I have a few similar K-Mart stories.
K-Mart is switching the aisles they have the board games in in my area and getting ready for new stock. I have two K-Marts in my area. One has already started the switch, and has put the new tags on the shelf (TPiR being one of them). The other K-Mart is not even close to switching stock, but they have their new tags sitting in the toy dept in a big stack. I went to the one that already has started moving things and saw the TPiR tag on the shelf ($12.99), but no games were there. I was told that is was coming soon as well as the other games that had tags but no stock (it's really an odd looking aisle right now in said K-Mart). Before I went to the one that is on the ball, I went to the one that is behind on their stock, where I secretly picked up their pad of new tags, read through them and found the TPiR tag. I put the tags down and it just so happend the manager of the toy dept. was stocking a few aisles over. I asked her if she knew when they would begin to stock the TPiR game and she told me that she has "Never heard of a Price Is Right board game and was "flabbergasted because she was the toy manager" and "I must be mistaken". She wasn't a very nice person about it. I didn't tell her I read the tag and I just walked away laughing, knowing she'll see the tag sometime.