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Author Topic: And now, from the crappiest set preposer...  (Read 4932 times)


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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« on: July 13, 2003, 04:41:51 AM »
Name (I don't have one yet)

(REFER TO THIS LINK FOR VISUAL REFERECNCE http://www.geocities.com/antpollreisz/pilo...l?1055670237000 )

Front Game... Between 2 players (Returning Champion, Challenger)

First, a tossup question takes place of one of the 8 categories, the first to answer the question correctly, gains control of the board.

Win by reaching $2500 the first

The board itself has 2 sections.  The top half has a 5-digit readout, and the bottom has a PYL-esque 9 boxes linked together.  When a player has control of the board, the board starts to randomize, the top starts spitting out random dollar amounts, and the bottom has 9 boxes, where 2 lights bounce around them (Think PYL board with 2 patterns going at once).  Inside the 9 boxes on the bottom half of the board are 8 categories, and the center is WILD! When the board is stopped (Via a plunger in front of the contestants).  The top half stops first.  It will either land on a random dollar amount ranging between $300 and $1000, OR $$$$$.  After top half stops, the bottom half stops around 2 boxes.  If the bottom half stops around 2 categories, not marked WILD!, then the contestant will choose between the 2 categories for a question to be asked.  If the contestant stopped on “WILD”, all the categories light up, and can be chosen for a question to be asked.  The top half dollar amount will determine how much the question will be asked for.  If the player stops on $$$$$ on the top half, one of the players can win the game, regardless of the score (pending a correct answer of a question.)  Once all this is set up (The category played, and how much it is played for) a buzz in question is asked.  If the player that buzzes in first answers the question correctly, they get the money, and control of the board again.  If they answer the question incorrectly, there opponent gets the money and control automatically.  If nobody buzzes in after 4 seconds, the question is thrown out, and another out of that category is asked.  After the money has been awarded, this process is repeated, until somebody reaches $2500 (wins the game).  The winner gets to keep his/her money, and play the bonus round, the loser only leaves with the money accumulated.

Bonus Game...

The round starts by the top section of the board spinning from anywhere from $7,500 to $20,000 and of course, $$$$$. If the player stops on a dollar amount, that’s how much money there playing for. IF $$$$$ is hit, you play for a progressive jackpot starting at $30,000 and a new car ranging in price from $20,000 to $24,000.

After your top value is hit, you may want to study up on the 8 categories in the front game, because they will be used in the bonus game. The board, this time will have only one light bouncing around the board, on only the 8 categories (\"Wild\" is not used in the bonus round).  You will have 1m: 45s  to stop the board, and answer questions on the categories. When you answer a question correctly on the \"Stopped\" on categories, then that category is “knocked out” of play.  An incorrect answer keeps the catagory in the game.  “Knock out” all of the categories in the time allowed, and you win the money you hit on the top level.
If you run out of time, $500 will be awarded for each category knocked out.

If you fail to win the money you hit on the top portion of the board,  it goes in the jackpot. (for example, you hit $9,350 and before the round starts, there was $55,200 + the car in the jackpot.  You fail to win the bonus round.  The $9,350 goes in the jackpot, making the new jackpot $64,550 + the car.)  If you hit $$$$$ and fail to win, the jackpot is doubled.

A champion is forced to leave the show, after playing 10 games, or winning $350,000 or more in cash and prizes. (But every dollar over that is theres to keep, no matter what)

Sucks, doesen't it?
« Last Edit: July 13, 2003, 05:02:55 AM by whampyl03 »


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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2003, 05:09:05 AM »
[quote name=\'whampyl03\' date=\'Jul 13 2003, 01:41 AM\'] Sucks, doesen't it? [/quote]

(What does he expect me to say?)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2003, 05:15:18 AM »
Well, at least you gave me the truth... I commend you for that...

Brandon Brooks

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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2003, 09:54:31 AM »
It's not that bad... the design that is... but:

1) Why would you even post something if you call it crappy yourself?  
2) You can't handle criticism well at all.  
3) Don't waste your time posting anymore proposals/set designs if you can't take care of 1 and 2.

Brandon Brooks
« Last Edit: July 13, 2003, 12:08:52 PM by Brandon Brooks »


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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2003, 11:54:35 AM »
I might as well get in on criticizing game show proposals since everyone else is doing it.

First off (and this is just common sense talking), if you say it sucks, why post it in the first place?!

Now, about your game, there's just nothing special about it.

The gameplay is this: You hit a button.  From that, you get a money amount and two categories.  You pick a category.  You and your opponent then race to answer a question.  The winner scores money.  Repeat until there is a winner.  That's it.  There are no gimmicks.  The only special thing is the $$$$$ display where you say the game will end right there no matter what.  Either drop that or make it very hard to get or else your game could end with just one question.

The Bonus Round is blah.  First, you hit a button to see how much you're playing for.  Then you must answer 8 questions within 1:45 (Huh?  Why not 1:00 or 1:30?) to win.  Oh, you also have to hit a button in-between questions to pick your next category.  If the player forgets to hit the button after a question, that's time wasted.

Y'know, the main game reminds me of The Joker's Wild:  You spin the wheels, and you get categories.  The value is determined by the number of times a category appears on the machine.  You can pick a category that's on the board or one that's \"off the board\" if there is a Joker.  If there are three Jokers (see: $$$$$), you can win the game right there.

Judges?  BZZZ!  Try again.

Dean Scungio
dscungio@worldnet.att.net (dscungio@worldnet.att.net)
AIM & Y!: dascungio (Note the \"a\"!)

\"It's not how much we give away,
it's the way we do it.\" -Monty Hall

Matt Ottinger

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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2003, 12:38:55 PM »
1) Why would you even post something if you call it crappy yourself?
I tell you, between the self-proclaimed \"crappy\" proposals and the deliberately \"bad\" jokes, it's amazing to me that you people have any ego at all.  How about striving to post something GOOD for a change?
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.

GS Warehouse

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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2003, 12:56:53 PM »
[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' date=\'Jul 13 2003, 11:38 AM\'] How about striving to post something GOOD for a change? [/quote]
 Instead of posting, how about just linking to it?

Now these shouldn't suck.

Robert Hutchinson

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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2003, 02:35:58 PM »
Beyond not being very inspired, I see two big flaws. The first is the whole stopping the board/answering the question setup. You've got one plunger being used for two different things in rapid succession, and it's going to cause lots and lots of confusion. \"Hey, he hit $1000! No, wait, they have to ask both of them a question?\"

The second is the potential length of your main game, and how it affects the budget. I can't imagine a show where at least two bonus rounds weren't played, and three would probably happen fairly often.
Visit my CB radio at www.twitter.com/ertchin


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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2003, 05:06:55 PM »
First off (and this is just common sense talking), if you say it sucks, why post it in the first place?!

Well, I thought it was a OK format, but if I said I had somthing good, I'd sound like a egotistical maniac.  I just wanted you to critique my work.


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And now, from the crappiest set preposer...
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2003, 05:40:14 PM »
[quote name=\'whampyl03\' date=\'Jul 13 2003, 04:06 PM\']
Well, I thought it was a OK format, but if I said I had somthing good, I'd sound like a egotistical maniac.  I just wanted you to critique my work.

 No you wouldn't. At least you would sound like you believe in your concept. For you to say \"Read my crappy proposal,\" it's telling us that you don't give two craps about it, and that neither should we. Now if you say, \"I don't give a damn what you all think; this is the best idea to come out EVER, and nothing you can say will change that,\" then I might have to wonder. :-)
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."