:  In the first playings, if the contestant failed to get the products on the proper shelves after 15 seconds, a $500 voucher was offered as a bailout.  But later playings scrapped the voucher in favor of 2 chances to win the game with 20 seconds each time.  I'd never take the $500 the first time & went for the seconde 15 seconds.  Makes me glad they'ed killed the voucher making it TOO easy to win the game, hence it's "supposed" retirement or hiatus if you will.


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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2004, 05:34:43 AM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' date=\'May 11 2004, 04:32 AM\'] Makes me glad they'ed killed the voucher making it TOO easy to win the game, hence it's "supposed" retirement or hiatus if you will. [/quote]
 The game was never won under the original rules.

The retirement, whether temporary or permanant, has nothing to do with the games rules.


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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2004, 05:34:19 PM »
Here I'll give you mine:

Pass The Buck: $3-$5K showing, I'd stop.

Temptation: If I'm not that confident in the car price, then I'd quit.

Spelling Bee: If I see an R, then I'd go for the car, because there are more C's and A's than R's.

Let 'Em Roll: If I have less than 3 cars showing, regardless of how much money I have, then I'd quit.

Punch-A-Bunch: I'd quit if I had at least $500.

Grand Game: I'm also going with Craig on this one. If I can't figure out which product is the last one lower than the Target Price, I'd quit.

It's In The Bag: As usual, I only quit, if I'm not that confident.

Step Up: If I'm afraid of tripping up after choosing 2 or 3 prizes, I'd take those prizes and the $1,000 or $1,500 cash.


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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2004, 07:24:41 PM »
I'd probably take the prizes on Temptation anyway -- I can't drive, and the odds of actually winning it are probably a lot lower than you think (esp. if the last prize is $500 -- or $5000 on the primetimers...).


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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2004, 07:26:10 PM »
And as for the "Duh" file -- it allows me to go on a Price rant:

Price is becoming unwatchable for me because of the stupid contestants in the "PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shirts who:

a) don't know how to play the darn games, and/or
b) do something so stupid that you wonder how they found the darn studio!


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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2004, 10:01:03 PM »
PUNCH BOARD: If we discount the "Second Chances" in Punch Board, the expected value of a punch is $980.  (For those who haven't taken a statistics class, add up the value of all the potential prizes, and divide by 50) If I see $1,000 or more, I'm done.

GRAND GAME: Given a guaranteed $1,000, or a one-in-three shot at $10,000, I think almost everyone would go for the ten grand.  Not only that, but it's NOT RANDOM.  Pick the least expensive item there, it'll be the only one under the target.  This is not hard at all.

TEMPTATION: Depends on the prizes, and the comparative value of them to the car in question.  I'd probably go for the car anyhow.  The odds of winning by just dumb luck are one in sixteen, for those that care. :)

PASS THE BUCK: I think if I had picked two cash amounts, or the $5,000; I'd bail.

SPELLING BEE: The cash isn't enough to induce me to take it.  C-A-R or bust, all the way, unless I was in a position where I needed the "CAR" card to win.

Nice topic!
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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2004, 10:15:32 PM »
Interesting topic.

-TEMPTATION: If I'm not confident about the last digit, I'll probably take the prizes and bail...there's always eBay. :-)

-SPELLING BEE: If I don't have at least 2 of the letters by my 3rd pick, I'll walk with $1,000.

-PASS THE BUCK: If I get down to my last pick and have some money, I'm walking.

-LET EM ROLL: Probably take the money before the last roll, esp. if I have 2 or more dice on the table.

-PUNCHBOARD:  $1,000 or more and I'd walk...however, if you get the $1,000+Second Chance, can you still keep the $1,000 and whatever's pulled from the Second Chance, or do you forfeit the $1,000?

GRAND GAME is probably one of the few where I'd go for broke.

-IT'S IN THE BAG: Most likely $4,000, but $2,000 if I'm just not confident.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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TPiR; Pricing Game Thoughts:
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2004, 10:18:34 PM »
"$1,000 + Second Chance" does not exist, so that wouldn't be an issue.  If you pull "N + Second Chance" it compounds the money prize, not just another punch.  So, conceivably, you could win $10,900 if you were able to find all four SCs and then one of the $10,000 slips.

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