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Author Topic: More GS Documentaries....  (Read 4391 times)


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More GS Documentaries....
« on: May 30, 2004, 06:54:57 PM »
I missed the PRess Your Luck Scandal, so I can't judge on how good or bad it was, but is there any surviving footage on other old game shows like Hollywood Squares or Match Game?  As in behind the scenes footage or on set interviews?

If so, maby these can be cobled together for more documentaries...


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« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2004, 10:10:31 PM »
[quote name=\'Shredder\' date=\'May 30 2004, 03:54 PM\'] I missed the PRess Your Luck Scandal, so I can't judge on how good or bad it was, but is there any surviving footage on other old game shows like Hollywood Squares or Match Game?  As in behind the scenes footage or on set interviews?

If so, maby these can be cobled together for more documentaries... [/quote]
 Please to be explaining to me what notable event happened on MG or Hollywood Squares to merit a documentary.

We already have the E!THS, and it already sucks. Do we really need another one?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2004, 10:32:13 PM »
Maybe we can have docs about MG and Squares without the dirt that the E! docs are famous for.


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« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2004, 11:12:37 PM »
[quote name=\'rugrats1\' date=\'May 30 2004, 07:32 PM\'] Maybe we can have docs about MG and Squares without the dirt that the E! docs are famous for. [/quote]
 I'm still waiting. What's interesting? WHat's worth documentarizing?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2004, 12:17:24 AM »
"Next on the GSN True Television City Story... Scrabble !"

Snarky Announcer: "Heh ! Then in 1986, controversy raged though the network ranks when Scrabble announced they were going to create a Bonus Sprint round for $5000. The crew voiced concern"

Jan Heinger: "This ment I had to write more clues, which also ment more ways for Chuck to insult me" (Begins to cry)

Snarky Announcer: Behind the happy-go-lucky scenes, raged a fierce rivalry between Chuck Woolery and Jan Heinger began to rage out of control.

Comming up on the GSNTTCS... Has Chuck Woolery gone too far ?

Jan Heinger: "... then one day, Chuck said on camera that one of my clues was stupid" That sick man will pay for this !"
-Joe Raygor


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« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2004, 01:39:54 AM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'May 30 2004, 11:12 PM\'] [quote name=\'rugrats1\' date=\'May 30 2004, 07:32 PM\'] Maybe we can have docs about MG and Squares without the dirt that the E! docs are famous for. [/quote]
I'm still waiting. What's interesting? WHat's worth documentarizing? [/quote]
 Yeah, you take away the "dirt" and you've taken away anything remotely worth documentarizing.

Did you really think they were going to do a documentary about HS and not mention Paul Lynde's drinking or Rose Marie's flower addiction? Or a MG doc and not have anything about Richard Dawson's smile embargo? It would all be about game play? Ugh, hell, I wouldn't even watch.

And, JRaygor, good stuff. Very funny!
Joe Coughlin     


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« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2004, 02:34:13 AM »
Next on the "Wheel of Fortune" True Hollywood Story!...a sad story of racism...or is it spaceism?

Man, I've gotten flack since day one! The other wheel spaces always hated me, and it's all because I'm black! Why do you think there's no longer a $1500 space? That little (bleep) wanted out of the show, and always hated being next to me...couldn't handle what it could do for his "image" as a prize space.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

Craig Karlberg

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« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2004, 04:31:13 AM »
[quote name=\'fostergray82\' date=\'May 31 2004, 01:34 AM\'] Next on the "Wheel of Fortune" True Hollywood Story!...a sad story of racism...or is it spaceism?

Man, I've gotten flack since day one! The other wheel spaces always hated me, and it's all because I'm black! Why do you think there's no longer a $1500 space? That little (bleep) wanted out of the show, and always hated being next to me...couldn't handle what it could do for his "image" as a prize space. [/quote]
That black "Bankrupt" space may have gotten rid of that $1500 space, but in rounds 2 & 3, it has to be next to the $3500 space.  Spaceism eh?  Sounds like a made up word to me.


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« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2004, 08:04:19 AM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' date=\'May 31 2004, 03:31 AM\'] [quote name=\'fostergray82\' date=\'May 31 2004, 01:34 AM\'] Next on the "Wheel of Fortune" True Hollywood Story!...a sad story of racism...or is it spaceism?

