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Author Topic: Game show resurgence:  (Read 8341 times)


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Game show resurgence:
« on: July 16, 2004, 06:21:17 PM »
Since some of you are avoiding the show summaries so as not to catch any Jeopardy! spoilers, you may have missed the following interesting question posted by  sotcfan2004    in one of the posts, so if nobody minds a bit of cross-posting, I'll bring it over here for a new thread:
One thing that had crossed my mind: does anybody think that Ken's J! streak will rekindle any interest in TV game shows? I think the reality phenomenon is losing steam, and it might just be time to get back to basics. Opinions? Criticism?

As for me, I really have my doubts; it might get one or two an extra look in syndication, but I think the networks are so tied into what they have and the execs are so anti-game it won't help.
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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2004, 06:27:21 PM »
Of course, back in 1990,  the trend was to try and "take away Jeopardy's
 older and less fickle viewers"  with The Challengers, The Quiz Kids Challenge,
 Trump Card, The Joker's Wild,  and Tic Tac Dough.....ratings-wise, we all
 know what happened......


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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2004, 08:30:56 PM »
I'd really like to see the return of game shows (WoF (w/shopping) and HSQ, mainly) in NBC (or network) daytime. Since Millionaire, the networks keep attempting to put their game shows in primetime, all of which failed. When did the last network daytime gameshow premiere?
It won't happen, though. I think we're more likely to see the return of "Hello, Larry" in syndication.

Don Howard

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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2004, 09:52:52 PM »
[quote name=\'1978-Jeopardy\' date=\'Jul 16 2004, 07:30 PM\'] I think we're more likely to see the return of "Hello, Larry" in syndication. [/quote]
 For a look at Kim Richards again, I wouldn't mind that one bit. I'll have to content myself with my copy of Tuff Turf.


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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2004, 09:59:15 PM »
On Kim Richards.....agreed!!


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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2004, 10:13:39 PM »
Nothing against our precious "Hello, Larry" or your precious Kim Richards, I liked that show! I just don't think we're likely to see it again, along with game shows on the networks during daytime (disreguarding TPIR).


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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2004, 02:45:22 AM »
[quote name=\'1978-Jeopardy\' date=\'Jul 16 2004, 07:30 PM\'] I'd really like to see the return of game shows (WoF (w/shopping) and HSQ, mainly) in NBC (or network) daytime. Since Millionaire, the networks keep attempting to put their game shows in primetime, all of which failed. When did the last network daytime gameshow premiere?
It won't happen, though. I think we're more likely to see the return of "Hello, Larry" in syndication. [/quote]
 Unfortunately, I agree. I think the only thing that will survive in daytime are soaps and TPiR. If and when ABC cancels The View, that timeslot will probably go back to the affiliates, just like NBC did with "Leeza" a few years ago. I'd LOVE to see a daytime lineup with games, not wall-to-wall, but I'd be content with a 9 am to noon block of games, then do soaps in the afternoon. I can compromise, but obviously, I can also dream. :-)

BTW, the last daytime premiere was "Caesar's Challenge," 1993.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2004, 04:00:21 AM »
[quote name=\'rmfromfla\' date=\'Jul 16 2004, 05:27 PM\'] Of course, back in 1990,  the trend was to try and "take away Jeopardy's
 older and less fickle viewers"  with The Challengers, The Quiz Kids Challenge,
 Trump Card, The Joker's Wild,  and Tic Tac Dough.....ratings-wise, we all
 know what happened...... [/quote]
 Trump Card wasn't a bad game, but it got old really fast because it didn't really offer much, IMO, to feast the mind.  The Jokers' Wild and Tic Tac Dough both suffered from some of the worst MC'ing in game show history, not to mention screwing with the format (more a problem for TJW) when it wasn't necessary.  I never saw Quiz Kids Challenge, so no comment there.  

The Challengers, OTOH, I found really enjoyable as a J! alternative.  It had plenty of play-along value, plus enough big risks with $$$ to keep me on the edge of my seat.  I think it deserves another chance.  (side note:  this is generally credited as a revival of the Who What or Where Game).  

OK, now for the question of reviving interest in game shows ... we saw this in late 1999/early 2000.  Does anyone remember Winning Lines (US version), the revived Twenty-One and Greed?  The last of the three was the most successful of the games that came about in a bid to counter Millionaire.  All three stopped production within a year, the first two within less than three months.  Ken Jennings has sparked interest in J!, but I don't see a game show revival coming about just because of a single contestant's improbable but spectacular run.  I really hate to say it, but I do expect the show's ratings to decline some once Ken suffers his inevitable defeat (and may that be many, many shows down the line).


