Well, I've been watching the show ever since season 2, and, to me, it's still compelling TV (then again, there ain't much else on during the summer).
I may be one of the only people that doesn't like the \"X\" factor, though; the original formula for the show was fine as is, and, trust me, there were plenty of fights, romances, friendships, whatever to go around with just the 12 total strangers!
Also, where do they find all these whiney people? I thought it was hilarious when they were complaining after losing meat in a food competition; my mom turned to me and said, \"They should go on 'Survivor;' then, they'll know what it's really like to be without food!\" Not only that, but that girl Allison is getting on my nerves: boyfriend this, boyfriend that, my life sucks, I want to be faithful to my boyfriend who'll break up with me but I'll still flirt with my ex anyway.
However, that getting-on-the-nerves part is part of what I think keeps the show compelling; you want to watch just to see if that person you hate finally gets what's coming to them! The same goes for \"Survivor\" and all reality shows: negative attention is just as effective, if not more so, than positive.
As far as keeping the show on the air goes, it'll be around for a while: it's airing in a prime spot (summertime) and still pulls in pretty decent ratings. A lot of people say that three eps. a week is overkill, but, considering the show airs three months a year, I think it's far from!
I think CBS did a good job with retooling the show for BB2, taking some elements that obviously worked with \"Survivor.\" Trust me, folks, this is one of a lot of people's guilty pleasures (at least, among people I know), so I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon!