Thanks for the initial replies. Now let me see if I've got it right...
Rule-wise, I'm still unclear on the details after reading Tim Loogaroo's page. Is the following correct?
- Both players are given the category (no choice, right?), then the booths are isolated.
- Player A picks a point value from 1 to 11, graded by difficulty (and higher-value questions typically involve more than one answer)
- If A answers correctly, she gets the points; an incorrect answer does not deduct points, but gives A one strike.
- Three strikes and the game is immediately stopped, and the player is kicked off the show, handing their opponent victory in the process.
- Strikes are cumulative -- if a champion has accumulated two strikes during their stay, they are in sudden-death: their next incorrect answer will mean immediate elimination. There is no way to lose strikes.
- If three strikes haven't been reached, we isolate A and move to B; they pick a point value and answer the question.
- Similar to round 1, except we now have the possibility that a player will reach 21 on their second question, winning the game. (Exception: If A gets 21 and B has at least 10 points, B is given the chance to play -- without any information that A has 21 -- in order to reach 21.)
- When the round is over, if one player has 21 and the other doesn't, the former wins the game.
- If both players have 21, a toss-up question determines the winner.
- If neither player has 21, the game continues:
- Once the question phase is over, each player gets asked (in isolation) whether they want to stop the game.
- If either answers "yes", the game is stopped and the highest scorer wins, regardless of who asked to stop.If both are tied, we play a tie-breaker toss-up.
- If neither player wants to stop, we move on to round 3.
- Played exactly like round 2.
- Played exactly like round 2, except there is no point in asking players if they want to stop -- the game will end at the end of this round regardless.
- Once per game, a player may call upon their Second Chance "lifeline" after hearing their question, but before answering. This summons a player's friend, who had been sequestered backstage, to confer with the player for a set amount of time. If a player answers incorrectly on a Second Chance, they lose two lifelines.
There is no limit to a champion's winnings or number of games. (This will apply next fall: it was confirmed in the TVA press release I uncovered B^)
There is no way to predict how much cash and/or prizes TVA intends to give away, and what the bonus game format will be. Similarly, we have no indication whether they will use straight-answer or multiple-choice, and how hard the questions will be.
So, do I have all the rules right? Are there corrections?
Once we get the rules nailed down, I can comment on your strategies. Thanks again for your help.