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Author Topic: Cincy Critiques: On the Cover  (Read 3813 times)


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« on: May 17, 2004, 08:46:15 PM »
Three years ago, it was announced as an NBC show.  Now, Pax (at least they're not running many infomercials anymore) finally airs this game show.

    Title: On the Cover
    Host: Mark Walberg (I hosted Temptation Island)
    Announcer: Vanessa Marshall
    Production Companies: Western International Syndication, CreativArts
    Premiered: May 17, 2004 on Pax

    First round: Three contestants enter, one at a time.  They answer questions in 30 seconds about celebrities who appear on magazine, CD and DVD covers. Each question is worth 25 points.  

    Second round: The three contestants then are shown three covers, which is connected to a question posed by the host. At the start of the round, each is worth 50 points. Each time a cover is not selected, the value of the question is worth 50 additional points.

    Third round: From the On the Cover newsstand, three fake covers are then shown to the contestant.  The host then asks the contestants a fact about the celebrities on the fake covers. The first three covers are worth 100, the second covers 200, and the third covers 300. That leads into...

     Endgame: The winning contestant then is asked four questions, once again with fake covers.  Each cover's answers contain words that lead to a Mystery Cover, where the contestant has 10 seconds to answer the subject of the Mystery Cover correctly - and wins a prize package.

    What Works:

     - Pop culture. Remember Hollywood Showdown?  It was successful...and shows about pop culture can be successful if done right.
     - Contestants' last names are announced. Yay!

    What Doesn't Work:

     - The prize package at the endgame. This is an 8 p.m. show - and they can afford this as the big prize?
     - No returning champions, I presume.

     Let's hope OTC will not go the way of Reel to Reel Picture Show and Pax's most recent game show flop, Dirty Rotten Cheater.  Pax may (FINALLY) be showing signs of life, but let's hope Balderdash will be better.

     Grade: B-.


     100 plus 100 equals 600?

     We want some more pro wrestling (STILL) and NASCAR questions!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2004, 08:48:07 PM by brianhenke »
Have yourself a round of sausage?


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2004, 09:11:02 PM »
The third round needs work.  If you are a good guesser, you could win the game from round 3.  In general, they should deduct points for incorrect answers.


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2004, 09:14:46 PM »
[quote name=\'goongas\' date=\'May 17 2004, 09:11 PM\'] The third round needs work.  If you are a good guesser, you could win the game from round 3.  In general, they should deduct points for incorrect answers. [/quote]
I also felt that they need to have a penalty for incorrect answers. At one point it became a "who can guess first" game. That was not fun to watch at all. The questions were good, at least when Mark had a chance to actually say the whole question.

The format  is viable but it needs work, I hope they tweak it as they go.

Tim :-)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2004, 09:16:32 PM by Timsterino »


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2004, 09:25:49 PM »
[quote name=\'Timsterino\' date=\'May 17 2004, 08:14 PM\']
I also felt that they need to have a penalty for incorrect answers. At one point it became a "who can guess first" game. That was not fun to watch at all. The questions were good, at least when Mark had a chance to actually say the whole question.

The format  is viable but it needs work, I hope they tweak it as they go.

Tim :-) [/quote]
 They could use a penalty for a wrong answer, true. Maybe they could place someone out of the next question, a la on Face the Music when a player named a tune incorrectly.  THe questions in round three seemed to play like those on Quicksilver, where the first part of the question could lead or two or three choices.


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2004, 09:34:00 PM »
[quote name=\'brianhenke\' date=\'May 17 2004, 05:46 PM\'] - Contestants' last names are announced. Yay!
 Other than yer idol, the Perfesser, who in the blue hell CARES?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2004, 10:22:31 PM »
Hey, it was good for a laugh, especially the second round when the answers were BILL (Cosby), HILARY (Duff), and MONICA (Bellucci) or SHARON (Stone), CHER, and ALIKE (Olsen Twins).


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2004, 10:43:59 PM »
[quote name=\'cac8383\' date=\'May 17 2004, 09:16 PM\'] The show became BORING. Bottom line. I'll give it a C+ grade for a waste of a half-hour. [/quote]
 I think you're being generous in giving it a C+.  I give it a D+, at best.  There's a reason NBC passed this up, folks.
Phil 4:13


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2004, 11:28:29 PM »
[quote name=\'brianhenke\' date=\'May 17 2004, 07:46 PM\'] What Doesn't Work:

     - The prize package at the endgame. This is an 8 p.m. show - and they can afford this as the big prize? [/quote]
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this is much better than going the route of nearly EVERY recent game show.  It's really refreshing to NOT see 10 trillion dollars as the grand prize.

Also, I really liked the set.  It had that huge "On the Cover" logo on the floor, the wall panels changed color from blue to red in the bonus round, and I don't recall seeing any dumb metal ornaments a la "Millionaire."

