I'm not sure why I haven't noticed this before, but I noticed sort of an oddity in the rules...
When a team gets 3 strikes and the other team steals, in the Karn version, they're trying to do exactly that, steal the points in the pot. And if they succeed, it doesn't matter how many points the additional response is worth, because all they're doing is stealing the other team's pot. But in the Mexican version, "100 Mexicanos Dijeron" (a Freemantle show, according to the credits), the stealing team also gets the additional points from the stealing response. I noticed that just the other day when Marco pointed out that those additional points would be enough to put their total over 300 for the win (there was only 1 response left unrevealed, and it was the #1). Has the US version always had this rule, or did the Mexican version get their rules fom an older US version?
Other than that one oddity, I have to say the Mexican version is MUCH better, even though I don't understand half of it because my Spanish is still so weak. Regil is a better host than Karn, Anderson, or Dawson (yeah, I know, ANYONE could be better than Anderson). I like that they remind the contestants that 100 people were surveyed, etc. like Dawson used to do. Karn only does it when it's something other than "100 people" (such as "100 women"). I like the bonuses for #1 responses in fast money. I like the board in that it doesn't try to mimic the old style, and gives room for multi-word responses. The lollipops are a cool spin. I also like the questions and old clips going to commercials. The old set actually looked Mexican, which makes it cooler than the current one, IMO.