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Author Topic: Super Millionaire phone game malfunction  (Read 13383 times)


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2004, 09:53:01 AM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' date=\'May 11 2004, 04:10 AM\'] You'd think they'd "wipe the slate clean" as far as the qualification pool was concerned, but NOPE!  Thank heavens I didn't try out in February or I would've ran across that glitch too early on.
 As others have said, that glitch appears to have been fixed.  I played at 10:45 CDT last night with no problem.

My questions:

1.  Arrange these letters to spell a form of transportation:

1)  T
2)  X
3)  A
4)  I


2.  Arrange these authors in order of their first published book, starting with the most recent:

1)  Charles Dickens
2)  John Grisham
3)  J.D. Salinger
4)  Ernest Hemingway


3.  Arrange these European islands in order of their area, starting with the largest:

1)  Crete
2)  Sicily
3)  Great Britain
4)  Ireland


4.  Arrange these movies in order of their premiere, starting with the earliest:

1)  Fast Times at Ridgemont High
2)  Dead Poets Society
3)  Dangerous Minds
4)  To Sir, With Love


5.  Put these international holidays in order, starting in January:

1)  Bastille Day
2)  Canada Day
3)  United Nations Day
4)  US Independence Day

My answer:  1-2-4-3.  Correct answer:  2-4-1-3.  (I thought Bastille Day was in June...)

Good luck to all!


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2004, 07:17:30 PM »
Ouch on the malfunction.  At least I didn't have to worry about _that_...

A little sixth-grade biology did make me go out on Q3 last night:

Put the following animals in the order of the number of legs the normal adult has, least to most:

1) Crab
2) Centipede
3) Spider
4) Insect

I put 1-4-3-2.  It's 4-3-1-2.  After much head-scratching, I and my therapist went online (throwing that in to the end of my session made his head scratch too) and found out that, although the crab has six "walking legs", the claws and swimming paddles are counted too in declaring crabs "decapods" -- ten feet -- ten legs.

Q1:  Put the following cities in the order of their time zones, east to west...

1) Provo, UT
2) Detroit, MI
3) Memphis, TN
4) Reno, NV

Q2:  Put the following ad slogan characters in chronological order of debut...

1) Marlboro Man
2) Jerod from Subway
3) Budweiser frogs
4) Mikey from Life Cereal


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2004, 07:31:01 PM »
Forgot to play last night.  Tonight I made it to question #2 and goofed.

Q1:  Put these words of a 1970s advertising slogan in order
       1.  Way
       2.  Your
       3.  It
       4.  Have
            Ans.  4 3 2 1

Q2:  Put these poets in order from the earliest
        1.  John Milton (1608)
        2.  Maya Angelou (1928)
        3.  Emily Dickinson (1830
        4.  Sappho  (600 B.C.)
             Ans.  4 2 3 1
I mixed the middle two up because I was afraid time would run out


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2004, 08:46:47 PM »
Got to the 4th one tonight, and I wish to declare once again my eternal emnity for movie trivia...

Q1:  Put the words in order to give the name of a 17th century disaster...

1) Great
2) London
3) Fire
4) of

Was thrown off a little thinking 4) might be "The"...

Q2:  Albums in order of release chronologically...

1) Rubber Sole
2) Thriller
3) N' SYNC
4) Billy Joel's Piano Man

Q3: Letters in order on a typewriter keyboard, left to right...

(was thinking at about this point they might actually interchange rows too)

1) Q
2) O
3) P
4) W

Look down...

Q4:  Movies in geographic order, starting at the Atlantic and going west...

(checking imdb.com for the relevant info after the fact)

1) Boyz N' The Hood (Los Angeles)
2) 6 Days, 7 Nights (South Seas)
3) Places In The Heart (as I figured, Southern US -- 1930's era)
4) Miami Rhapsody (duh)

Put it down as 4-3-2-1, and didn't remember that 2) probably refers to a vacation, say in Hawaii or, as in 6D7N, the South Seas...  4-3-1-2 would've got "Question Five..."


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2004, 08:53:26 PM »
Put the following words in order to complete Ella Fitzgerald's nickname

1. first
2. of
3. lady
4. song

CORRECT:  1-3-2-4

I failed at question 2.  I forgot the question to post.


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2004, 09:32:17 PM »
Anyone know the answer to this one?

Put these continents in order of square miles of ice covering them, from the least amount to the greatest:

1) South America
2) Asia
3) Africa
4) Antarctica

I thought I tried entering the answer a couple of different ways when this question came up, including what my current guess is: 4,2,1,3.

Little Big Brother

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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2004, 09:47:41 PM »
Got to question three before I got totally snowed:

Put these cities in order according to amount of average annual snowfall:


Unfortunately as I tried to keep the order straight, I forgot whether (weather?) it was from most to least or least to most.

Lesson Learned:  Write down the criterion (most to least, least to most, earliest, most recent, etc.) as soon as it is stated.

Matt Ottinger

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« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2004, 10:21:44 PM »
[quote name=\'pyrawoman\' date=\'May 11 2004, 09:32 PM\'] Anyone know the answer to this one?