Mark stumbled a little, but I'm sure these are early episodes.  As mentioned, the traps that the writers set up in the wording of the questions ("Who became a model..." and "Do you believe...") made for interesting gameplay.  IMO, the only thing in need of tweaking is the third round scoring.  Deduct points for wrong answers so as to eliminate wild guessing.  I'd give the show a B+.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2004, 11:29:10 PM by MCArroyo1 »

Brandon Brooks

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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2004, 11:39:55 PM »
[quote name=\'cac8383\' date=\'May 17 2004, 09:52 PM\'] hey, I wasn't THAT generous. Only portion I liked were the parody covers. that's it. Otherwise, I would've given it an F. [/quote]
 It wasn't that bad.  (It wasn't that good, either.)  The game flowed, I got a little chuckle, the set was very cool, etc.  Not really a strong game, but if I have nothing to do at 7PM, I'll watch it.

Brandon Brooks


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2004, 12:09:17 AM »
Oh come on now...was this show really as cringe-inducing as Match Game 98' or How do you like your eggs? IMHO, THOSE are F shows.

Anyway, I think it's definatley not an NBC type-show. I can see why it was passed over for so long. Mark does ok, but he's a little out of his element here. Points off for the tiny prize. I'm sorry, I don't mind seeing shows with smaller prizes, but this is a bit much...or, not so much. Shop Til You Drop gives away more. Points up for a nice set (did anyone think of the current set of Family Feud) and a different way of introducing the contestants and starting the game. Definately playable- I caught myself answering questions.

A strictly average show. Could get better with time. I give it a C as well.
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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2004, 01:07:43 AM »
[quote name=\'MCArroyo1\' date=\'May 17 2004, 11:28 PM\'] [quote name=\'brianhenke\' date=\'May 17 2004, 07:46 PM\'] What Doesn't Work:

     - The prize package at the endgame. This is an 8 p.m. show - and they can afford this as the big prize? [/quote]
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this is much better than going the route of nearly EVERY recent game show.  It's really refreshing to NOT see 10 trillion dollars as the grand prize. [/quote]
I agree with you to a point. But for god sakes it was a "trip" to nearby Orange County! Even those who  dislike the "mo money" aspect of recent shows have to admit that the "trip" is a bit on the cheap side.

I agree with you on the set, it was refreshing and I was impressed by it. I think that is where the budget went for the show.  In fact, the set is the nicest part of this show.

As I said, I hope it gets tweaked. But as it stands now, I was not impressed.

Tim :-)
« Last Edit: May 18, 2004, 01:10:56 AM by Timsterino »


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2004, 01:18:52 AM »
This show was strictly average to me. The concept is OK, but they have got to change the scoring system. It is so unbalanced toward the last round, it makes the first two rounds almost completely useless. I would suggest:

-Round one can stay the same, 25 points per correct answer, no penalty for a pass or a miss.

-Round two should have the points halved; 25 points to start, 25 added for every question a cover is not picked. Again, no penalty for a wrong answer.

-Round three should be 50 for the first set of questions, 100 for the second, and 150 for the third, with a penalty of half the value of the question deducted for a miss. This will give the players some pause before jumping in early, because in the last set it could be a 225-point swing if you miss.

The bonus round is blah. They could do so much more with it, because the key words were a little too obvious to me. Maybe they could do an obscured cover, and a final question is based off of it. Increase the preliminary questions to five or six, and correct answers would reveal a part of the cover and give you a greater chance to answer the final question (and they wouldn't have to be related to the final cover at all, which gives them a little more leeway for material). For example, using the final cover tonight (Alfred Hitchcock), the question could be something like "Which one of this famous directors' pictures was remade in 1998 featuring Vince Vaughn, Julianne Moore, and William H. Macy?" A person might have an easy time getting the answer (Psycho) with the entire cover revealed, but there would still be a slight chance even with none of the cover revealed.

I will give it one thing, the set is one of the best I've seen in a long time. Mark is a capable host, and does fine here. I do see why this show has been sitting around for so long, however. It gets a C+ in my view. Not an appointment show, but if there's nothing else on, I might flip around to it.


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2004, 01:25:57 AM »
[quote name=\'Timsterino\' date=\'May 18 2004, 12:07 AM\'] I agree with you to a point. But for god sakes it was a "trip" to nearby Orange County! Even those who  dislike the "mo money" aspect of recent shows have to admit that the "trip" is a bit on the cheap side.

 The same can be said about the so-called "nice" prizes for the losers. Juno internet service? I hear they are just as bad as AOL.
Phil 4:13


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2004, 02:18:24 AM »
I agree that the bonus round prize looks fairly chintzy.  On the ads for contestants they advertised a prize worth of over $10K.  At the auditions they promoted trips overseas as examples of what would be given away, not a location 50 miles down the road.

By the way, the show's website (onthecover.com) has examples of round 2 covers, including some that were used tonight.  "Playing" the game online, they give 3 multiple choices as answers to some of the same questions used.

Tim H.


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Cincy Critiques: On the Cover
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2004, 07:58:20 AM »
I agree that the bonus round prize looks fairly chintzy. On the ads for contestants they advertised a prize worth of over $10K. At the auditions they promoted trips overseas as examples of what would be given away, not a location 50 miles down the road.

Though of course, considering that this is a Pax program, maybe they couldn't afford any decent prizes.