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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2004, 06:42:28 AM »
I disagree with a lot of you...call me an optomist, but I really do believe that the suits in Hollywood are watching this Ken Jennings guy, and their brains are spinning....Let's get a big money quiz show that has the potential to keep players on the air for weeks! The PR engines would go into overtime!

Think about it...what other game shows on the air offer long time returning champs....these days, there aren't many shows that offer returning champs period!

J!'s quick ratings rise due to our friend Ken proves how quickly folks can jump on the game show bandwagon, and even though it may not pay off in the right demos, it does pay off in higher ad rates....especially in the July sweeps month.

My prediction : Fall 2005 sees at least one new game show in syndication that has the potential for unlimited winnings.

I just hope it's not the All New Million Dollar Dating Game.


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"

Jimmy Owen

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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2004, 08:44:23 AM »
I think you may be on to something- "The Dating Game" with returning champs!
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2004, 08:44:26 AM »
[quote name=\'tvwxman\' date=\'Jul 17 2004, 05:42 AM\'] I disagree with a lot of you...call me an optomist, but I really do believe that the suits in Hollywood are watching this Ken Jennings guy, and their brains are spinning....Let's get a big money quiz show that has the potential to keep players on the air for weeks! The PR engines would go into overtime!
 I'd love to share your optimism, but recent history of the so-called 'game show bandwagon' hasn't been on your side.  Again, I point to the two flops of 2000.  At least Greed produced enough episodes to warrant airing repeats on GSN.  Even then, I can't say it was as successful as Millionaire.  I'm a bit concerned that concepts will go to air before they've really been thought through and tweaked to the points where the games are playable without obvious flaws in them.

It would be fantastic if you were right, but like I said, history's not on the side of your optimism.


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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2004, 10:35:04 AM »
[quote name=\'DrJWJustice\' date=\'Jul 17 2004, 07:44 AM\']
I'd love to share your optimism, but recent history of the so-called 'game show bandwagon' hasn't been on your side.  Again, I point to the two flops of 2000.  At least Greed produced enough episodes to warrant airing repeats on GSN.  Even then, I can't say it was as successful as Millionaire.  I'm a bit concerned that concepts will go to air before they've really been thought through and tweaked to the points where the games are playable without obvious flaws in them.
 You're right about past history....and you've hit the nail on the head with execs who are too quick to pull the trigger when it comes to rushing a game on the air, and rushing a game off the air...both seen back in 2000.....

Fact of the matter is ....Greed should have had a longer life.....Winning Lines should never have had one...we're glad it did , but remember, Les Moonves himself said the show got on the air ONLY to capitalize on the Millionaire craze...

That said, syndication is a different animal....shows are thought out well in advance, and sold to stations long before they air....and though I don't forsee any prime time games anytime soon... I think next fall will bring syndie games for us...

Question for the game show experts in the biz...where is Liar? and will What the Blank? see the light of day?



- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"


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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2004, 01:24:01 PM »
[quote name=\'tvwxman\' date=\'Jul 17 2004, 09:35 AM\'] That said, syndication is a different animal....shows are thought out well in advance, and sold to stations long before they air....and though I don't forsee any prime time games anytime soon... I think next fall will bring syndie games for us...

Question for the game show experts in the biz...where is Liar? and will What the Blank? see the light of day?
 Speakin' o' which, now might be just the opportunity to write to Sony and say, "Hey, you remember that Pyramid revival you pulled from the air recently?..."

Naw, it won't happen, but it's a thought.

Ian Wallis

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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2004, 01:25:02 PM »
Since Millionaire, the networks keep attempting to put their game shows in primetime, all of which failed. When did the last network daytime gameshow premiere?

Aren't some of the ABC O&O's airing "Millionaire" at 12:30?  Maybe it's not the same as being on the full network, but it might be a start towards daytime if ratings prove successful.
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Game show resurgence:
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2004, 01:31:08 PM »
[quote name=\'DrJWJustice\' date=\'Jul 17 2004, 12:24 PM\'][quote name=\'tvwxman\' date=\'Jul 17 2004, 09:35 AM\'] That said, syndication is a different animal....shows are thought out well in advance, and sold to stations long before they air....and though I don't forsee any prime time games anytime soon... I think next fall will bring syndie games for us...

Question for the game show experts in the biz...where is Liar? and will What the Blank? see the light of day?
Speakin' o' which, now might be just the opportunity to write to Sony and say, "Hey, you remember that Pyramid revival you pulled from the air recently?..."

Naw, it won't happen, but it's a thought.[/quote]
I would add, "And this time, could you get Sande Stewart and Dick Clark to produce?"  Maybe that way, the game might be played and judged more like it was in the '80s, and the show would look more like the Pyramid and less like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.