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Author Topic: What do you think?  (Read 1219 times)


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  • Posts: 294
What do you think?
« on: July 13, 2004, 05:11:37 PM »
Let me preface this by saying I won't know what happens until 7pm EDT when tonights J! airs in Pittsburgh, but I'm curious to see what some of you all think...

With Ken being a shade over $27k away from hitting the seven-figure club...and knowing full well that he's had wins in that general dollar-figure area...

How many here thinks that if conditions are right, Ken will wager just enough on FJ! to finish today @ an even $1M (Wether it be by a correct response in FJ! or an incorrect response.)

IMO, I'd think it would be neat if he did just that, but my mindset tells me that he won't do itfor the same reasons he isn't attempting to crack the one-day record of $52k (I won't mention the reason why here for anyone who didn't see the interview on The Early Show this morning.  I know the reason was posted over in the "Show Summaries" section, if anyone want's to find out why)