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Author Topic: Cronin Comment on Reality Shows  (Read 7674 times)


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Cronin Comment on Reality Shows
« on: August 16, 2004, 08:25:32 AM »
Interesting story about cable reality networks, with a comment from Rich Cronin that multi-episode reality series haven't done well for GSN:


Personally, I regret that the Mole didn't do so great, though I'm not too distressed about Average Joe. The reason Dog Eat Dog is doing fine, of course, is that it's not a multi-ep reality series at all. It's just a studio game show, a pumped-up version of Beat the Clock with some quizzers thrown in. Each episode is self-contained, so the viewer doesn't have to make a multiweek commitment to a series where the outcome is already known.

At any rate, it doesn't look like repeats of reality series will figure prominently in GSN's future plans. What I'd like to see is the network experiment with, say, a new series of The Mole. I don't think the series concept itself is the problem.

After all, Blackjack and Dodgeball did well for GSN. But it looks like nobody will get big numbers from rerunning multiweek reality sagas that got a lot of exposure on broadcast TV, so the outcome is well-known to most viewers who might be interested.


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Cronin Comment on Reality Shows
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2004, 11:21:54 AM »
[quote name=\'CaseyAbell\' date=\'Aug 16 2004, 05:25 AM\'] What I'd like to see is the network experiment with, say, a new series of The Mole. I don't think the series concept itself is the problem.
 Yeah, but you contradict yourself in the previous paragraph, where you say that the problem is that GSN's viewership isn't willing to make the time investment into an episodic-centric series. You can make the best Mole in the world, it still boils down to no winner until the end.

You cite Blackjack and Dodgeball, but the fact is that these shows, while indeed a means to an end, can also be swallowed in bite-sized chunks for those who are not interested in the overall tournament.

So you may have hit upon the issue - the type of viewer GSN attracts isn't interested in episodic TV. They have an hour they want to kill, and they want to see a complete story or two in that hour. Reinventing Mole, unless you have a way to make it a one-shot hour, isn't gonna fix that.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Cronin Comment on Reality Shows
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2004, 11:42:20 AM »
True, Mole requires a multi-episode commitment, and there's no way I would advise something like a Survivor-style umpteen-week cycle. But a half-dozen weeks? It might work, and it also would be a lot easier on a cable network's budget.

After all, GSN will try something similar with the horse racing show, and that's completely unproven. Mole has compiled a checkered ratings history, but it has shown it can occasionally draw, especially among younger demos. Its poor performance on GSN, though, means the network will almost certainly not venture an original series. Oh well, boo-hoo for moi.

OTOH, it wouldn't amaze me if GSN decided to try a few original eps of Dog Eat Dog. The set costs might be higher than what GSN is accustomed to, but maybe they could rent a natatorium somewhere to get the pool ready-made.


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Cronin Comment on Reality Shows
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2004, 11:52:04 AM »
The set costs might be higher than what GSN is accustomed to, but maybe they could rent a natatorium somewhere to get the pool ready-made.

Because cavorting around all that tile found at a public facility would be so "Dog Eat Dog."

It's a shame "Mole" didn't work out, but I too had trouble watching it. I didn't know what time it was on! I know it's lazy of me not to look it up on Yahoo TV or whatever, but most every show I watch has drilled its time into my head. Why not that? I was miffed I missed the final episode, but oh well.

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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Cronin Comment on Reality Shows
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2004, 11:57:58 AM »
Dog Eat Dog is built on cavorting around...by twenty-something hardbodies in as little clothing as possible. The pool is a big expense, so if you could rent it instead of having to build it, you might be able to shoehorn the show into GSN's limited budget.

Doesn't necessarily have to be a public facility. There are probably some swim clubs around L.A. that wouldn't mind picking up a little rental money. But I'll admit it's a big commitment of production money under any circumstances, compared to Blackjack or Dodgeball.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2004, 11:58:36 AM by CaseyAbell »


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Cronin Comment on Reality Shows
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2004, 12:50:55 PM »
[quote name=\'CaseyAbell\' date=\'Aug 16 2004, 10:42 AM\']OTOH, it wouldn't amaze me if GSN decided to try a few original eps of Dog Eat Dog. The set costs might be higher than what GSN is accustomed to, but maybe they could rent a natatorium somewhere to get the pool ready-made.[/quote]
It would probably depend on whether NBC would want to sell off the BBC license to GSN.  Seems to me that NBC Universal's top priority in first-run production would be to their own channels, not a relatively-piddling cable network owned by Sony and Liberty.

Of course, if they have no more interest in "DED," the license would lapse and BBC Worldwide could then license the format to GSN.

Also, for all we know, the set could still be in storage over at KTLA--including the pool.  They may have to put a new sign on the video screen to replace the Circuit City logo.


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Cronin Comment on Reality Shows
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2004, 01:39:52 PM »
The Dog looks pretty dead (sorry) as far as NBC is concerned. I think they didn't even air three of the episodes. So GSN could probably get the license pretty cheap.

If all or much of the set is still in storage somewhere, that would help keep production costs down. GSN has to scrimp. If there's one thing I learned from my slog through Liberty's 10-Q, it's that GSN is a really skinny shoestring operation.

Maybe the most feasible option would be to license the UK Dog (would that be a bulldog?) episodes and mix them in with the very limited number of American shows.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2004, 01:46:19 PM by CaseyAbell »


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Cronin Comment on Reality Shows
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2004, 05:57:13 PM »
The mole is one series I actually liked.  Wich is why I was hoping it would return in a set time slot so I coudl finally catch Season 2.  Spy TV, Street Smarts, and Dog Eat dog are the only other reality shows that I think are worth checking out on GSN.  Kenny VRS Spenny, and STar Search can go the way of the dodo along with Extreme Dogde Ball as far as I'm concerernd.  Although Star Search can atleast be entertaining at times.

What I wish, is that GSN would merge these shows into timeslots..Classic gameshows from 9-3PM.  Everything from LMAD to Pyramid.  New Shows fro3-7, Love Connection to Russian Rhoulette.  Then new Reality stuff from 7-11, with Millionaire thrown in them iddle. That would get everything nice and organized, in set timeslots, and make most people happy I'd like to think...