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Author Topic: Leave The Format Alone  (Read 7435 times)


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Leave The Format Alone
« Reply #45 on: June 08, 2004, 07:19:08 PM »
"WLOD" went though its format change, along with replacing Convy with Robb Weller, for only one reason: Because the ratings were going south.

Thought Convy's departure was so he could replace Peter Marshall as host of 3rd Degree...but yeah, everything else that season practically screamed "Help, we need the ratings!".

Here in NY, after a brief trial opposite J! from Sep-Dec. 1988 on WCBS (Ch. 2), WLoD was relegated back to its old overnight slot in mid-season, and it actually moved to WNBC for the final one, also in an overnight slot...any wonder I didn't even know about Weller until reading it in Total Television, or about the changes in set, music, etc. until reruns popped up on USA a coupla yrs later?

Chuck Donegan (The Illustrious "Chuckie Baby")