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Author Topic: Pilot Intros  (Read 2839 times)

The Ol' Guy

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Pilot Intros
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2004, 03:21:31 PM »
According to the creator, Tim Walsh, there have been some attempts to create a TriBond game show. I sent him a format some time back he thought was interesting. Personally, it's one of my favorite board games. The last story I read was that there was going to be an attempt to do the game in Britain a couple of years back. Doesn't sound that it made it, that I know of. Just discovered today that Mattel is now distribuiting TriBond, just like they acquired the rights to distribute Balderdash. If the tv version of Balderdash is a success, could a TriBond be far behind? Looks like I'd better re-send my proposal....