Man, I've gotten flack since day one! The other wheel spaces always hated me, and it's all because I'm black! Why do you think there's no longer a $1500 space? That little (bleep) wanted out of the show, and always hated being next to me...couldn't handle what it could do for his "image" as a prize space. [/quote]
That black "Bankrupt" space may have gotten rid of that $1500 space, but in rounds 2 & 3, it has to be next to the $3500 space.  Spaceism eh?  Sounds like a made up word to me. [/quote]
 And from your posts, you probably would remove Italian people from the show as well.  When will you get a clue?
Phil 4:13


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« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2004, 10:07:46 AM »
I think a good documentary would be the fall of the daytime game show.
Enjoy lots and lots of backstage TPIR photos and other fun stuff here. And yes, I did park in Syd Vinnedge's parking spot at CBS


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« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2004, 10:35:37 AM »
Before American TV became full of people bitching about each other and their jobs, there were some awesome game show documentaries. Most were actually mostly about the shows and less about who hates who. First to mind...

A great "Making of LMAD" with some very cool backstage studio footage, warm-up footage, and even a writing session at the Hatos-Hall offices at 6430 Sunset. Memorable moment: Jay Stewart reading prize copy while the wardrobe mistress is dressing him in one of those wacky costumes he wore in some of the "Zonks".

A similar making of TTTT (by a different name) that Bricon and I were just discussing on Saturday. Memorable moment: Garry Moore fiendishly sucking on a cigarette backstage for his last hit of nicotine as Bill Wendell is introducing him at the top of the show.

The PBS doc on "21" and the scandals with Bob Boden's name in the credits.

And the more recent BBC doc entitled "Annie Goes to Hollywood" that includes lots of Anne Robinson in the US "Weakest Link" studio, dressing room and at an endless on-camera session to produce a promo. Oh, and that one includes a little of the fabulous warm-up guy working the studio audience   ;-)

« Last Edit: May 31, 2004, 10:39:32 AM by tvrandywest »
The story behind the voice you know and love... the voice of a generation of game shows: Johnny Olson!

Celebrate the centennial of the America's favorite announcer with "Johnny Olson: A Voice in Time."

Preview the book free: click "Johnny O Tribute" http://www.tvrandywest.com


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« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2004, 12:00:46 PM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' date=\'May 31 2004, 03:31 AM\']That black "Bankrupt" space may have gotten rid of that $1500 space, but in rounds 2 & 3, it has to be next to the $3500 space.  [/quote]

You misread my joke in so many ways, it's ridiculous.

Re-read it, and you will see that my joke was implying that the $1,500 was the one who wanted to get off the show. And I really appreciate how you interrupt my joke to point out some pointless little tidbit...why I'm actually breaking down such a joke is beyond me.
Spaceism eh?  Sounds like a made up word to me.
Nooooo, what gave you THAT impression?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2004, 12:01:56 PM by fostergray82 »
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."

Michael Brandenburg

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« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2004, 12:11:59 PM »
Here's another one you might be interested in from the on-line store at the A&E website.  I saw this program when it aired as an A&E Biography episode some time ago.


They also have a VHS video of a Biography episode featuring Bob Barker's one-time boss, the late Mark Goodson, that you might find interesting as well.

Michael Brandenburg
(Yes, Mark Goodson, who no doubt influenced that Gottlieb pinball machine creation of 1951, "Watch My Line," that has just turned up as a computerized re-creation on the IRPinball website.  I'll have to download it and check it out.)


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« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2004, 12:19:18 PM »
Okay, shameless plug here....

I produced and hosted a doc behind the scenes at the J! College Championships at Yale last fall.... aired in prime time and did much better ratings than regular programming...(of course, we preempted ABC programming, which is to say the show did better than color bars!)

Thanks to a station that supports local programming, I flew to LA to go behind the scenes, then spent countless hours with the J! crew at Yale as they found contestants, built the set, and played the games....heck, I even got to show the lighter side of Alex Trebek...

Good stuff, worked with great people on the staff from Harry on down, even got me a local Emmy nomination...

So yes, GS Doc's are rare, but they happen...and there is an audience for them, IF AND ONLY IF you find an audience that wants to see them. J! does boffo numbers for our station..... demand for tix to the tapings was tremendous....ratings for the doc were high... And i'm grateful for the opportunity!

I know we don't talk about tape trading here, but it is available on 'the circuit'.



- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"


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« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2004, 12:56:26 PM »
I didn't mean to imply (or flat out say) that serious documentaries covering game shows can't be done. I loved "Big Bucks" and the episode of "The American Experience" on PBS covering the game show scandal is just great television.

It's just that for the two game shows mentioned (HS and MG) "the train has sailed" for a making of documentary and any such "making of" piece made in the 70s featuring these shows would be merely a curiousity.

Still, I'd love to see well made documentaries covering this subject.
Joe Coughlin     