Put these continents in order of square miles of ice covering them, from the least amount to the greatest:

1) South America
2) Asia
3) Africa
4) Antarctica

I thought I tried entering the answer a couple of different ways when this question came up, including what my current guess is: 4,2,1,3. [/quote]
 So you believe Antarctica has the LEAST amount of ice covering it, and Africa has the MOST.

Listen to the questions, people.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2004, 12:03:04 AM »
Okay, my mistake on that reversal.

In any case, is 3,1,2,4 the correct answer then?


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2004, 12:22:54 AM »
I thought it'd be the pop culture question that killed me
this time, but instead it was the classical arts one....

Q1: Arrange the following words to form the title of a
1998 war movie.
1) Red 2) The 3) Thin 4) Line

Q2: Arrange the following artists in order of the year they
won the Best New Artist Grammy, starting with the earliest.
1) Shelby Lynne 2) Mariah Carey
3) Hootie and the Blowfish 4) Lauren Hill

Q3: Arrange the following animals in order by weight,
starting with the lightest.
1) wildebeest 2) wolf 3) ferret 4) wolverine

Q4: Arrange the following artists in chronological order,
starting with the earliest.
1) Jackson Pollock 2) El Greco 3) Marc Chagall 4) Rembrandt

Should have studied more in Art History...
actually, I should have TAKEN Art History...



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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2004, 03:49:04 AM »
[quote name=\'Little Big Brother\' date=\'May 11 2004, 08:47 PM\'] Got to question three before I got totally snowed:

Put these cities in order according to amount of average annual snowfall:


Unfortunately as I tried to keep the order straight, I forgot whether (weather?) it was from most to least or least to most.

Lesson Learned:  Write down the criterion (most to least, least to most, earliest, most recent, etc.) as soon as it is stated. [/quote]
 My question #3 pertained to parts of the ear...placing them in order from inward to outward:
Auditory Canal
Eustachian Tube (sp.)
As well as one other part I didn't fully write down. Question #1 pertained to placing US Cities geographically east to west; Question #2 pertained to years TV shows were set in, starting with the earliest.
Phil 4:13

Craig Karlberg

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« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2004, 04:45:56 AM »
Still searching for a qualifier here from these boards.  At least someone went to #4.  Today is Round 3 of the 2nd go-round.  Good luck!


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« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2004, 08:22:24 AM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' date=\'May 12 2004, 03:45 AM\'] Still searching for a qualifier here from these boards.  At least someone went to #4.  Today is Round 3 of the 2nd go-round.  Good luck! [/quote]
 Looking at previous posts from this thread sees that there is one outlier, er, qualifier :) And it was an outlier since I guessed on two of the questions.


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2004, 08:41:35 AM »
[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' date=\'May 11 2004, 09:21 PM\'] [quote name=\'pyrawoman\' date=\'May 11 2004, 09:32 PM\'] Anyone know the answer to this one?

Put these continents in order of square miles of ice covering them, from the least amount to the greatest:

1) South America
2) Asia
3) Africa
4) Antarctica

I thought I tried entering the answer a couple of different ways when this question came up, including what my current guess is: 4,2,1,3. [/quote]
So you believe Antarctica has the LEAST amount of ice covering it, and Africa has the MOST.

Listen to the questions, people. [/quote]
 I wonder, though, if Asia has more than Antarctica ....

I probably would have gone with 3-1-4-2

Mark Davies

Questions I've gotten knocked out on -

1st night - Q4
put the following epochs in order, starting with the earliest-
1 Eocene
2 Holocene
3 Miocene
4 Pennsylvanian

I think correct answer is 4-1-3-2 (although researching this shows the Pennsylvanian as an era, not an epoch)

2nd night - Q3
put the following British royalty weddings in order, starting with the earliest (as best I can reconstruct my rapid scrawls)
1 Charles and Diana
2 Windsor and Wallace Simpson
3 Edward and Sophie Rhys Jones
4 Philip and Elizabeth 2

I think correct answer is 2-4-1-3


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Super Millionaire phone game malfunction
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2004, 09:25:37 AM »
[quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'May 12 2004, 07:22 AM\'] Looking at previous posts from this thread sees that there is one outlier, er, qualifier :) [/quote]
 Make it two:  I qualified just in time to go on vacation.

My five for Tuesday night:

1.  Put these words in order to make a body of water:

1)  Strait
2)  The
3)  Of
4)  Gibraltar


2.  Arrange these singers in order of their birth, starting with the earliest:

1)  Ricky Martin
2)  Michael Stipe
3)  Tina Turner
4)  Sting


3.  Put these moon phases in order of the amount of sunlight reflected, starting with the least:

1)  Gibbous
2)  New
3)  Full
4)  Crescent


4.  Arrange these philosphers in order of their birth, starting with the earliest:

1)  St. Augustine
2)  Rene Descartes
3)  Friedrich Nietzsche
4)  Plato


5.  Put these events in the order they occurred, starting with the earliest:

1)  "Hanging Chad" Election
2)  New Coke introduced
3)  Columbia tragedy
4)  John Lennon murdered


Picked tape date of 21 May (after the vacation...).  Call date is 19 May.  Good luck to everyone!