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Author Topic: Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..  (Read 2128 times)


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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« on: May 14, 2004, 08:12:13 PM »
Hi all,

Just curious if any of the fine board readers here will be attending the first of the Super Millionaire tapings tomorrow night in New York. I'll be there, along with a few friends from the NY area. This will be my second WWTBASM Taping, as I was there the night Bob-O won the Mil.

If you are gonna be there, gimme a shout so we can look out  for ya. :)

Dave Walls


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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2004, 08:33:52 PM »
Two pieces of Super Millionaire interest:

First is an interview with the holdover from the February contest from TVGuide.com. Scott Hoff interview. He was also interviewed by USAToday.

Second is an ABC press release with the first 10 contestants announced. It seems to be dominated by players from the midwest.
Joe Coughlin     

Little Big Brother

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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2004, 12:40:58 AM »
IIRC, the midwest seemed to dominate a few of the nights in the last series as well.  Perhaps there's a higher concentration of middle-aged white guys in the area?  ;-)

Clay Zambo

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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2004, 11:56:56 PM »
Didn't see this in time to comment earlier, but I was there, and--without spoiling anything--I'll say that I had a great time.  I hope you did, too.

Got home late and tired and wanted to go straight to bed, but Helpmate reminded me to try phone game, which I did, and--for the first time since SM started, I made it through all five questions!


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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2004, 01:21:18 PM »
Good call, Clay. I was fotunate enough to get front row seats right in back of the fastest finger row in back of the contestants. Unfortunetly, I didnt get home in time to see the show, as my girlfriend and I made a weekend out of our trip and went to Broadway the next day. (Go see "Avenue Q!").

I'm getting a tape tomorrow, though..I dont think they got a real good shot of us last night, but who cares..it was a blast, and unlike February, nearly glitch-free! (Except for Regis's stumbling through the fastest finger intro 3-4 times...)

"I haven't had these kind of problems since I was working with Kathie Lee!!!"
Dave Walls


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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2004, 07:47:05 PM »
I was there too, and saw you in the front of the line, IIRC.  Dave, I didn't know you were going to be there until after I got home.  Someone watching said I was in one of the ask the audience shots.


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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2004, 09:01:34 PM »
(Go see "Avenue Q!")

ObGameShow: Ave. Q cast members Stephanie D'Abruzzo(sp?) and John Tartaglia appeared as celebs on Pyramid and H2, respectively, this season.

Chuck Donegan (The Illustrious "Chuckie Baby")

Clay Zambo

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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2004, 11:17:25 PM »
[quote name=\'davewalls\' date=\'May 17 2004, 12:21 PM\'] Good call, Clay. I was fotunate enough to get front row seats right in back of the fastest finger row in back of the contestants. Unfortunetly, I didnt get home in time to see the show, as my girlfriend and I made a weekend out of our trip and went to Broadway the next day. (Go see "Avenue Q!").

I'm getting a tape tomorrow, though..I dont think they got a real good shot of us last night, but who cares..it was a blast, and unlike February, nearly glitch-free! (Except for Regis's stumbling through the fastest finger intro 3-4 times...)

"I haven't had these kind of problems since I was working with Kathie Lee!!!" [/quote]
 Downstage of the women who won the door prizes?

The Reege-glitch was pretty funny, 'tis true.  My wife observed that the audience's "awwww" reaction to the wrapup from the previous player got bigger with every retake.

I haven't seen the show yet, either, though I've got it on tape.

I'm glad you had a good weekend, and that you enjoyed the show.  As for "Avenue Q," I haven't been there in a while, but saw it during previews (the day before it opened, I believe).  The writers are friends of mine; I loved the show.  In fact, I loved it enough that I forgot to be envious that they have a show on Broadway and I don't!


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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2004, 05:26:18 PM »
[quote name=\'ChuckNet\' date=\'May 17 2004, 08:01 PM\']
(Go see "Avenue Q!")

ObGameShow: Ave. Q cast members Stephanie D'Abruzzo(sp?) and John Tartaglia appeared as celebs on Pyramid and H2, respectively, this season.[/quote]
And they're both nominated for Tonys.

And Jim Ellwanger went to college with Stephanie.

That is all.

Clay Zambo

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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2004, 02:06:41 PM »
[quote name=\'Clay Zambo\' date=\'May 15 2004, 10:56 PM\'] Got home late and tired and wanted to go straight to bed, but Helpmate reminded me to try phone game, which I did, and--for the first time since SM started, I made it through all five questions! [/quote]
 EPILOGUE: No call. Well, that's not quite true.  Two calls--both heart-stopping phone rings during rehearsal--but no call from the Millionaire folks.  Ah, well.


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Super Millionaire Tapings tomorrow..
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2004, 02:07:32 PM »
[quote name=\'Clay Zambo\' date=\'May 17 2004, 10:17 PM\'] [quote name=\'davewalls\' date=\'May 17 2004, 12:21 PM\'] Good call, Clay. I was fotunate enough to get front row seats...*snip* [/quote]
Downstage of the women who won the door prizes?

 Indeed, I was two seats to their left..In fact, when they won their door prizes (both of em), I declared "Shenanigans!".

Oh well, it was still a blast. Here's hoping there's more tapings of Regis to come in November. :)
Dave Walls


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