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Author Topic: The Price Is Right Reruns Question  (Read 9329 times)

Steve Gavazzi

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The Price Is Right Reruns Question
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2004, 07:48:21 AM »
[quote name=\'Dsmith\' date=\'Jun 30 2004, 10:36 PM\'] [quote name=\'Steve Gavazzi\' date=\'Jun 30 2004, 09:29 PM\'] [quote name=\'irismason42\' date=\'Jun 30 2004, 04:12 PM\'] I was looking at those fabulous pictures of TPIR episodes past and present, and some photos at golden-road.net's Remember When Gallery has the episodes taken from GSN, when an episode of the daytime Price episode from 1986 came on as a Thursday airing with the BBB played with no sign at all with Bob and Janice almost got zapped, it was reran with WinTV. [/quote]
In an attempt to make an intelligent response to this (and since I don't feel like rummaging through the gallery right now)...how do you conclude that it aired on a Thursday? [/quote]
For once in Iris' life; (s)he is right.
The Price it Right had the following rerun cycle for most of the time it was on GSN, sans the later part of the run when they showed strictly 1983..

Monday: 76-78
Tues: 78-80
Wed: 81-82
Thurs: 84-86
Fri: 91-92 [/quote]
 Ah.  My bad.  For some reason, I thought she was talking about CBS.