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Author Topic: Here is your first subject...  (Read 2789 times)


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Here is your first subject...
« on: June 21, 2004, 10:49:19 PM »
In mid-December 2003 I posted a small FLASHgame to my LiveJournal. One of the guys who saw it and tried it out asked if I could do Pyramid.

I started and had a poor shell done in a week. Then I got frustrated and confused and left it alone. I revisited it 4 months later and have completed a full working $25,000 Pyramid control.

I've DLed particleman's Feud presentation software and it is totally awesome. I bow to your FLASH greatness sir. However, I'm on dial-up (as are many people) and waiting 45 minutes to download a game (that I can't "play" in the traditional sense) left me kind of cold.

I'd like to try BigJon's TPiR game but I understand you need a fast computer and WinXP. Not to mention a broadband connection to download.

So, my version isn't meant to usurp particleman's Pyramid software (and I hope it doesn't replace it, his'll look amazing, I'm sure!)

My Pyramid control is tiny. The zip file is about 500Kb and includes 3 fonts to install (if you have to), the games, a control sheet and a ReadMe file.

So, foolishly, I invite you to download it and try it. I know it isn't fancy but it's a pretty good representation and will run on pretty much any computer that runs Win9x.

Now, before I give you the link, here's where I tell you what the other guys won't. If you don't like how it looks or sounds...delete it and leave me alone with your complaints. It's not meant to be a duplication of the Sierra game or a photorealistic pyramid set complete with announcer and hostbot.

You're not paying anything for it and I'm certainly not getting anything for doing it. Complaints about pretty much anything except for the mechanics aren't appreciated. If I were being paid, yeah, I might care more about how it looks...but I'm not.

Try it out if you want. The $25,000 Pyramid Control

Sorry for being testy but I'm sick and tired of whiners and complainers on this board, and other boards, when a color isn't right or a sound effect is 0.0002Hz out of frequency. It's very frustrating to read, and it's doubly frustrating when you're the person who worked hard to produce the game in the first place.
QWIZX.com  -- A little bit of everything


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« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2004, 10:28:44 PM »
Speaking of Flashgames, there was one in particular that I was directed to and had bookmarked, and I LOVED it--no complaints from me at all about how accurate the repro was.  But now it appears to be gone and I wish I knew what happened.
"Disconnect her buzzer...disconnect EVERYONE'S buzzer!"

--Alex Trebel

Kevin Prather

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« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2004, 12:55:48 AM »
Hey! Good job, Jay! Not bad at all!

One thing that should be noted, however: both the clocks run slow.

Other than that, keep up the good work!


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« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2004, 10:47:03 PM »
[quote name=\'whoserman\' date=\'Jun 22 2004, 11:55 PM\']Hey! Good job, Jay! Not bad at all!

One thing that should be noted, however: both the clocks run slow.

Other than that, keep up the good work![/quote]
Thanks for the kind words...and pointing out a "real" problem.  :)

I was tempted to say "tahellwitit" since that flaw didn't give any advantages to any one player. But I did revise it and now the WC clock is pretty much right on and the main game clock is around 1s slow.

It's been updated, same place as before. Thanks for tryin it out!
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« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2004, 10:08:04 PM »
[quote name=\'JayDLewis\' date=\'Jun 21 2004, 09:49 PM\'] In mid-December 2003 I posted a small FLASHgame to my LiveJournal. One of the guys who saw it and tried it out asked if I could do Pyramid.

I started and had a poor shell done in a week. Then I got frustrated and confused and left it alone. I revisited it 4 months later and have completed a full working $25,000 Pyramid control.

I've DLed particleman's Feud presentation software and it is totally awesome. I bow to your FLASH greatness sir. However, I'm on dial-up (as are many people) and waiting 45 minutes to download a game (that I can't "play" in the traditional sense) left me kind of cold.

I'd like to try BigJon's TPiR game but I understand you need a fast computer and WinXP. Not to mention a broadband connection to download.

So, my version isn't meant to usurp particleman's Pyramid software (and I hope it doesn't replace it, his'll look amazing, I'm sure!)

My Pyramid control is tiny. The zip file is about 500Kb and includes 3 fonts to install (if you have to), the games, a control sheet and a ReadMe file.

So, foolishly, I invite you to download it and try it. I know it isn't fancy but it's a pretty good representation and will run on pretty much any computer that runs Win9x.

Now, before I give you the link, here's where I tell you what the other guys won't. If you don't like how it looks or sounds...delete it and leave me alone with your complaints. It's not meant to be a duplication of the Sierra game or a photorealistic pyramid set complete with announcer and hostbot.

You're not paying anything for it and I'm certainly not getting anything for doing it. Complaints about pretty much anything except for the mechanics aren't appreciated. If I were being paid, yeah, I might care more about how it looks...but I'm not.

Try it out if you want. The $25,000 Pyramid Control

Sorry for being testy but I'm sick and tired of whiners and complainers on this board, and other boards, when a color isn't right or a sound effect is 0.0002Hz out of frequency. It's very frustrating to read, and it's doubly frustrating when you're the person who worked hard to produce the game in the first place. [/quote]
 You don't have to apologize to me for releasing a game show I'm planning on doing.  Neither of us own the rights to Pyramid and neither of us are doing it for the money.

One thing though about the slight accusation being made that I leave dial-up people in the cold.  This is quite the contrary.  I work really hard to make my games as compact as possible and have to sacrafice things like correct music loops, recycling graphics, etc. to keep the file size down.  I feel the file sizes are well within the reach of standard dial-up users.  Most dial-up users are willing to wait for good software.  Besides, I'm a dial-up user myself and feel if I can spend an hour uploading it, no one else will mind spending an hour downloading it.

I didn't take your comment as a direct insult and certainly don't want to cause a fuss.  I just felt this needed to be said as I constantly struggle with the balance of features and file size.


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« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2004, 11:08:15 PM »
I want to publicly apologize if I insulted you in anyway.

I had no idea you're a dial-up user as well. And yes, people will wait for good software. (and it *IS* good software!)
QWIZX.com  -- A little bit of everything


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« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2004, 07:31:20 AM »
[quote name=\'JayDLewis\' date=\'Jun 24 2004, 10:08 PM\'](and it *IS* good software!)[/quote]
Not only is it good software, it's just about the best piece of GS software I've ever seen (commercial or otherwise).  The attention to detail astonishes me and I'm very detail oriented so I look at things like this with a close eye.  It's hard to believe that this is a home grown program.  The graphics, music cues and the "look" of the game are just quite simply...stunningly accurate.

I want to personally thank particleman (and everyone else who does this sort of thing) for his efforts.  It's so cool that there are those among us that can give us a way to indulge our game show geekiness. :-)

« Last Edit: June 25, 2004, 07:32:07 AM by ITSBRY »


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« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2004, 08:22:08 AM »
[quote name=\'JayDLewis\' date=\'Jun 24 2004, 10:08 PM\'] I want to publicly apologize if I insulted you in anyway.

I had no idea you're a dial-up user as well. And yes, people will wait for good software. (and it *IS* good software!) [/quote]
 No offense taken!


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« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2004, 11:04:06 AM »
[quote name=\'JayDLewis\' date=\'Jun 21 2004, 09:49 PM\'] Sorry for being testy but I'm sick and tired of whiners and complainers on this board, and other boards, when a color isn't right or a sound effect is 0.0002Hz out of frequency. It's very frustrating to read, and it's doubly frustrating when you're the person who worked hard to produce the game in the first place. [/quote]
 All differences aside, I know where you're coming from. Putting up with it for 4 1/2 years, it just becomes white noise after awhile. ;)

Good job.