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Author Topic: Another Wheel of Fortune Question  (Read 12537 times)


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Another Wheel of Fortune Question
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2004, 08:52:52 PM »
[quote name=\'STYDfan\' date=\'Jun 18 2004, 07:41 PM\'] I think that is one of the most asinine assumptions I've ever seen anyone make. I think that Mr. Horan is one of the few worthwhile posters on these boards, and it is a travesty that you or anyone one of the many overrated posters (Mr. Lemon and Mr. Smith especially) are allowed to verbally assault him time and again out pure spite and jealousy. You would think that on a game show discussion board, that someone knowledgeable in game shows would be somewhat popular, but because of the immaturity of many posters that is not the case.

It annoys me when people complain that Mr. Horan adds things that people didn't ask for, but don't mind when Mr. Lemon adds nothing to a discussion but a hateful, sarcastic, searing dart aimed at someone's post (usually Mr. Horan). As far as I'm concerned every person on these boards should strive to be more like Zach Horan. I'm not suggesting that everyone become a walking encyclopedia of useless game show knowledge, but I am saying that more people should be courteous, informative, and pleasant. That would make things so much better around here. [/quote]
 Why, yes, of course you're right.  I need a new role model, and that person should obviously be someone who's made an entire online career out of -- let's see here -- memorizing every moment of every game show that's been broadcast in the past 30+ years, posting the most minute details about said moments even when they have no relevance whatsoever to the discussion at hand, being annoying, and taking pride in said annoyance.

How could I have been so misguided?  I must resolve to improve myself.  From this moment forward, in addition to my regular AIM nickname DaveZinkin, I can be reached at the moniker PostingJust2Post.

Thank you, STDfan, for showing me the way.  You break the wind beneath my wings.


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Another Wheel of Fortune Question
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2004, 09:04:15 PM »
[quote name=\'STYDfan\' date=\'Jun 18 2004, 06:41 PM\'] [quote name=\'dzinkin\' date=\'Jun 16 2004, 02:03 PM\'][quote name=\'adamjk\' date=\'Jun 16 2004, 02:56 PM\'] Well maybe you didn't actually say it, but you kinda implied it. [/quote]
You mean in the way you "kinda imply" that everything you see, hear, or read, no matter what the source, is reliable enough that you should post it here?  Adam, Brandon didn't "kinda imply" anything.  He simply asked Zach a question -- a question that Zach should answer, and would answer if he cared about anyone other than himself.

Adam, I sincerely believe that you, unlike Zach, actually want to be a good citizen here.  Please don't prove me wrong.[/quote]
I think that is one of the most asinine assumptions I've ever seen anyone make. I think that Mr. Horan is one of the few worthwhile posters on these boards, and it is a travesty that you or anyone one of the many overrated posters (Mr. Lemon and Mr. Smith especially) are allowed to verbally assault him time and again out pure spite and jealousy. You would think that on a game show discussion board, that someone knowledgeable in game shows would be somewhat popular, but because of the immaturity of many posters that is not the case.

It annoys me when people complain that Mr. Horan adds things that people didn't ask for, but don't mind when Mr. Lemon adds nothing to a discussion but a hateful, sarcastic, searing dart aimed at someone's post (usually Mr. Horan). As far as I'm concerned every person on these boards should strive to be more like Zach Horan. I'm not suggesting that everyone become a walking encyclopedia of useless game show knowledge, but I am saying that more people should be courteous, informative, and pleasant. That would make things so much better around here. [/quote]
 Well, STYDfan, you just issued an open invitation for the very kind of conduct you condemn.  You're going to reap what you've sown, and I'm going to laugh as I read all about it.  I don't feel sorry for you for one instant.  

However, I'm going to take the higher ground here and just say that you ROYALLY screwed up!  You obviously conveniently forgot, don't remember, or just plain weren't around when Zach pulled his BS in the ATGS room.  Even people who were generally civil in there fell over themselves to criticize Zach for his behavior.  We're talking about a guy who took the moniker ZHIFOS and turned in into his OWN screenname!!!  If that doesn't tell you how out-of-touch this guy is, I don't know what will.

Let me put it another way:  I teach European government at a major state university.  I do know my material, but I couldn't tell you the name, constituency, political party, and spread of votes for every candidate for the British House of Commons last general election.   Yes, I do spend a great deal of time at study, but I also get off my ass and go do things out of doors.  I go have a beer or three or four or five on a Friday night.  I don't make government the center of my life.  For Zach, game shows is really an unhealthy obsession.

Let me put it yet another way:  Saying that Zach Horan is a "worthwhile poster" (excuse me while I laugh hysterically!) is like saying that Osama bin Laden is not a terrorist, he's just misunderstood.  Come to think of it, the Marines ought to recruit Zach.  He could drive ObL out of that cave all by himself!


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Another Wheel of Fortune Question
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2004, 09:22:06 PM »
Greatest. Post. Ever. Dixonesque, if I may go so far. :)

I can't INVENT material like this. Can we put this one in the Archives, guys? I know I'm gonna wanna read it again one day. :)

What would be the point? You wouldn't learn anything then, just the same as now. I take great offense in being compared to someone who has posted unjokingly that he wants game shows to air first run at the possible expense of others' lives. That kind of thoughtless, disjointed logic, however, is characteristic of you.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. But, If you think the bashing of certain people is bad here, I guess you weren't around for ATGS from 2000-02, when we had far worse bashing of those people than is allowed here. We had a "mystery poster" exposing people's personal lives, plus certain people who don't bash others anymore were bashing people everytime they posted. I've stuck around eight years despite the bashing, even if it is sometimes warranted.

I know that there were plenty of goings on at that older board, and that you weren't the poster you are now, but I don't care. All I know is that right now I am often impressed by your knowledge of game shows, and feel that you are wrongfully slighted often.

That's it. I'm devoting the rest of my life to being a walking encyclopedia of game show minutiae, since we know all the chicks love a guy who can summarize what happened during the second segment of the 2/12/1985 episode of Time Machine. I'm also going to be oblivious to everybody's criticisms. Just call me by my new nickname from now on--PJTP.

I must agree with the esteemed Mr. Lemon. This was an excellent post.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have used bold letters, because it obviously blinded you to the fact that that was the complete opposite of what I was saying! Does anybody here really take the time to examine other points of view?

For the future, Mr. Zinkin, my screen name is STYDfan. I would appreciate it if you would follow your stubbornness with at least some correct information. Your slight did not go unnoticed.

You all may continue with your shots, but I will retract nothing. I meant every word I typed.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2004, 09:28:54 PM by STYDfan »


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Another Wheel of Fortune Question
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2004, 09:48:22 PM »
[quote name=\'hmtriplecrown\' date=\'Jun 18 2004, 07:20 PM\'] since we know all the chicks love a guy who can summarize what happened during the second segment of the 2/12/1985 episode of Time Machine. [/quote]
 BTW, what did happen on the second segment of the 2/12 episode of "Time Machine"? Cause my wife said that if I knew, I had a real good shot at gettin' some nookie tonight.

On a more serious note, everyone take a deep breath and chill out. This is NOT worth a war of words and flames....

STYDfan raises a good point. We all want to be 'knowledgeable' game show historians, yet we slam ZH for his absolute rain-man-esque ability to spout useless info.

Does ZH have it coming to him for being 'knowledgeable'? No. He gets it coming to him when he's obnoxious about it, or thinks that's he's in on the joke. He ain't in on it. More often than not, he is it.

And the same goes for posters who try to pass themselves off as 'holier than thou'.
As in:

Hey, I posted the J! results before everyone else! I'm Holier than thou!

Hey, I know what color Vanna's thong was on the 12/22/84 ep of Wheel! I'm holier than thou!

Hey, I post 3.6 more messages a day than everyone else! I'm holier than thou!

The message is the same. Want to be respected around here? Don't spout off crap. Keep your messages intelligent, and your facts straight. Don't post just to post. Intelligence around here will catch on. Obnoxiousness or stupidity won't.


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"


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Another Wheel of Fortune Question
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2004, 10:05:20 PM »
[quote name=\'tvwxman\' date=\'Jun 18 2004, 09:48 PM\']STYDfan raises a good point. We all want to be 'knowledgeable' game show historians, yet we slam ZH for his absolute rain-man-esque ability to spout useless info.

Does ZH have it coming to him for being 'knowledgeable'? No. He gets it coming to him when he's obnoxious about it, or thinks that's he's in on the joke. He ain't in on it. More often than not, he is it.[/quote]
Well said, Matt.

In almost 15 years on the 'net, I've been on more boards than I care to remember -- and I don't know of any other group that would have tolerated someone who posts for the sole purpose of self-gratification and admits it.  Sure, people have gotten away with a lot when it comes to criticizing Zach, but Zach himself has gotten away with a lot more than he would anywhere else.

I've often marveled at the amount of information Zach knows, but I'm equally amazed at the fact that he chooses to do things that he knows are annoying to people.  And flat-out lying about it -- most notably, his claims that he can't control himself when it's known that he can and chooses not to -- doesn't endear him to others either.  No, I don't think Zach should be constantly bashed.  But I don't think that criticizing what he does, as opposed to who he is, is out of line in the least.  Setting a good example is indeed important, but letting others know what example not to follow is equally important, as we all saw when numerous trolls copied Zach's inanities word for word, over and over again.  Two of said trolls, taking their cues directly from Zach, eventually overflowed ATGS to the point where we had to find refuge in a private board.

And that is the last I'm saying on the matter, except to say that I hope to God that the killfile function comes soon.   I won't use it -- Zach's long since ceased to annoy me, as several surgeries have taught me what's really important in life, and Zach is not it -- but liberating those he does annoy from having to see his "masterpieces" will be a godsend to us all.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2004, 10:32:38 PM by dzinkin »


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Another Wheel of Fortune Question
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2004, 01:09:01 AM »
[quote name=\'DrJWJustice\' date=\'Jun 18 2004, 09:04 PM\']I go have a beer or three or four or five on a Friday night. [/quote]
Damn, you're resilient, JW. After all the bitching and sniping going on here, it'd take a minimum of a 12-pack for me to readjust.

Now, coming from a newer member who's not yet familiar with anyone here: Entertaining as it is to see tournament-caliber flamethrowing among members, I have to object to it. I want to talk about game shows, not about how desperate some people are for lives or how annoying a member is. Until a Flameboard gets made for the express purpose of slamming other members (or until we appoint a qualified psychiatrist), I don't want to hear it. People get obsessive sometimes. We all do, about something. But nobody's got any right to publicly criticize or belittle someone for their obsessions or behaviors, no matter how extreme. OK: someone knows exactly who won what on any particular show you name from any broadcast date. If the info being imparted happens to be relevant to the thread, fine. I'm all for seeing a post on it. If not, I'll likely just ignore the post. Could be I'm missing something (I did say I was new here, after all), but why not take up issues with other members privately and let the other members enjoy the Forum in peace? It may not be as much fun for the critics as public ridicule, but it makes the Forum a lot easier to come home to, so to speak.
Now ease up on each other.

Peace out, rant off.