Hey all,
A while back, when the first version of Particleman's superb FF software came out, I came across a site called "Family Feud Recorded Surveys". It was a whole page of FF Q's & A's taken from various shows. I am hosting a game night and when I went to look up the site, my bookmark had been deleted. I Googled it and had no luck. If anyone could point me in the direction of this site, that would be great. I am sick of altering Endless' question book to make the surveys work well. It takes forever if I take questions from that book because the numbers are so radical.
Also, I am thinking about adding Card Sharks as a featured game to this game night. If there anyone knows of any sites with CS survey questions, please let me know, because that would really help me out. If not, I could always modify the FF questions or take my camcorder and go out and tape some scenarios
