[quote name=\'goongas\' date=\'Aug 29 2004, 08:28 PM\']
I will say that I wouldn't put much stock into thinking if you don't receive a postcard immediately that you're doomed. All the evidence I have seen on another Internet board suggests the opposite. Only people that have gotten a "good" PC got it almost immediately (within a week). Also, if your interview goes long, it seems they are at least somewhat interested in you. [/quote]
So could you be a bit more vague about what other board you are referring to?

LOL. Just kidding. But seriously, what other board are you talking about -- we'd all like to know.

I would normally agree with your theory, but my partner interviewed for about 8-9 minutes (long by Millionaire standards from what I saw), and he has heard nothing (good or bad). His 4 weeks are up this Tuesday, so he should get SOMETHING by then.
Plus, our very own Pyrawoman interviewed for Celeb Week, and her interview was longer-than-average, and she is *very* energetic, and photogenic. It must be taken into account that they have a finite amount of slots for Celeb Scoop, so they are being a little more careful about who they choose for that week.
Finally, let's just be a bit more positive until some people at least get SOME news. No sense trying to fulfill a doomsday prophecy, when in actuality none of us knows what's going on behind the scenes. And i don't say that to be sh-tty...I hope it doesn't come off that way.