[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' date=\'Jun 8 2004, 11:37 AM\'][quote name=\'Radiofreewill\' date=\'Jun 8 2004, 07:58 AM\'] No! By 2014, the show will be hosted by Bob Barker's Head-In-A-Jar, Rich gets promoted to holder of said head, and Randy will be the announcer. [/quote]
Not just "LOL", I actually laughed out loud at that one!
My only recollection of OJ's affect on game shows:
Ryan Seacrest and I are outdoors in 100 degree heat at the Burbank Equestrian Center with about 100 grade schoolers as we try to tape some crazy polo-like game with kids on the backs of donkeys for "Wild Animal Games" (the original "dog and pony show"). The Donkeys want nothing more than to stand still in the shade, and refuse to move. The Humane Society is watching to be sure that no stagehands kick their asses. I'm supposed to keep 92 of these kids cheering for their 8 classmates, but they would prefer to be whining from standing in the hot sun for over 2 hours. I'm using cold sugar-laced juice drink to encouage participation. The fragrance of donkey shit fills the humid air.
Meanwhile the audio guy has hooked up a boom box to the PA system so we can hear the OJ verdict. "Not guilty". Now the adults are all bitching and moaning also. The donkeys still wont move, and we're losing sunlight. I never wanted to be home more than I did that afternoon.[/quote]
Sorry to hear that you had to work with an ass, Randy--and that's just Seacrest.

Thank you--I'll be here all week--tip your waitress.